Sunao Hashimoto (sunao.heart)

Hey, save your money y’all and enjoy the content on IG. The OF is pretty much the same with maybe sexier poses. There’s no nudity and there is PPV content (that I have/will not buy). I was horny enough this morning to sub but it was instant regret.
I forgot to mention that his posts are timed/expire after some time. So I was speaking to the content available. I’m not 100% sure but I think he doesn’t do nudity; a lot of his promos for PPV have this boilerplate language:
“I'm sending you a set of 5 sexy ver of this photo via PPV in DM, so check it out✅
Or I will send the image directly to the person who tipped me $50 for this post ☺️
This PPV is not pornography that violates the guidelines.”
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I forgot to mention that his posts are timed/expire after some time. So I was speaking to the content available. I’m not 100% sure but I think he doesn’t do nudity; a lot of his promos for PPV have this boilerplate language:
“I'm sending you a set of 5 sexy ver of this photo via PPV in DM, so check it out✅
Or I will send the image directly to the person who tipped me $50 for this post ☺️
This PPV is not pornography that violates the guidelines.”
Can you send me some?
Esqueci de mencionar que as postagens dele são cronometradas/expiram depois de algum tempo. Então eu estava falando com o conteúdo disponível. Não tenho 100% de certeza, mas acho que ele não faz nudez; muitas de suas promoções para PPV têm esta linguagem clichê:
“Estou enviando para você um conjunto de 5 versões sensuais desta foto via PPV em DM, então confira✅
Ou enviarei a imagem diretamente para a pessoa que me deu $ 50 de gorjeta por este post☺️
Este PPV não é pornografia que viole as diretrizes.”
well, I'm disappointed ;( but thank you for warning