potential porn work advice please


Loved Member
Mar 7, 2022
England, United Kingdom
90% Straight, 10% Gay
Not sure if this is the right place to post this but if someone had been contacted by an agent asking if they would consider doing some porn work i wonder what people would advise or if people on here have experience and what they would say to someone considering it.....possibly.
Although most people who work in the adult industry are known under other names, people who know you will recognise you and your real name will get out. Perhaps this doesn't feel like such a big deal to you now, but try thinking ahead a few years when you perhaps have a family of your own and future employers are going to google your name. Maybe it's enough that your sex partners are satisfied and your mates impressed.
One day someone ran up to me on the street while I was travelling for business, and excitedly told me "I'm so glad to meet you in person! I have your DVD!!"

That's when I learned I was in porn, without my knowledge or consent. (It turned out to be multiple DVDs when I investigated.) But that made it much easier to say yes when at a later date I was contacted by a porn producer out of the blue, to do real porn with signed papers and compensation. I figured any hope of a career in politics was already over...

Interestingly, after I did the first video, I sort of thought "Crossed that of the bucket list, done." When another studio contacted me, I actually said I wasn't interested, but they were persuasive, and I ended up doing a number of scenes with them. But when a third producer walked up to me on the street, I agreed right away. Of course, by then I was getting to be an old man, so that was rather affirming.

But all joking aside, people will see the video, recognize you, and not necessarily the the people or reactions you would want or expect. So, on the one hand it was flattering although weird to walk into a party, and have the bartender say "I was just jerking off to you fucking that..." But on the other hand I experienced a lengthy and bizarre stalking and gay-bashing episode, including vandalism of property, which seems to have been caused when a "completely straight, family man" co-worker apparently saw some of the gay porn I did. (By the way, I had no problem telling Human Resources that I had been in porn, and they hardly batted an eye. But the situation was complicated, and in the end I realized that the company was clueless how to handle this without the possibility of others, not as openly out as I, getting badly hurt. So in the end I had to pretend I didn't know who it was, and just put up with it.)

I was fairly old, and had a well-established career that was unlikely to be derailed. But if you are younger, there may be more at stake, so consider carefully. But I will admit I had great fun!
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