Male Bisexuality Acceptance


Cherished Member
Jan 28, 2012
69% Straight, 31% Gay
Ugh, I can't edit the subject line, I meant Acceptance

Mod note: fixed it for you.

As someone else noted, bisexual men get a bad rap. Too often women and the gay community assume a bisexual man is really gay and adjust hasn’t accepted it yet. As a result of the sigma and lack of acceptance men face I wonder;

How many bisexual men are married to or partnered with a women and not out to her or anyone?

How many bisexual men are married to or partnered with a man?

Thoughts or experiences?
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I find from personal experience that young gay men have little tolerance for bisexual men. I'm finding more and more women being accepting of men who swing both ways. I am a huge fan of partners with deep commitments to one another open to bringing in a third and even a fourth to experience sexual pleasure, knowing that their bond with one another is as strong as their desire to experience eroticism with other people.
There's no one 'fit all' answer but my experience of acceptance has largely been down to a generational thing. There are a lot of fellow baby boomers out there who are locked into sexless marriages and their wives or partners and family would never accept their bisexuality. Younger generations are living a more open life. Men are being more honest about their feelings at a younger age, and women much more acceptable. They go into a relationship knowing much more about each other.
There's no one 'fit all' answer but my experience of acceptance has largely been down to a generational thing. There are a lot of fellow baby boomers out there who are locked into sexless marriages and their wives or partners and family would never accept their bisexuality. Younger generations are living a more open life. Men are being more honest about their feelings at a younger age, and women much more acceptable. They go into a relationship knowing much more about each other.
I think you hit the nail in the head. Todays generation has a much more honest way of living and it’s basically normal and ok today which is great. While my wife knows part of this side of me, I still still am not out. And there is nothing wrong with it other than the stigma of when I was younger that was instilled in me.
I'm 75 and bi. I came out gay at 28, and although I've had several long-term gay relationships, I've always maintained some sexual interest in women. In the past, I had some gay friends who demeaned me for this. My response to that is "FUCK them". They're just narrow-minded pricks who ought to know better. Not only that, but I think being bi is actually better than being strictly gay or straight. Not that I'm trying to demean anyone for their own sexual preferences - all are valid. But being bi opens you a greater panoply of sexual and relational experiences. This affords a much richer life experience. So, if you're bi, I congratulate you for drawing the lucky card. Take full advantage of it, and don't let narrow-minded bigots of any stripe take you down.
this is a good discussion...65 and bi and married. I am not "out" nor does it really matter. Wife knows I am super bi (and a bi virgin too), she is bi as well. goldscorp got it I think. Americans, I think, tend to be pretty narrow, culturally...and certain a suburban lifestyle does not lead towards a cultural openness. I am out, though, to a few people, actually just women friends. The whole notion of bisexuality for us (my wife and I) brings a continuing fun and excitement to us, after almost 50 years together (1975). Are we old? Nope! Are we sexual beings? Yes. Is the sex good? for sure!
I’m married to a guy and have sex with women sometimes. They know I’m married and that I’m married to a guy. My spouse and partners are ok with it.

Interestingly, when I was younger, I thought I had to pick a team and, therefore, identified as gay and thought that closed the door to women. It’s only been in the last few years that I’ve changed my thinking about this.
I've found that it seems more often than not women are more at odds with bi men than most men are. Men more so in a one on one rather than a room full of guys. I have not been in the. Company of just gay men in a non sexual situation, but that's not a bad thing
I have been called a fence sitter before by a gay man. Had a woman walk out on a date, she was Bi but didn't believe guys could be Bi.
Current wife knows I dated/played with men but doesn't know I still seek out men.
I am out to several friends.
Ex wife knew everything we were swingers. This was 30 years ago so it was tough. Bisexuality was not very welcomed in the area we lived.
So im Bi and married to a woman. I kept being bi hidden for a long time. Never really acting on it. When I met my now wife she confided that she had some level of interest in females and was bi. I still really never said much about being bi. I met her best friend and found that she was attractive and was married to a guy who I found attractive as well. We all became friends, apparently me and him could read each others signals. Knowing our woman and been together was a turn on. We met up once time and me and him fucked. We enjoyed it, and kept messing around under the disguise of friendship. They got sus. and eventually found out. Both were really supportive and ok with it.
One of the issues I find is that “Bi” has many meanings and permutations. But I have found few women want to “compete” with both other women and men. And they think it’s sort of perverted. I have found plenty of gay men who are happy for me and actually find it a turn on that I’m “str8” as they call me. Perhaps they are simply humouring me and think I’m just in denial or in transition to owning up to my real self…. But I typically find gay men relatively supportive. But yes. There are certainly some gay men who seem to have a very deep prejudice against us. I just seem lucky to have mostly not had to interact with them.

the older men get, and the less their wives are interested in sex, the more I find otherwise str8 men become more curious about sex with men.

Google Dr Joe Kort. There are a number of vids and articles on his work. He’s a gay man and a couples therapist with years of clinical experience and has written on this and says Bi means men who have sexual+romantic interest in men, and would class someone like me as a str8 man who also likes sex with other men. I have bromances, but I don’t have romantic and loving relationships with men. His view is that heteroflexible or straight-ish are good terms. Pansexual and Bi sort of have other baggage attached.

I don’t really care. I just like sex and I like sex with men. I also like sex with women. My wife is very judgemental and will probably find out one day and when she does it will probably kill our relationship- I think she is very narrow minded and so im frightened to come out to her.

but sex with her is amazing and quite different. On the rare occasions when she wants sex, it is fantastic. But it’s about me pleasing her. It’s about me being bewitched by her shape and curves and smell and taste. But she is a largely passive actor in the sex. She is the receiver of attention. I have tried to talk and get therapy to unleash a more authentic her. But perhaps it’s social conditioning or perhaps she is just like that. I have heard from other men sex with their wives is much the same. Even sex researchers like Helen Fisher and Esther Perel have noted this almost selfishness in the way women want sex to be. My wife fits that description. She seems to get off on me worshiping her body but doesn’t feel any compunction to reciprocate. She actually resents it if I’m not hard and she has to do something to arouse me. She expects me to be ready when she (finally, and occasionally) wants it.

But sex with my wank bud is much more mutual. It’s such a difference having sex with someone who is really enjoying pleasing you and me pleasing him. The way men take turns to be giver and receiver is amazing, and very different from MF sex.

it’s not like one is better - they are both different.

another difference is that the sex with my wife comes out of a deep loving and sacrificial relationship with a long history. Whereas, M2M with my wank buds or quickie wanks in the gym shower or other hookups are much more transactional. We could be discussing sport or politics and then start tugging, cum and then go back to talking sport. Matter of fact. Thanks bro. That feels better. Cheers. See you next week? Nah, have a work function. Oh ok. How bout Tuesday instead. It’s that kind of that matter of fact, physical function. I love that.

and in terms of attraction, I find I like manly men and appreciate those features in them. Hairy chest, muscles, etc. It’s kinda narcissistic I think - in that I like in them what I like about me.

I also find it’s a meeting of equals. Brothers with the same needs and wants and we are way more candid and open. Lacking in self consciousness. What you see is what you get. If I’m thinking that I know he probably is too.

women are more mysterious and seem to have way more hangups and caution. Their attraction includes mystery and romance and subtlety.

so. What is Bi? Is it a thing or is it just part of a spectrum of human sexuality.
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I don't think that society at large can even consider bisexuality as a reality.

I was listening into a conversation at work where some colleagues were talking about one of the managers and saying that they had always thought him gay, however "He is married with children. "

That Married with children was the absolute certification that this manager is a straight as an arrow.

I jokingly said that lots of people in the company fly beneath the radar. Everyone laughed.

Once again there was me, a bisexual person in the middle of a discussion where I was completely invisible. One of the people in the discussion is a lesbian and she seemed to buy into the Married with children = straight.

I wasn't going to get the tambourine out and start bashing it because it would have been unprofessional.

Societally I really believe that bisexuality is just not recognised or even thought about.
There are a lot of fellow baby boomers out there who are locked into sexless marriages and their wives or partners and family would never accept their bisexuality.
My fuckbuddy is a baby boomer. While he is in a sexless marriage, he still loves his wife and family. While I do consider bi but discrete. He still see's himself as "straight", which I respect as its none of my business or concern whatsoever. He is a very dominant, alpha male Top and I am a very submissive "feminine" bottom for him, so in many ways I provide for him a safe convenient sexual outlet for him. Our sex is mutually enjoyed, I love getting fucked by him and the way he makes me feel when we fuck, so I could not be more satisfied. Neither of us want anything more than just physical sex.
If male bisexuality was celebrated and embraced as much as female bisexuality, I would say a lot more guys would be open about their sexuality.

As it isnt the case, I chose to be private and discrete.

However, what reason would I have to gain by telling anyone? I have bi sex with my fuckbuddy about once a month for an hour or so. After which we happily go our seperate ways and to our personal private lives.
I wasn't going to get the tambourine out and start bashing it because it would have been unprofessional.
It's no more unprofessional to say you're bisexual than for other people to say they're straight. Especially in a situation where its relevant to a conversation which is arguably unprofessional in itself.
If male bisexuality was celebrated and embraced as much as female bisexuality, I would say a lot more guys would be open about their sexuality.

As it isnt the case, I chose to be private and discrete.

However, what reason would I have to gain by telling anyone? I have bi sex with my fuckbuddy about once a month for an hour or so. After which we happily go our seperate ways and to our personal private lives.
agreed... be nice to be able to wear tiny swimsuits too!
If male bisexuality was celebrated and embraced as much as female bisexuality, I would say a lot more guys would be open about their sexuality.

As it isnt the case, I chose to be private and discrete.

However, what reason would I have to gain by telling anyone? I have bi sex with my fuckbuddy about once a month for an hour or so. After which we happily go our seperate ways and to our personal private lives.
Spot on
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There's no one 'fit all' answer but my experience of acceptance has largely been down to a generational thing. There are a lot of fellow baby boomers out there who are locked into sexless marriages and their wives or partners and family would never accept their bisexuality. Younger generations are living a more open life. Men are being more honest about their feelings at a younger age, and women much more acceptable. They go into a relationship knowing much more about each other.
My marriage isn’t exactly sexless but must be pretty close to any definition of a severely mismatched sex drive. Always has been. After years of reading the books and my own counseling (she point blank refuses marriage counseling) I feel I’ve done all the things I’m meant to do. Consider her, listen to her, make her feel safe and wanted, show her body respect, take the lead from her for what she wants sexually….. but I have discovered what she wants is a platonic marriage with a housemate rather than a lover. So, while my interest in men has always been there, it has in recent years escalated. Affairs with women seem like emotional cheating. But sex with a bloke is just getting off. Odd I should say that because I do have developed some great friendships with men I play with. It certainly breaks the ice and you do form close brotherly bonds and trust when you share dick. But the relationship is far more transactional.
my problem now is that if my wife found out - it would all be about me “being gay”. And not about the true issue, the fact that she has used sex throughout our relationship to manipulate. While we do (still) have hot sex when she deigns to grant me some, she can go long periods without needing it. Occasionally after you oi much champagne she lets herself go, but the sun and moon and all the planets of the universe have to be in alignment and I have to have not said any one of a thousand careless triggers during the last week…..

The chances of any calm and honest discussion about my bisexuality without it turning to - blame on me - are about as likely as me getting two fucks this month.