My penis is two inches long, that makes it statistically much more rare than below average. Just like guys who are bigger the 8” it’s an occurrence that is 5% off the population. While tho larger ones are bigger than 95% off tho male population, I’m smaller that 95% off the population. That means that literally every guy I encounter is bigger and better than me. I’m so small that I can barely penetrate. My gf can’t even feel me inside her. I have to use fingers ( cuz they’re bigger than my cock) tongue out toys to pleasure her. I’m not really a man, the thing that defines a man is around half the size of the average penis. It’s completely inferior. It cums super fast. I’m positive that’s a common occurrence with guys my size. And it doesn’t get hard. I have no bulge in my pants. I try to watch small penis porn so I can see someone the same size, but generally they are all much larger than me. There are very few advantages to being this small, I never have to adjust my penis in my jeans. Lol. But it’s clearly better to be average or larger, because I can’t do many of the things that everyone else takes for granted. And knowing that everyone else is much larger than me is a real hit to The confidence. Coupled with the fact that I always have to be waiting for my girlfriend to find someone else that can satisfy her. ( any other cock is better than mine) I find there’s a lot of truth to the sph that we share. She told me once that I would never be able to satisfy a girl. While I was inside her. That everyone else is bigger and better. She would feel more from fucking a girl. And that’s all my friends are bigger than me. Its got my mind messed up, and I’ve had several women I laugh or walk out upon seeing it. I get the courtesy of knowing that every girl I’ve been with, I’m the smallest. It’sa joke to women cuz they never have to go thru this, so they don’t understand. It’sa joke to men, cuz it’s not them. It’s pretty shitty all in all.