I'm a manager at a small family-run retail store and we have an employee who is exploring transitioning. This individual and the twin sister are both lesbians and one of them is either exploring the possibility of transitioning or has already started. I'm in my early 50's and the staff that is within the LGBTQ+ spectrum are all in their early 20's. They have all come to me for advice on navigating life's challenges and I'm happy to share my own experiences as I can. One of the twin sisters is having a hard time with an older brother. He's from a previous relationship in the family and he's significantly older. He's homophobic and transphobic and has been unbelievably cruel about it. I've given some advice on dealing with the older brother. Mostly about how the reaction gives him power and not reacting to his taunts or letting him get to you emotionally takes away his power. I've also given some more straightforward advice on cutting him down to size and exposing his own hypocrisy when he talks about watching lesbian porn. (IE a form of homosexuality that is enjoyed and celebrated when getting his rocks off, but bad because his "sisters" live it)
I've explained that we each have our own journey through life, and no one should ever have to justify their own quest for happiness. I support her 100% in her choice. I'm trying to walk a fine line with this because sometimes the shit her brother dumps on her affects her performance at work. We've had conversations about life skills and how to disconnect from the shit her brother dumps on her and not let it affect her, but these are skills we develop over time and she may not have them yet. Is there anything else I can do or advice I can give?
I've explained that we each have our own journey through life, and no one should ever have to justify their own quest for happiness. I support her 100% in her choice. I'm trying to walk a fine line with this because sometimes the shit her brother dumps on her affects her performance at work. We've had conversations about life skills and how to disconnect from the shit her brother dumps on her and not let it affect her, but these are skills we develop over time and she may not have them yet. Is there anything else I can do or advice I can give?