Question for uncut men about glans stimulation


Worshipped Member
Platinum Gold
Oct 3, 2010
99% Straight, 1% Gay
Hello lucky men who are uncut! I am not, but I have been restoring my glans using a special fabric sleeve for about 16 months now and my glans has increased in sensitivity to the point where it usually hurts when a towel touches it when I get out of the shower. Hair grazing it is irritating and uncomfortable to the point where I have to stop everything and make the irritation go away. With this though comes insanely new and unreal loads of stimulation and pleasure beyond anything I've felt in my life! Like I have a whole new cock now, its fantastic. Every few months I literally have to adjust my normal self pleasure sessions, and what my wife does to me, to adapt to the changes.

As a result I'm having a hard time finding toys to use that are soft enough or the material is not too hard or rough on my glans. Fleshlights are amazing and feel better than I've ever known them to feel. But some silicone toys are kind of "solid" feeling and my glans can't take it.

What kinds of sleeves and such related toys do y'all uncut men use? Thanks so much I appreciate it a lot!!
tbh I'm not THAT sensitive anymore.

I remember when I was first able to retract my foreskin around age 12 or 13, it was suuuper sensitive. Just pulling the foreskin back, would make me super hard, and it was so sensitive that I couldn't put it back to its normal position until the erection was gone lol

But as I started masturbating more, the sensitivity went away. I remember when I was like 18 or 19, I wanted to follow along a solo video from Eros Erotica that was like a self penis massage, and I wasn't able to because any technique that was about touching the glans would make me cum really fast.

Nowadays, at 29, I can touch it with all my palm like nothing and it will take a while to cum, not that it isn't pleasurable anymore, it's just not as overwhelmingly sensitive. However the only thing that will still make me cum really fast is the Fleshlight.

I think what also decreased my sensitivity was the use of mineral oil as lube. I stopped using it years ago, but I do feel like it was too aggressive on my skin, and it kinda made it less sensitive as time went by.

But recently I started trying the dry orgasm technique, or some people call them coregasms too, which involve stimulating the upper part of the glans, or like the one that you can see from above (the opposite side of the frenulum) and that has sort of created a rebirth of my glans sensitivity. It's not unbearable like it was when I was 12, but it's like it's become a shortcut for an instant erection (and eventually dry orgasms) just by massaging the upper part of my glans with a fingertip and a bit of lube.
I’m uncut and I cannot/do not stimulate glans directly. Always over foreskin, since puberty my penis has been sensitive to the point of discomfort/pain. Foreskin was tight and when I first pulled back it felt awful, like a raw, live nerve ending and it would get stuck.

I got used to over foreskin stimulation only.

I’ve tried pulling back throughout the day (over the years) so it can keratenize but the feeling isn’t enjoyable and it’s not high priority.

Over time it has affected me sexually because oral and penetrating isn’t as fun. I’m gay, I have options.

to decrease sensitivity I got a PA piercing a few years back. It did help but I just don’t touch glans directly. It has made penetrating more enjoyable but I’m not a strict top.

I had a fleshlight but I had sensitivity issues, I didn’t enjoy it. I’ve had sleeves but was only able to use over foreskin.

Finally, a few years back I found the perfect male masturbator. Manta by Fun Factory.


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Thanks for these posts. I've seen so many vids on this site of uncut guys masturbating and NOT stimulating the head but just letting the foreskin slide over it. It never occurred to me that the head would be non-pleasurably sensitive. So many of the uncut cocks have beautifully large heads that I always thought it was a shame that they got over looked. Now I know.
....few years back I found the perfect male masturbator. Manta by Fun Factory.
Have been reading some good reviews on this toy, which has not been on my radar before. I see that it is perfect for glans stimulation and edging.

I'm uncut but my foreskin stays back quite easily when I'm hard, and I love any kind of manual stimulation to my fren, either from a finger or tongue. Have not tried a specific toy or stroker before, though I sometimes wear a tight glans ring with a ball-bearing and enjoy the pressure from it. I see from the Manta review that it can cause a fren induced orgasm, so am definitely tempted to try it out.

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