Wanking in the gym showers?



Do most straight men do it? Heard most guys do, but not witnessed it.
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Where have you heard it at?

Your first mistake is thinking that a bunch of stories & fantasies posted by anonymous users on a dick-centric forum about wanking in public is somehow representative of "most guys".

Your second mistake is in not making the connection that most of the stories of locker room & shower wanking, if true, are usual posted by guys who are inclined towards wanting to be seen by other guys doing it (or watching themselves) and thus are gay or bi. Not to say some straight men don't do it, but they would be less inclined to know others do since they are not looking out for it, as well as not finding a locker room full of other guys sexually stimulating enough to require instant release then & there.

I both shower and bust a nut in the privacy of my own home and thus have never done it at the gym. I've also never seen it and hope I never do.
I hope no one does, it sounds horrible to me.

Where have you heard it at?

Your first mistake is thinking that a bunch of stories & fantasies posted by anonymous users on a dick-centric forum about wanking in public is somehow representative of "most guys".

Your second mistake is in not making the connection that most of the stories of locker room & shower wanking, if true, are usual posted by guys who are inclined towards wanting to be seen by other guys doing it (or watching themselves) and thus are gay or bi. Not to say some straight men don't do it, but they would be less inclined to know others do since they are not looking out for it, as well as not finding a locker room full of other guys sexually stimulating enough to require instant release then & there.

I both shower and bust a nut in the privacy of my own home and thus have never done it at the gym. I've also never seen it and hope I never do.
This and this.

In many decades of being locker rooms and gyms, I've never, ever seen anyone with anything close to an erection, never seen anyone "cruising" and most certainly never seen anyone wanking in the showers!
Do most straight men do it? Heard most guys do, but not witnessed it.
Most guys do it but you never witness it, you alone could state this is bulshit. Why would you want to witness a men misusing a common area, you find people wth no social skills interesting?
Never heard about a single case
You've not worked out in London then. I can imagine non of the above happens in provincial gyms.
No, I've never been to London, but I'd hope that no matter where in the world I was, that nobody would be wanking in the gym showers. I have no idea what a provincial gyms is, but as I stated:

In many decades (40+ years) of being locker rooms and gyms, I've never, ever seen anyone with anything close to an erection, never seen anyone "cruising" and most certainly never seen anyone wanking in the showers!
The issue here is that locker rooms, like public toilets, are common areas that we have to share relaying in common trust, as we are there in vulnerable and intimate moments with a bunch of total strangers. That is why they should be "sacred", no one should break the unspoken contract of mutual trust, no matter why.
I avoided the gym's shower for a few days when I first read about this in LPSG. The thought that I could be stepping on the semen of another man gave me nausea. But I eventually started using the shower again because I saw how stupid it was... Ppl go to the gym to work out. They just want to finish their exercises. After that everyone is tired and just want to leave the gym to go do other stuff.

Ppl don't masturbate at the gym... Uhumm Maybe creppy guys do.
Never seen any masturbating. I have seen semis now and then and an erection or two in the sauna. When younger there were times I had full on wood, but no one gave me mean stares or comments. I went about as normal as if I did not have an erection and the guys I saw pretty regularly still chatted me up as usual. I did get looks from some guys that indicated interest, and an older grandpa type guy told me once to be careful and stay away from the wolves.
Never seen any masturbating. I have seen semis now and then and an erection or two in the sauna. When younger there were times I had full on wood, but no one gave me mean stares or comments. I went about as normal as if I did not have an erection and the guys I saw pretty regularly still chatted me up as usual. I did get looks from some guys that indicated interest, and an older grandpa type guy told me once to be careful and stay away from the wolves.
"Stay away from the Wolves". Marilyn Monroe gave Joan Collins that advice about Hollywood too.
"Only straight men can respond to questions."

Literally says this in the forum section description dude.
Today seems to be the day for those who shouldn't be responding in AASM wanting to make up their own rules about posting and get testy about it when they are called out. Even more rich when they then try to turn it around and say certain straight men aren't allowed to post in the threads.

Maybe someday I should go to ASGM and when a question is asked like "Are you a top or a bottom?", respond "I don't like either because I'm straight." Then when someone points out how I shouldn't be posting in that section, argue with them, claim I have the right to post anywhere on the forum and how maybe it is they who are in the wrong section. Or maybe not.
Today seems to be the day for those who shouldn't be responding in AASM wanting to make up their own rules about posting and get testy about it when they are called out. Even more rich when they then try to turn it around and say certain straight men aren't allowed to post in the threads.

Maybe someday I should go to ASGM and when a question is asked like "Are you a top or a bottom?", respond "I don't like either because I'm straight." Then when someone points out how I shouldn't be posting in that section, argue with them, claim I have the right to post anywhere on the forum and how maybe it is they who are in the wrong section. Or maybe not.
Yeah Motion, I have also thought of doing that, see how they like it. This is happening far too often, those who can't be bothered to read the rules getting all indignant when the rules have to be pointed out to them.
They say things like " I am new here, I didn't know" when they have made multiple posts or they just ignore you like JoeRoscoe who keeps starting threads on AASM with the same inane questions.