The Exorcist...


Sexy Member
Feb 27, 2007
at home
100% Straight, 0% Gay
Scariest Movie Of All Time?

It is a brilliantly made film, which only adds to the is visual, psychological, philosophical, and scares you in a way much more frightening then just a slasher type, sudden scare, type of builds the terror up gradually, so you begin dreading having to go back into that room.

I still cannot get through it without my hands over my eyes...

Utterly terrifying in every way.

Did anyone here have experiences with it in the cinemas when it first came out and was old enough to go see it etc?

What were your thoughts the first time you saw it?
I saw it in the mid 80's, after seeing slasher flicks like the Friday the 13th and Nightmare series. The gore was not as visceral comparatively, but the acting and psychological effect of the movie is still top notch.

And how the heck did they get the "crucifix rape" scene past the censors...hehe. Great flick.
I saw it in the mid 80's, after seeing slasher flicks like the Friday the 13th and Nightmare series. The gore was not as visceral comparatively, but the acting and psychological effect of the movie is still top notch.

And how the heck did they get the "crucifix rape" scene past the censors...hehe. Great flick.

yeah...i always wondered about the crucifix scene as well...can't imagine that the right wing at the time would have been too pleased with that along with "Let Jesus Fuck You"

Scariest Movie Of All Time?

It is a brilliantly made film, which only adds to the is visual, psychological, philosophical, and scares you in a way much more frightening then just a slasher type, sudden scare, type of builds the terror up gradually, so you begin dreading having to go back into that room.

I still cannot get through it without my hands over my eyes...

Utterly terrifying in every way.

Did anyone here have experiences with it in the cinemas when it first came out and was old enough to go see it etc?

What were your thoughts the first time you saw it?
Saw it and wasn't in the least bit scared. Now the soundtrack music-that scared me!

I also wasn't frightened by Psycho or of taking a shower after having seen it.

Scariest movie I ever saw was some sci-fi thriller about people being sent to live underground and then bats (the flying type, not the wooden ones used for baseball), thousands upon thousands of bats came at them and attacked. I've been scared of bats ever since. Even the flapping of a birds wings bothers and worries me. The Birds also left me uneasy.
Best horror movie of all time, bar none. Saw it in the 70's when it first came out ( I'm old lol ) and have seen it about 8 times. Christians were handing leaflets out to cinema goers at the time as to why they shouldn't watch the movie. There has been no other movie since that can top it for me. The fact it's based on a real life story of a 10 year old boy who was exorcised makes it all the more scary rather than some complete fantasy hack 'n slash movie. I also liked blair witch project, because like the exorcist, it's thought provoking. The exorcist did have great special effects and makeup, but it was certain other things which made it so chilling, such as hearing rats ( what they THOUGHT were rats) scratching around in the attic, the traumatic effect regan's condition had on her mother, the scene of the exorcist standing outside the house for the first time with the brilliantly done shadows and lighting, the cold visible breath in regan's bedroom, the head twisting slowly, and the subliminal appearance of a massive devil figure every now and then, which was first shown as a statue at the start of the movie. Scares the shit outta me every time I think about it let alone watch it.

Did I say I liked the movie? :tongue:
actually Dan...the interesting thing, is that it is not a statue of the devil...

the devil is in fact nowhere in it...what the statue found in Iraq is of is the demon, Pazuzu...that is the demon that possesses her.

Pazuzu was actually an Assyro-Babylonian god, known as the king of the demons of the wind.

the back story is very interesting.
actually Dan...the interesting thing, is that it is not a statue of the devil...

the devil is in fact nowhere in it...what the statue found in Iraq is of is the demon, Pazuzu...that is the demon that possesses her.

Pazuzu was actually an Assyro-Babylonian god, known as the king of the demons of the wind.

the back story is very interesting.

Ah I see, interesting. I always tend to think of a demon as the devil or at least something which is part of the devils world.
no, they are completely different from the devil...and actually predate the advent of Christianity by thousands of years (and therefore the concept of a devil) the hebrews and all the other cultures all had a variety of demons that were part of their belief system

at least in Christianity terms, they are thought of as "fallen angels", but demons have been present in virtually all the world's cultures and religions in some way.

in terms of the roman catholic church...this is an interesting summation

The contemporary Roman Catholic Church unequivocally teaches that angels and demons are real personal beings, not just symbolic devices. The Catholic Church has a cadre of officially sanctioned exorcists which perform many exorcisms each year. The exorcists of the Catholic Church teach that demons attack humans continually but that afflicted persons can be effectively healed and protected either by the formal rite of exorcism, authorized to be performed only by bishops and those they designate, or by prayers of deliverance which any Christian can offer for themselves or others.
Great movie, one of the best horror movies of all time. I saw it for the first time when I was about 11 and it didnt really scare me, however I re-watched it when I was about 16 and it spooked the bejesus outta me!
I was always too terrified to watch it as took me 25 years before i could bring myself to watch it, since i had only seen awful snippets that scared me so much (head turning, etc. the voice, awful pics of her face) even then i couldn't really handle it the more terrifying her face became.

I am okay up until the first head turn with Ellen Burstyn in the room...after that i start getting really scared and can barely watch.

the outside shot of Father Merrin arriving in the cab, in the fog, and the spectral light from the window shining on him as he stands at the front gate, is one of the most brilliant shots in film...
I was just a kid when it came out and remember my mother and step dad going to see it. They came back horrified. By the time I saw it, well it didn't affect me too much. My all time thriller/scary movie would be the Silence of the Lambs.
Actually, I don't know that I've ever watched the whole movie!

Incidentally, the scariest movie (at the time) for me was Poltergeist. That clown scene scared the SHIT out of me as a kid. I wouldn't sleep with the closet door open for years, and I didn't even own a clown toy!
