Used after a night at the club


Worshipped Member
Jan 4, 2016
United States
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I met this Dutch guy named Conrad online and we found each other attractive and started to date. It got to the point where I was staying at his place on the weekends. Three months into dating his friends from Holland come for a visit. 2 men and 2 women, all seemed very nice until the second not out! After a long night of drinking and dancing at a popular club we head back to Conrad’s apartment, a one bedroom, nice nice size apartment for a one bedroom. Conrad was the gentleman and gave the girls his bedroom and the fours of us men crashed on the living room floor. Drunk and I thought tired we all crashed on the floor. we turned out the lights, the only light in the room was from a street lamp. Conrad starts to climb on top of me and I can feel his hard BIG Dutch cock poking me. Needless to say at this point I am hard and leaking. At this point I need to mention we have not had anal yet and several times Conrad has come to bed with a condom and lube. Conrad’s cock is very large in both girth and length. I never asked him his size but I would guess 9 x 6 and large balls. Me never having had anal sex I kept putting him off! Mainly due to his size, which intrigued me and I wanted it but was very nervous about taking. Especially since a few weeks back he was wrestling me in bed and pulled me in towards him and his cock managed to poke me right square in my hole. I saw stars, I gripped the side of the bed, he tried to pull me in closer to him but my grip on the mattress was strong! So strong it impressed me how I was able to not let him pull me close. He was much bigger and stronger than me. Conrad tried many, many times to try and fuck me but I always put him off. Until tonight with his friends sleeping five feet away. Being drunk he tried hard to get his cock in my ass and being drunk I didn’t have the fight to stop him. There was no foreplay! He just pushed my legs ups over my head and proceeded to push his cock into my ass. Again I saw stars and I was about to groan loudly when he took his hand on covered my mouth. After a few minutes he removed his hand, leaned forward and shoved his tongue deep in my mouth. The pain was still there but something about it felt good also, the feel of this mans massive cock sliding on and out of my ass! I don’t know how long he fucking, between the pain and liking it I lost track of time.