If you were to make a gay movie



What would be the best gay movie ever for you?
what kinda of a story do you wanna see?
what genre? Comedy drama? Thriller?
what characters and actors?
tell me because i love filmmaking and i wanna make an indy script :)
I know it's not technically Old Queer cinema, but movies like Go Fish and Jeffrey have a snuggly place in my heart.

So may low key queer representation where queer is just a part of the lead characters. Like, no messaging would be the message.

If I can't get that? The gayest movie ever made. So gay the average movie goer walks in in khaki and waltzes out Liberaci's stylist. Contagiously gay. People two theaters over question their sexuality.

Also. Ester Williams pool choreography.
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It'd be autobiographical about the variety of people who are drawn to a big dick like a magnet. It'd violate most gay, straight and cultural norms. It'll stir every human emotion. The motion picture would be panned and the book banned and burned.

LPSG members would be excommunicated from the site arguing over it. :laughing:

It'd be the greatest film ever made. :cool:
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