Sending your computer in for service - with all your porn on it


Legendary Member
Sep 6, 2004
Los Angeles
My computer died. I have to bring it in to a shop and may need to do data recovery services to preserve the data. There is nothing illegal on the drive, just stuff that you would see on LPSG, but it's still embarrassing.

Has anyone else sent their porn machine in for servicing? Do the tech guys just not care because they've seen it all before? How did you feel about it?
It sort of depends on how deeply the tech will delve into the data. They don’t look at every file, that would take forever. They would mainly want to ensure certain directories are intact (documents, pictures! Etc). I can’t imagine them looking at your internet history or even trying to recover it.
I worked at a computer store way back that sold computers/parts, and also had a service department. Yes, the techs seen this plenty of times. They don't actively look for it, or watch it (sometimes they might for a second though, it's happened), but their focus is fixing the problem. They could not care less about your porn collection, and would not think you of differently if they discovered it. If, as you say, it's all above board.

We had this one guy who dropped off his PC and the techs discovered tons know...illegal stuff on it. They called the police and set it up for the cops to be there when he came in to pick his PC up. Busted on the spot.
I had a situation happen to me a long time ago, in Italy, when being gay wasn't yet so in the open and accepted by society. It was in 2006 more or less.
We sent our home PC for repair. It had a lot of gay porn from me and a lot of straight porn from my brother.

When it came back... Half of the porn was not on the hard disk anymore. Only the gay porn had been deleted, and it was several GBs of videos that I had collected (when internet speeds were anyway lower). Straight porn was left there.

My mom was furious. I think she literally called them and asked them how dared they delete her porn, that she watches with her husband! And I had to recreate my porn folder from scratch.
Now something like this could never happen, of course.