Recycling old clothing......


Superior Member
Platinum Gold
May 25, 2019
69% Straight, 31% Gay
I'm one that never became involved in fashion of the day. I remember some old seventies flares I had for years when younger, there was a revisit back in the late eighties early nineties where I handed them down to one of my daughters friends. Back in the day men's jeans were not made for blokes with long legs and narrow waist. For some reason, as the leg size grew, so did the waistline.

So, I ended up having to purchase female jeans...back to front in the zipper area, crotch showed more than it should...but as Goldilocks said...just the right fit. They saw a new life and the light of day again to someone who appreciated them.

Even these days I wear my work clothes everywhere. If I need to go to the shops, I'll put on a paint or silicone coated pair of shorts and shirt, work boots and Whalla, dressed to impress :) It's just comfortable, and because I'm in them most every day, feel at home. Same with shoes.....cotton undies though, yes they get a little thread bare....but there comes a time with everything, shirts, shorts, sheets has a need to go into the rag bag, maybe become the next cloth or oil rag.

I dislike what cotton farms do to land, water, poison and defoliant dependent, it is grown here by a few large growers. 99.9% of it is sent to Asia. I have an issue with that because the environment suffers here for the few to be wealthy. They are opening up more areas in sensitive regions, especially when they pump rivers dry in drought periods, dam flood plains and turn the land into a moonscape of private lakes.........

Anyway...anyone else of the same mind?