- LB69,
When my wife and i have sex , in different positions i tend to slip out and she gets frustrated when it happens, She is tight so i can not just plow back in, cause when i do it hurt her. I am 7 1/2" and girth of 6-7 so i am not really small, but she was a virgin when i married her and has never been with someone else. I told her i was above average, but she does not realize it. i am not sure what the solution is. She does not like lube, so using more won't help. It normally happens when I go from my legs on the inside of hers and I squeeze her legs together on the inside of mine. Once we get there it is pure heaven for both of us, but when we are changing positions and both are hot and I slip out it is frustrating for her. I also can happen if I come get pounding and come out too far, then I plow back in and either miss the entry or get in and hit her pubic bone. Any suggestions from any women or man.