Sexy terminology for Vaginas or Breasts


Superior Member
Aug 31, 2008
Gary (Indiana, United States)
100% Straight, 0% Gay

I was wondering if the women on here would have advice about 'sexy' terminology a man could use for your various wonderful body parts during sex or foreplay. 'Pussy' and 'tits', when spoken, are a bit cringe-y and carry a pornography-stink (tits less so). Have you come across any words that you found more alluring?

With regards to the vagina I would typically tend to focus on the action i.e. "I want to eat you out" or "I want to fuck you" but there are definitely times when I just want to say the specific object of my desire and it ends up feeling, to me, insincere or plain old dorky.

You can tell me if I'm coming at this the wrong way; it wouldn't be the first time.

Thanks for your help!

P.S. I apologize if this has been covered; I swear I searched around!
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Sweetie, you're just going to have to be creative. I agree with you that the crude terms are quite the turn off.

But the words have to come from you. We have special terms ourselves. "I'm going to do your favorite" is something we say often. It's meaning is not important in this conversation. Make it your own.

He refers to my cleavage as the valley of paradise. To me those words don't mean anything, but knowing how thrilled he is saying it is kind of cute.

I've always referred to my "front butt" as a lily pad. It's a term my Mum uses. But in the context of being sexy neither lily pad or front butt is appropriate.

Neither is "tongue punch your fart box." Yes, it's straight and to the point, but it will more likely invoke a laugh or revulsion, which is kind of the opposite of what you're looking for.

Good luck!
Have to agree with Ms Ellie. You have to develop your own sexy dictionary with your partner. There is no universally accepted sexy terms for genitalia. And what sounds sexy from one man, may be cringey from another. It’s just so personal and situation specific.

Definitely stay away from “tongue punch your fart box”! I nearly lost it when I read that one!
You all make great points and I agree that it is situational- ones man's trash etc.

I'm not looking for a universal alternative but just options besides the silly euphemistic ones (tonguepunchfartbox). Lilypad is nice but not sexy per se.

Has there been one term you heard that you thought 'wow I've never heard that before and I don't mind it' ?

I am not trying to get out of being creative but doing a little crowd-sourcing beforehand. Is that okay?
Do pardon my crassness. But it's for the sake of brevity.

You're not writing an epic, Homer. You're fucking. Aside from the more personalized terms of endearment, pet names, etc. as proposed above, one need not overthink terms when engaged in the act. Merely focus on enjoying one another using methods with which you are both comfortable.

You can now cross off that thesaurus for your nightstand from your shopping list.

Happy New Year.
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I'm so sick of getting so much snark from asking a simple question. I make sure I'm not insulting anyone or being overly self-involved...

I mean what is the freaking point of having a forum called "Ask A Woman" if you can't get any simple, non-loaded, non-patronizing answers? Honestly?!

It was supposed to be a relatively light-hearted, informational question. There is no underlying "I need you to tell me how to make love" or "tell me I'm good enough". Just a question of whether anyone has heard a term they found endearing and not gross.

I'm so done with this. And now that I've said my piece, please comment about how I 'got what I deserved'.

Pardon me but what a bunch of bullshit.
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Reading my original post I realize why I'm getting these kinds of responses....I don't want advice. I don't NEED advice.

Are there any terms you've found you prefer for body parts? Or someone can just report this thread and have it removed. That works too.
I was wondering if the women on here would have advice about 'sexy' terminology a man could use for your various wonderful body parts during sex or foreplay.

Just a question of whether anyone has heard a term they found endearing and not gross.

Reading my original post I realize why I'm getting these kinds of responses....I don't want advice. I don't NEED advice.

You posted this follow-up just in time. I'm not sure why you would ask for something you weren't originally seeking, but the clarity is appreciated.

Are there any terms you've found you prefer for body parts?

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You posted this follow-up just in time. I'm not sure why you would ask for something you weren't originally seeking, but the clarity is appreciated.

Sorry for my eruption and thank you for your answer.
Ummm Ms Ellie and Ms Femme gave you great posts. Maybe not what you wanted to read but it's info you should read again and try to embrace.

I was straight up honk laughing imagining Ms Ellie saying fart box in front of mom. Like coughed out at the end laughing. I have had the privilege of reading enough posts by Femme and Ellie to have a very clear mental image of both of em.

My only add on is what feels silly on a cold read is hot once horny is on the table.

There is nothing wrong with calling the lily pad a pussy. Throw in descriptive adjectives. Spice it up. If the words are authentic then it'll work fine.

The C word works with the right vibe. Other women would go sahara vag, maybe even violent. If ya dirty talking dirty or txting pay attention to the words she uses. Asking her what she wants to do is mad helpful to check her perv preferences.

Women aren't National Treasure booby traps, pay attention and respond accordingly.

"Rooter that cooter" is a game changer.
Ummm Ms Ellie and Ms Femme gave you great posts. Maybe not what you wanted to read but it's info you should read again and try to embrace.

I was straight up honk laughing imagining Ms Ellie saying fart box in front of mom. Like coughed out at the end laughing. I have had the privilege of reading enough posts by Femme and Ellie to have a very clear mental image of both of em.

My only add on is what feels silly on a cold read is hot once horny is on the table.

There is nothing wrong with calling the lily pad a pussy. Throw in descriptive adjectives. Spice it up. If the words are authentic then it'll work fine.

The C word works with the right vibe. Other women would go sahara vag, maybe even violent. If ya dirty talking dirty or txting pay attention to the words she uses. Asking her what she wants to do is mad helpful to check her perv preferences.

Women aren't National Treasure booby traps, pay attention and respond accordingly.

"Rooter that cooter" is a game changer.
Yes! You're absolutely right- they did give great responses. Truthfully I meant to refer to other interactions I've had in the forum. That post was written in angry haste and it was a mistake- sorry Ms Ellie and Ms Femme.

And thank you for your post MickeyLee. The evolution of 'the C word' is so interesting...I feel like it was near verboten back in the early to mid 2000s. Seems to me like the corresponding vibe would tend towards the aggressive.

Speaking of booby traps what is the feeling about 'trap'? Would it help if I told you it was short for Venus flytrap?
I am 51 years old and there is no possible way I can imagine me saying "tongue punch your fart box" in front of my Mum. Even if I thought she'd get a laugh, I just couldn't bring myself to say it.

I think my Dad would chuckle and go back to reading his newspaper.
I think it depends on your culture and the person you're with, here in the UK double entendre and comical names for body parts in a sexual way are a way of life. It can add humour to sex or be as dirty as you wish it to be, depends on the type of sex/mood and again the person you're with really xx
I think it depends on your culture and the person you're with, here in the UK double entendre and comical names for body parts in a sexual way are a way of life. It can add humour to sex or be as dirty as you wish it to be, depends on the type of sex/mood and again the person you're with really xx
Hi Holly!

Thanks for your input- I'd love to hear some British slang for the vagina; any favorites?

I guess I'm thinking that it's not uncommon for a couple to implicitly settle on a kind of lovers' vocabulary. I know there will be nights of passion/spontaneity but in terms of longevity- what word for a vagina sounds best over time? lol Maybe it's vagina! For whatever backwards reasons it seems awkward to just call it what it factually is.

I did like the lilypad that Elliep mentioned though that does seem more appropriate coming from a maternal figure rather than a spouse.

Hi Holly!

Thanks for your input- I'd love to hear some British slang for the vagina; any favorites?

I guess I'm thinking that it's not uncommon for a couple to implicitly settle on a kind of lovers' vocabulary. I know there will be nights of passion/spontaneity but in terms of longevity- what word for a vagina sounds best over time? lol Maybe it's vagina! For whatever backwards reasons it seems awkward to just call it what it factually is.

I did like the lilypad that Elliep mentioned though that does seem more appropriate coming from a maternal figure rather than a spouse.

Hiya hunni, during sex or as a sexual term of affection I think pussy is a good all rounder really, it may well bring up porn connotations for some but certainly over here pussy isn't thought of instantly as an immediate porn term for a lotta people if they linked it to anything it'd likely be more about the double entendre of like 'Pussy Galore' or "Mrs Slocombe's cat' than porn necessarily so not offensive.
For general small talk in public personally I prefer kitty or nunu.
Certainly during sex I'd find someone using the word vagina pretty clinical tbh and off putting, pussy is fine in the same way I wouldn't ever think about using the term penis during sex it's much too clinical.

I was wondering if the women on here would have advice about 'sexy' terminology a man could use for your various wonderful body parts during sex or foreplay. 'Pussy' and 'tits', when spoken, are a bit cringe-y and carry a pornography-stink (tits less so). Have you come across any words that you found more alluring?

With regards to the vagina I would typically tend to focus on the action i.e. "I want to eat you out" or "I want to fuck you" but there are definitely times when I just want to say the specific object of my desire and it ends up feeling, to me, insincere or plain old dorky.

You can tell me if I'm coming at this the wrong way; it wouldn't be the first time.

Thanks for your help!

P.S. I apologize if this has been covered; I swear I searched around!

There are no nice, sexy, respectful or classy words to describe genitalia. Boobs, titts, breasts. It's all not very flattering. I know it's normal in the UK but using the word ''cock'' is such a turn off for me personally, glad i don't have to deal with any of that:laughing: My native language is Dutch, and it's just as bad here. We just have to deal with it i guess o_O