Not using soaps ...

tiny one here

Superior Member
May 23, 2022
British Columbia, Canada
For over 2 years now I have not used soap when showering (I only use it on my hands), shampoo, deodorant, shave cream or toothpaste. At first I didn't tout it and still don't try to convince others but a recent trip to my dentist after several years brought an enthusiastic comment from her that my mouth was very healthy and " in balance". I told her I had not used toothpaste in a long while and she was quite surprised. I just find it interesting that I have not needed these products for so long ...
Has anyone else experimented with this?
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Depends on your diet and level of physical activity. If you generally spend all of your time in an air conditioned environment and avoid smelly foods like garlic, onions, anything sugary, etc. then it's possible you can get away with only using water for hygiene.

It's also possible that you're genetically wired to have very minimal body odor and bad breath, and maintain healthy teeth. Small factors such as the shape of your teeth or the grooves in your tongue can impact how often you need to groom yourself to maintain acceptable hygiene. I know some people who can go days with showering but others who can't go half a day.

The actual products you use has an impact too. Personally I've switched over from using commercial products to instead making my own natural and organic soap, shampoo and deodorant using ingredients I order off Amazon. That's been a great switch that has left my skin and hair healthier than ever. There are definitely commercial soaps out there that purposely dry your skin to force you to use (and buy) more.

Anyway keep doing what works for you. But I'd definitely ask a very close friend or family member to validate your claims about your lack of bad smells — just to be safe.
Depends on your diet and level of physical activity. If you generally spend all of your time in an air conditioned environment and avoid smelly foods like garlic, onions, anything sugary, etc. then it's possible you can get away with only using water for hygiene.

It's also possible that you're genetically wired to have very minimal body odor and bad breath, and maintain healthy teeth. Small factors such as the shape of your teeth or the grooves in your tongue can impact how often you need to groom yourself to maintain acceptable hygiene. I know some people who can go days with showering but others who can't go half a day.

The actual products you use has an impact too. Personally I've switched over from using commercial products to instead making my own natural and organic soap, shampoo and deodorant using ingredients I order off Amazon. That's been a great switch that has left my skin and hair healthier than ever. There are definitely commercial soaps out there that purposely dry your skin to force you to use (and buy) more.

Anyway keep doing what works for you. But I'd definitely ask a very close friend or family member to validate your claims about your lack of bad smells — just to be safe.
thank you for your thoughtful and lengthy response! I agree with you that it depends on many factors, as my dentist said my mouth health also depended on my genes, my healthy diet and regular brushing and flossing.
Good for you for making your own personal hygiene products - simple, natural products can often do the job effectively and it is nice to avoid complex chemical additives, I think. That's great that you are able to see a physical difference in your skin and hair.

Another factor is the society in which you live - modern urban societies deem any type of body odor unacceptable, so that is something you can't ignore either. In a natural, healthy state we would all have some sort of body odor and pheremone release. I remember in one YouTube video on the topic a woman was asked what her boyfriend smelled like (they were both no-soapers), and she replied "he smells like a person"!

Yes, I do ask various people if they can detect anything malodorous about me ... but none have ever said yes.

Again, I should say that all this is just my experience and I'm not touting it for everyone!
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I think your approach has merit. I do things similarly.

Our bodies have more bacterial cells than human cells, we are evolved to function with a diverse stable healthy microbiome and when disrupted it can cause havoc (digestion, tooth decay, skin conditions, inflammation, etc). To that end I use soap when I'm dirty to cut dirt/oil. But if I don't have dirt on me, why would I use a soap to kill the bacteria on my skin? I rinse. Since doing this I find I don't have BO.

Similarly anti-bacterial toothpaste is a horrible idea. If you kill the bacteria in your mouth the fastest producing (and generally nastiest) bacteria will dominate your mouth. I started using a homemade toothpaste ~10 years ago, since then no cavities. When I get a checkup every other year the dentists tell me my teeth and gums look great. I blows me away that everyone now understanding swallowing anti-biotics excessively is horrible for you, but they will use an anti-bacterial toothpaste in their mouth twice a day.....
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I think your approach has merit. I do things similarly.

Our bodies have more bacterial cells than human cells, we are evolved to function with a diverse stable healthy microbiome and when disrupted it can cause havoc (digestion, tooth decay, skin conditions, inflammation, etc). To that end I use soap when I'm dirty to cut dirt/oil. But if I don't have dirt on me, why would I use a soap to kill the bacteria on my skin? I rinse. Since doing this I find I don't have BO.

Similarly anti-bacterial toothpaste is a horrible idea. If you kill the bacteria in your mouth the fastest producing (and generally nastiest) bacteria will dominate your mouth. I started using a homemade toothpaste ~10 years ago, since then no cavities. When I get a checkup every other year the dentists tell me my teeth and gums look great. I blows me away that everyone now understanding swallowing anti-biotics excessively is horrible for you, but they will use an anti-bacterial toothpaste in their mouth twice a day.....
what you say pretty much sums it up ... we should be clean - not sterile! Thank you for your detailed response.
Excess use of soap removes all the n natural oils from your body and you end up with dry flaky skin and then have to use moisturiser!
.. yes - that is what happens. So many products create a need for another product ... and often they are unnecessary in the first place ...
I have seen a popular YouTube dermatologist suggest that one should use soap daily on armpits, genitals, butt, perenium, and feet, and plain water everywhere else. Also shampoo hair no more often than twice weekly, using only water on the in-between days.

Seems reasonable to me, though I admit I have a hard time changing lifelong habits.