Porn performers damaged???


Expert Member
Jun 11, 2006
I’ve seen several interviews from former porn performers who said porn damages performers emotionally and mentally. They talked about drug abuse, suicides, and other negative effects of being a porn actor.

So my question is does it damage male and female performers equally? Or are men able to separate their emotional and sex lives, even if their sex lives are on camera for everyone to see?

During the years-long run of the American Bukkake porn series, literally thousands of men got naked and masturbated in front of each other and ejaculated on the faces of the female performers all of it in front of the cameras. Were all of these men damaged in some way because they appeared in a porn? Or were they just having fun and getting off and satisfying a strong biological urge? Even if it was in public for the whole world to see. Very interested to hear everyone’s thoughts on this! Thanks.
Man in general are wire diferente the woman, even gay man like my self I still have the. sane desires as every other man, gay, straight or Bi. I doubt the those guys j/o in front of the camera had any deep conscious of morality, or psychological consequences. on the woman the have the 100 loads on her face, not yo say the it is immoral, if those guys got pay for cuming on a girl’s face that was that, a game that is what we do, which is complete separate in an one on one intimacy with other person, in other worlds we aren’t immoral, or careless, we are just man. pigs, dogs .. in some settings for my self I love to be a gay man, because for me is a challenge . to defy, to concord, to dominate, and the best adversary is another man .. so to answer that question; I can fairly say the woman porn stars are more effected psychologically then man porn actors..!
Porn is damaging. I know a young woman who got into onlyfans and then did porn for one of the main media producers(bangerbros). She was not doing well. She was abusing a lot of drugs and got into self-lacerating. The good news is she is doing better. I told her to leave the city life and start somewhere new with all the money she accumulated. She had to get away from the industry because it’s sinister
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There is a thread on here of many woman and men that died due to various reasons but I am sure porn didn't help there situation .