Weekend with the guys


Legendary Member
Mar 26, 2009
Part 1: The first night

It all started when we all decided to spend a long weekend at Jason’s lodge. I’m calling it a lodge, because Jason insists on everybody calling it a lodge. He gets severely pissed off when we call it a cabin in the woods. To be fair, the last time we visited it was ages ago, when his dad was still in charge of the whole thing. Back then, it was a cabin, something he inherited from his dad, Jason’s grandfather, and that he graciously donated to Jason a couple of years ago. I can call Jason a lot of thing, but the dude is amazing at fixing up old places. He truly did his best to transform that old cabin into a relatively luxurious lodge.

Everybody brought an impossible amount of booze along, to make sure none of us would go dry over the next three days. I brought beer, Jason had a shitload of absolutely awful gin and vodka stored at the lodge, David and Adam both brought more beer than they could carry. Bobby added some hard European liquor, it seemed more expensive than google told me it was. Bobby’s younger brother didn’t bring anything, a fact none of us would let him forget.

That first night we left the lodge behind to sit near the firepit at the end of the backyard, close to the edge of the forest. It had been a hot day, we were slightly exhausted from trying to not get lost on our way to the middle of nowhere. Add alcohol, even cheap beer, and things start getting less and less sober with each gulp.

“Shit dude, I gotta take a piss,” I admitted. The trees were closer than the lodge was and I figured the plants could use the water.

“You’re such a pussy dude,” I heard Jason laugh at me as I stepped towards the tree line.

“Fuck you too Jason,” I said, looking over my shoulder with a smile and throwing two middle fingers up in the air. “Fuck you too Jason, and your fucking cabin.”

“Careful you don’t get your tiny dick bitten off by a squirrel!”

I ignored him as I searched for an adequately strong tree. I would, of course, try to piss it over with my manly stream of piss. I heard the guys behind me laughing and talking, but couldn’t quite make out what they were saying. It had been a while since we all spent a weekend together. We all had our own things going on, college, work, shitty relationships that ended. Everything and nothing, but it had kept us slightly out of touch. We were still friends, but we weren’t as close as we had once been. We all knew this weekend was sort of the end of an era, after this, we’d either stay close friends, or we’d drift apart as life just moved us in a different direction. I shook off that thought, it felt wrong to think it, placing way too much pressure on what was supposed to be a fun trip with the guys.

I found a tree, a mighty tree, a tree worthy of my attempts to topple it. I unzipped but before I could release I heard something behind me, my heart skipped a beat, thinking that an animal was trailing me. I knew there was nothing in these woods to be afraid of, at least, not this close to the lodge, but when you’re drunk, and in a weird mood, your mind can leap to some strange conclusions.

I turned around, only to find Bobby’s younger brother approaching me. Luke smiled and waved, like there was nothing to worry about: “Dude, wait up, I need to piss too, like, I am two beers ahead of you.”

He positioned himself next to me and unzipped. Careless, carefree, something I never was. I felt my bladder close up. I fucking hated having to piss next to other guys. Shy bladder and all that stuff. Instantly everything became awkward. Standing there with my dick out, but without actually pissing. I looked down at my limp dick and pushed, but nothing happened. Meanwhile I heard Luke unleash a torrent of piss. “Aaaah fuck yeah,” he sighed with absolute relief, head thrown back.

I tried to look at the tree, tried to look up, tried to think of free flowing water, rivers, brooks, the Niagara falls, but nothing worked. It seemed like an eternity and what’s worse is that Luke seemed oblivious. He laughed: “Hey don’t peek.”

“I wasn’t,” I mumbled awkwardly, but truthfully.

“Sure slugger, hey fuck, you’re uncut too.”

“What?” I replied slightly shocked. Automatically I looked down at my dick and ten at Luke’s dick. His was a pretty good dick, surrounded by sandy blonde pubes, nothing trimmed or shaven. It was about as big as the palm of his hand and uncut. His foreskin longer than mine. “Dude, did you just look at my dick?”

“Well sorry Nancy,” Luke smirked. “Didn’t know you were such a prude.”

“Yeah, well,” I stumbled to find words, some clever comeback, but I couldn’t think of anything. Still annoyed that I couldn’t let go of my piss, a bladder ready to burst.

“You gun-shy or something?” Luke said.

“What? No, you caught me by surprise is all. Damn dude, you standing there, ambushing me, looking at my dick.”

“Sure, so let go then,” Luke laughed as he pushed out more piss as if just to prove some point.

I strained and focused and finally managed to let go. The beam was strong, a little bit too strong even.

“Whoah there, try not to get it on me,” Luke said awkwardly turning away, his dick still out.

“You jealous?” I laughed with some totally misplaced pride.

Luke laughed, “No man.”

“You sure seem interested in me pissing and my uncut dick, seems to me like you’re finally seeing a real man’s dick instead of that pea-shooter of yours.”

I meant for it to be playful, teasing, something relatively innocent. You know, guys being guys and all. But Luke seemed to take it as something else, something I didn’t expect. Shaking his dick, squeezing the last drops of piss from it. He said: “You’ve got a pretty good dick dude, not gonna lie. But I ain’t jealous. I’m a grower, not a shower.”

“That’s what they all say,” I was a bit too fast to reply.

Luke zipped up as I repeated his ritual of squeezing out the last drops, flicking my dick a couple of times. I couldn’t help but to notice that I was getting slightly hard. I tucked my dick away and zipped up. Walking back to the group was weird, but not unpleasant. I wanted to say something, but I didn’t know what I wanted to say to Luke, I didn’t know what he wanted to hear. So awkwardly I heard myself say: “Don’t worry bro, you got a good dick too.”

We arrived at the firepit and nobody reacted to us being away. I couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was happening. Something that hadn’t happened before. Luke grabbed another beer and threw it back. Jason was explaining how he rented out the lodge to some shamelessly rich couple a couple of weeks prior. They left a ton of stuff at the lodge, never contacted him about any of it. I assumed that the stuff Jason was talking about was the booze. Nobody really asked anything further about what it was exactly that was left behind. Instead we talked about how much he got for renting out the place. Jason was pretty open about it, told us that this was more than just a hobby project, this was his way of getting a couple of extra bucks. Rent out the lodge to weird rich folks, don’t ask questions, clean up when they leave. So far, only one rich couple had been stupid enough to venture this far into the middle of Bumblefuck, Nowhere. I seriously doubted this would get ever turn a profit, and I wasn’t the only one. Jason, however, seemed pretty convinced that it would. We indulged him, nodding and pretending to be convinced.

The beer flowed freely, but then Adam got a different idea, he ran into the lodge, grabbed a bunch of bottles of vodka and ran back to us. Adam was a god guy, he’s always been one of those guys who managed to get by without doing much. His relationships with girls were always doomed, he didn’t finish college, but we were all convinced that he could have made it with ease. He kind of rolled into his dad’s business and he really seemed to thrive there. His future was pretty much set in stone, pleasant without too many hardships. A string of ex-girlfriends, but eventually he’d find a wife and settle down. He’d just live life, a completely uneventful and average life. Perfectly fine. The thing that did spark Adam’s interest was the gym, it was the only thing he was super serious about. Not the body-building type, he never went that far, although we could all remember when we were around 16 and he decided to really bulk up, he was insufferable about the whole thing for almost an entire year. He did motivate us to join a gym, and we mostly kept up, but we were never into it as much as Adam. Adam did, however, have one vice, and that was alcohol. He reckoned on a low-carb diet he didn’t need to drink as much to get the desired effect of getting slightly buzzed, but what Adam reckoned and what reality dictated didn’t quite match up. Adam could drink, like really, really drink. I’ve seen him get absolutely shit-faced at a party, and that’s after drinking enough alcohol to kill a horse.

Strangely enough, he wasn’t a drunk, that was perhaps another thing worth of note about Adam.

“Guys, I fucking dare you to take this to the next level!” he yelled jovially as he shook the bottles in his hands. “If we can remember tonight, we didn’t do a good job!”

He opened the bottle, let it pass around. I took a big gulp, shuddered and suppressed the urge to spit it all out. Jason chugged a decent amount away, and so did Bobby. Luke surprised me by really going for it. David flashed a wicked little smile and decided to take two gulps. Adam finished it off with two gulps of his own.

“Fucking hell,” David coughed, “That is some nasty vile shit you brought along!”

“Is that moonshine?” Bobby asked. “Are we going to go blind?”

“Fucking pussies, all of you,” Adam laughed.

After that first round things started to escalate. The topic gravitated towards women and sex. Who did what with whom? Which of the girls we used to date was the freakiest kinkiest bitch out there. All in good fun.

“So what’s like the weirdest shit you’ve done Luke?” someone asked, but I couldn’t tell who.

“Don’t say anything little bro,” Bobby joked.

“Weirdest? Fucked someone at a gangbang.”

Laughter from the group, shouts of encouragement. Too drunk for a high five.

“How many?” Jason asked, kind of in this weirdly serious tone.


“How many people was this gangbang?”

“Seven,” Luke answered without any shame.

Bobby shot his little brother a look, and it surprised me. There was tension in that look, the kind that betrayed something indecent, something forbidden. I wanted to know what it was, wanted to discover that secret. Luke, however, wasn’t paying attention to his older brother, he enjoyed being the man with a story to tell.

“Dude, seven man gangbang! When was this?”

“Fuck, I think,” Luke started to slur his words, he enjoyed the attention. “like last year? It was fucking insane bro. Banging away all night. Nothing gay or anything, but damn, watching some chick get destroyed by dick is just fucking hot.”

“Anyone we know join in?” I heard the words roll out of my mouth without thinking.

“You guys know Kenneth? He was there”

We all knew Kenneth, he was around Luke’s age, it was more that we knew of him, but we didn’t hang out. One of those people you know, but never really think about. As far as I could recall, Kenneth was just a regular guy, one of many. I looked at Bobby, and judging by his look, he was at that gang bang with his little brother. He didn’t want any of us to know.

“So what’s the sickest shit you’ve pulled?” Bobby interrupted, a clear attempt at steering the conversation into a different direction.

“Had my girl shove a finger up my ass once,” Adam threw out without much hesitation.

“Fucking gay, dude,” someone interjected, but I wasn’t sure who it was, I was too busy keeping an eye on Bobby and Luke.

“Don’t knock unless you’ve tried it man,” Adam laughed heartily. “when they do it at the right moment, damn, I was seeing stars while blasting. Say what you will, but those gay guys are on to something. Like it’s their best kept secret or something.”

“Dude, I heard my dad talking to his buddies ages ago,” Jason added. “He got a boner when he got a prostate exam. Freaked him out. It’s like, that’s the G-spot for guys.”

For no real reason I saw David rise to his feet, trying to walk somewhere and failing miserable. He dropped to his knees and started throwing up. We cheered, called him a pussy and laughed. It was the first night out here, and while there were no rules and there wasn’t a game going on, we all agreed that David had lost. David was barely able to stand on his feet and without discussing anything we decided this night was over. I helped David get back to the lodge together with Jason. We dropped him on the couch. He was sound asleep before we managed to put him in a comfortable position. Jason left to grab a bucket and a bunch of towels while I undressed David.

David used to be a pretty hairy guy, when we were still in high school he was the first guy who had chest hair. The last time I saw him shirtless it was a dark furry coat across his chest and abdomen. He was proud when he was the first to get chest hair, but by the time we entered college it was sort of something he had grown insecure about, it didn’t help that we used to call him sasquatch. But as I removed his shirt, I noticed that he had it trimmed and judging by the looks of it, he trimmed it recently. A pleasant stubble, that revealed bronzed skin, it accentuated the muscle definition on his body and I wondered if he had all of trimmed down. I unbuttoned his jeans, revealing tight and surprisingly fashionable boxers underneath. I was tempted to take a look, but didn’t.

Jason stumbled back into the room, a bucket with a couple of towels stuffed in it in one hand and a bunch of markers in the other. He threw me one of the markers. “You know the drill,” he whispered, as if David would wake up from his alcoholic coma.

Dutifully I started drawing dicks on David’s body, wrote some shit on his torso. Jason giggled, slurred his speech and pulled David’s boxers down.

“Dude!” I said laughing.

“Man, look at that,” Jason whispered pointing at David’s limp manhood. “David’s finally found a razor!”

I laughed softly, in a way that betrayed I was trying to laugh softly because I was pretty drunk myself. David’s dick looked pretty damn big in this limp state. I was genuinely impressed. I don’t think I even saw his penis before today, but I felt a little bit jealous in my drunk state.

Jason didn’t waste time, uncapped one of the markers and started coloring David’s dick with his bright pink marker. That’s when the awkwardness really started. I don’t think we expected David to get a boner. The guy was beyond drunk, but as Jason was using his marker on David’s dick, it started to get erect. The moment Jason noticed what was happening he stopped, leaving only half of David’s rapidly swelling dick colored pink.

“Holy shit dude,” Jason whispered. “That thing is massive! Fuck me! You could ruin shit with that thing!”

“Jesus!” I whispered back, using my hands to indicate that this was indeed a monster cock. “That’s insane!”

“Guess David’s a big boy now,” Jason snickered.

We looked at David’s dick as it grew.

“Touch it,” I dared Jason.


“Do it! Check to see if it’s at full strength.”

Jason poked it with his finger, then squeezed it gently. “No dude, I think it’s not done yet.”

“Holy shit dude!”

In the distance we could hear the rest returning to the lodge. Without discussing anything Jason pulled David’s boxers up and somehow that was that. We didn’t mention it to the other guys, instead we all sort of agreed that the night was done and we all went to our rooms. I got a room to myself, clearly not a bedroom, just a small room with a matrass and some sheets thrown in. I knew Bobby and Luke were sharing an actual bedroom together, the one next to me. Jason had his master bedroom, and I figured that Adam had the second guest bedroom. I hadn’t seen that one, but I knew it was on the opposite side of the lodge from where I was staying. The lay out of this place was interesting to say the least.

I was sound asleep before my head hit the matrass.

Part 2: Luke's gangbang story

To nobody’s surprise we didn’t show our faces until late in the morning. Jason was first to exit his alcohol-induced coma, he wasn’t exactly quiet when he barged out of his room and started making an ungodly amount of noise somewhere in the kitchen. I think the sound that woke everybody up was David yelling at the top of his lungs, he sounded genuinely scared and shocked.

I figured he saw the surprise we gave him the night before, so I was in no rush to get to the living area. Something the others didn’t know, so I heard a bunch of hurried footsteps down the hall outside my room. It remained quiet for all but two seconds before I heard the guys laughing. That was my signal to get up and make an appearance.

“God- fucking- damnit, you guys! I thought my dick was going to fall off!”

“Well now princess,” Jason nearly sang at him. “We figured pink would totally be your color. Ya fucking puss, couldn’t hold your booze like a real man.”

“I’m so going to get you for this,” David teasingly answered.

“Why me? I wasn’t the only one!” Jason replied shocked, throwing his hands up in the air, pretending some level of innocence.

“Davey my boy, it seems to me, like you’ve got dick on your mind.” Luke laughed.

“I’m guessing he’s more of a dickhead,” Bobby added.

“The fuck, you guys?”

Adam pointed at his face, which prompted David to look for the nearest mirror. Again he yelled something about us being assholes and how he was going to get back at us. I reckon I looked a little bit too pleased with my drawing skills, because David pointed at me and with some overly dramatic voice told me: “It was you! Traitor! Sleep with one eye open you dick!”

“Why? I’ll just pour you a Bloody Mary and you’ll be down for the count. You fucking lightweight,” I threw back at him.

The hangovers kicked in around the same time we started breakfast, which was a shitty excuse for a breakfast. Spartan would be one way of putting it. We had all brought booze along, but nobody really thought about getting any decent amount of food. Most of the cupboards were empty and what was in the pantry we already ate yesterday upon arriving.

“I’m obviously not going to town looking like this,” David said gesturing to his face. “Assholes.”

“Not assholes, dicks,” I corrected him.

“Yeah, well, I’m not going either, my hangover is epic!” Adam stated dryly, scratching his junk. I could see that his boxers were stuffed, I figured he was fostering a semi. I remembered seeing Adam naked, ages ago, when we both took a shower at the gym. I couldn’t remember much about his dick, but I did remember him having huge balls.

“Fuck this shit,” I heard Bobby say. “Not it, definitely, not it.”

“Well, I ain’t going! I got some stuff to prepare for tonight,” Jason said.

And just like that the job was handed over to me and Luke. Luke who didn’t seem that bothered by his hangover. He seemed strangely carefree this morning. “Fine, I’ll do it,” I said. “Just let me get a shower me and throw on some clothes. This lodge-but-really-a-just-a-cabin, has running water I assume? And it’s hot?”

“Dude,” Jason replied defensively. “The lodge has it all! Your gracious host provides. But don’t take too long, hot water is fun, but I don’t think the system can manage six guys taking hour-long showers. So pray, whomever is last, that there’s enough.”

And with that prepared for my trip to town with Luke. I was not looking forward to having to drive all the way to town to get supplies and then drive all the way back again. My hangover resisted, complained and screamed at me to let someone else do it, but it was too late.

The drive to town wasn’t unpleasant, but it wasn’t exactly the most enjoyable ride. Luke and I talked about little nothings, shared embarrassing stories about Bobby and talked about the future. It all moved in and out of being genuine and genui-guy-nine: pretending everything was alright, everything was cool, problems existed but didn’t bother us. Scratching the surface, but never showing anything that lay underneath. Which was fine, Luke was Bobby’s younger brother after all, he was cool, but before everything else, he’d always be that… someone’s little brother. No matter how big he got, how much he worked out, how much wood he chopped, it didn’t matter that he did all the manly shit you could imagine, because at the end of the day he would still be Bobby’s little brother. Which made the trip to town just a regular trip. I learned more about Luke, he told me his plans, how he wanted to get out of town, he was looking for a new job, he wanted a new apartment. He told me about his ex-girlfriend and how much of an evil bitch she was, how she cheated on him and how much he enjoyed his freedom now that she was out of his life. I figured he still cared about her, that the pain was still very much there. Nobody tells the world just how little they care about something or someone, unless they truly do care. Luke gained a bit of depth during that ride and I appreciated it.

I told him about some of the shit I was dealing with, keeping most of it to myself, just the basic stuff. My boss and coworkers being un-appreciated assholes, looking to buy a house and getting frustrated that it’s impossible in this economy for someone my age to get anything. I told him I wanted to get out of my apartment, out of town, I wanted to go to the big city, New York, maybe Boston. Luke laughed when I called Boston a big city, I kind of had to agree and just admitted that I wanted somewhere that wasn’t our hometown.

Getting enough food for the next couple of days was easy. No allergies to keep in mind, no strict diet these upcoming days, nobody in our group was really that big of a fussy eater. I’m not a super big fan of fish, but it’s not going to kill me if I have to eat some salmon. We mainly stocked up on basics, meat, vegetables, the stuff that adds flavor, rice and some sauces. Not as expensive as I had feared, but they could always Venmo me what they owed.

My hangover had subsided and I felt alive and focused again. Luke seemed a little bit more alive now than he did when we left the lodge. Before heading back we decided to get a coffee or something. I told Luke it was on me. Where the conversations in the car touched on a couple of different things, during our coffee break we mainly talked about the weekend.

“I heard that Jason has something in mind for us tonight.”

“Like what?” I asked.

“Not sure, but Bobby hinted at something.”

“Like what?”

“Probably drugs or something. You know, taking Molly with the guys,” Luke laughed. I immediately let my mind go to that possible future, six guys on XTC, that was a recipe for the best night ever and the worst morning after ever. I seriously doubted Jason would throw party favors into the mix, but I noticed that I wasn’t totally against the idea.

“I don’t think people still use Molly,” I smiled. “Have you ever even tried it?”

“Once,” Luke admitted. “Best night of my life. Loved everything and everybody.”

“And that’s how you ended up in a gangbang?” I whispered and winked at him, hoping to make him feel slightly uncomfortable by bringing it up when we were both sober.

“Did I tell you that happened when we were using?”

“No, not yesterday, but you did just now.”

Luke laughed, pointed at me and pretended to shoot me with his fingers. He didn’t seem bothered, which surprised me and made me curious. Luke turned out to be an open book, where his older brother tended to keep his secrets a bit more secret.

As we drove out of town, I decided to probe him for more information. Luke’s sun-kissed skin and sandy blonde hair gave him a perpetually youthful appearance, the fact that he had dark thick eyebrows made him look like the guy who could get all the girls. At that moment as he looked out the window of the car, I think I finally got to see Luke as something other than Bobby’s younger brother. He looked like the embodiment of summer, but also someone I might consider a friend.

“So, how the hell did you end up in a gangbang anyway?”

“Kind of unexpected, someone brought drugs along, we dared each other to take some. After everything kicked in, shit just started escalating. We started out with a bunch of chicks, but by the time we decided to take some, they all but left. So there was just one girl left.”

“Do I know her?”

“Maybe, but I don’t think so. Kenneth’s now very much, very definitely ex-girlfriend, Cynthia.”

“Doesn’t ring a bell.”

“It’s fine, it was fun, but awkward.”

“Awkward how?”

“So get this, we’re all high as a kite, right. So most of us guys we lose our shirts, we’re dancing, we’re chilling out. The vibe is just weird, but not wrong. So we’re telling each other how much we appreciate each other. I mean, that’s what happens when you partake in that flavor, right?”

I nod and encourage him to continue by not saying anything.

“So Cynthia, she’s getting pretty handsy with Kenneth, and he’s getting pretty handsy with her. We’re all bros there, we’re all in this hugging mood and complimenting each other, but nobody’s like raging for some sex… but once Kenneth and Cynthia start to get going it all changes. So at first we’re just watching, and it’s us encouraging them to continue. Kenneth is like not sure about it, he hesitates, but Cynthia just goes for it. Drops to her knees and pulls Kenneth’s jeans down. She goes to town on that dick. Like she’s going for gold. Slobbering and slurping.

Kenneth has some difficulties getting hard right, so he’s standing there while we’re watching him get his limp dicked sucked off by his girl. But here’s the thing, nobody there laughs, we’re just watching and some of the guys are starting to get into it.

I’m no saint, not gonna pretend I am, but I didn’t whip it out first. I also didn’t whip it out last, but eventually we were all just standing there jerking our dicks. Some a bit harder than others.

Oh get this… Cynthia, didn’t use anything. She a nasty little hoe, but I can respect that. That girl was sober as can be. But I’m getting ahead of things… get it… a-head.”

I chuckle, but I couldn’t help getting turned on by Luke’s openness.

“Cynthia is just really into it, but Kenneth still isn’t there yet. So she looks around, sees a bunch of options dangling and she looks up at Kenneth and he just nods. Like this is something they discussed before or something weird. Cynthia gets up and flat out asks one of the guys if she can suck his dick. And that guy is like ”fuck yeah you can”. So she goes down on him, and the crowd goes wild.

So after that guy gets the blowjob of his life, she just starts to invite others. I swear to god, she went to town on every dick in the room, and truth be told, that was one of the best blowjobs I ever got. She’s, like, a real pro. I’m not saying I got a small dick, I’m pretty happy with what I’ve got, but I saw her go down on Steven, and he’s like donkey-dicked big. Steven’s dick was like, beer-can thick, and she managed to get her mouth around him. Bob was the last to get a blowjob, which is fucking hilarious, cuz he was first to whip it out.”

“Bob? You mean, Bobby?”

“Shit, yeah, uuuhm, so don’t tell him I told you this story.”

“I won’t.”

“Seriously, don’t, he’d kill me if he knew.”

“Why the fuck would he do that? Bobby isn’t the type who’s that uptight. When we were in high school he was all about telling us about his many, many conquests.”

“Yeah well, might as well tell you, just don’t ever tell him. So Bobby’s getting his dick sucked, and halfway through he goes limp. He’s pissed off like it’s nobody’s business. So him and Kenneth end up a bit on the sidelines while Cynthia just invites the rest of us to please her. She’s like weirdly in charge of it all. Honestly, I didn’t even know girls could do stuff like that. I mean, sure, they get horny, but this was a different level altogether.

So nobody cums right, because fucking X doesn’t let you or something. So we shit starts escalating, and a blowjob turns into getting her pussy eaten out by all the guys. Well nobody cums, except Cynthia, she cums buckets. She complimented me on my skills, and hearing that made me so fucking hard, like, it added an inch to my dick.

But yeah, she then points at me, at Steven and at Fred, and she wants us to just fuck her. But like I said, she’s weird and demanding and she’s got all the power, and she tells Fred to go first, me to go second and Steven to fuck her last.

I mean, Fred’s got a smaller one than I do, but like I said, Steven is the biggest guy there, at least he’s the thickest of us all.

So Fred fucks her, and she’s enjoying it while we’re standing around her just jacking it, waiting our turn. So after like 5 minutes she tells me that it’s my turn. I fuck her best I can, like I’m really going to town on her. She’s moaning and squirming and she’s telling me it’s just the right kind of fuck she needed. Steven goes last, and her pussy is already warmed up, she is legit dripping. Steven doesn’t fuck her hard, he fucks her slow. Massively fat dick of his stretching out that pussy. Her eyes roll in the back of her head, you can tell she’s into this. He fucks her while we all watch.

Kenneth gets rock hard at watching this go down in front of him. I’m like, sure, this is weird kinky shit, but hey, if they’re into this, whatever. Kenneth isn’t like the biggest dude there, come to think of it, he might be one of the smaller guys, but he doesn’t care as he just jacks it while Cynthia is getting absolutely destroyed by Steven’s freakishly fat dick slow fucking her to her next climax.

So Bobby is just pulling limp noodle the entire time. He’s kind of pissed, and I can tell he’s trying not to be that guy who’s all prudish and shit. So he stays and watches basically everybody getting a go at Cynthia.

So after Steven pulls out, and again, no cum, Cynthia tells Fred to fuck her, but he isn’t hitting the sides after Steven. But guess what.”

“What?” I ask, my erection at full strength, painful even.

“Fred is the only one who cums that night. And we’re not talking a couple of drops here, like, he shoots fucking endless ropes. It’s a lot, and I think he even hit Bobby from where he was standing. We all cheer, and that was basically the end of that whole thig. Nobody really wanted to do more, we’re all pretty much spent, and all of us have a severe case of the blue balls. The morning after, let’s just say that bathroom reeked of cum.

The next day we all swear to never tell anybody, but fuck it, I know everybody there has told the story five times already, except for Bobby.

But here’s the thing, right, like Cynthia is fucking sober. She didn’t take anything. This was kind of her biggest fantasy, turns out she and Fred kind were into this shit. Her getting banged by other dudes. They broke up because she ended up seen Steven on the side… I mean, you can’t see Steven on the side and then go home thinking little Fred won’t notice that your pussy’s been stretched out.”

“Goddamn,” I say, not really sure if I should say anything else. I feel hot, my erection is throbbing in my pants. I keep my eyes on the road.

“Yeah,” Luke says. “Guess you’re into this stuff too then.”


“Dude, you’re sporting wood,” he laughs.

I turn to face him, look him up and down and in an instant I see that I’m not the only one sporting wood. “I’m not the only one in this car who’s sporting wood. Dude, any harder and you’d poke a hole through your jeans.”

Just acknowledging that changed something.
Part 3: An interrupted supply trip.

Driving with a boner isn’t the most pleasant of driving experiences, and having Luke sit next to me, aware of my erection made it awkward, but not in an uncomfortable way. I couldn’t explain it, but there seemed to be some tension in the air. I felt a teenager again, something within me stirred up that teenaged curiosity, to see, to compare and to discover.

Knowing that Luke had a boner going for him, that just sealed the deal. I didn’t know what to say, though I had a million things that I wanted to say. Luke was pitching a tent, I was pitching a tent, we were both very aware of the situation.

“Shit, dude, pull over,” Luke said as we drove past nothing worth of note. It was just trees and a road that seemed to disappear somewhere beyond more trees. We left the town behind us quite some time ago. I reckon we had about thirty more minutes till we reached the lodge and the rest of the guys. I wondered what they had been doing these last couple of hours. “Just pull over.”


“I need…” Luke said pausing to search for words. “I need to take a piss.”

“Oh,” I noted dryly. “Yeah, sure. Good idea.”

Without saying anything else I parked the car on the side of the road. Luke opened the door and got out, stretching. I got out, stretched out just like Luke and adjusted my dick as it hadn’t quite settled down and was now positioned awkwardly. Just touching it through the fabric made the blood flow back.

I looked at Luke, who looked at my crotch: “Yeah, I doubt you can piss with a hard-on.”

“Fuck, yeah, you’re right I guess,” I took a quick peek at Luke’s crotch, he was still pitching a tent. I pointed and smirked: “And again, I’m not the only one sporting wood.”

“Yeah, well, I didn’t jack off yesterday, and obviously didn’t have the opportunity to do it today. So, you know, that thing’s got a will of its own,” he said with a cheeky grin.

“So now what,” I asked. “Do our math-homework?”

“Hey dude,” Luke said, ignoring my comment. “Mind if I ask you something?”

“Go ahead,” I said. My heart skipped a beat, this was dangerous territory. What the fuck was Luke going to ask me? All this talk about gangbangs, sex, all that shit, both of us sporting wood, what’s there to ask?

“You’re uncut, right?”

“What? Yeah, I am. Wait aren’t you uncut too, I mean the other day…”

“Yeah, no, I am that’s right. It’s just, so I was wondering, it’s stupid, but I was wondering do chicks like it?”

“Some do, I guess, I had plenty of girls who seemed fascinated by it. Kind of a unique selling point around here.”

“Cool,” Luke said sounding a bit distracted. “So, like, has a girl ever turned you down because of it?”

“Not that I’m aware of,” I answered truthfully.

“I had this one chick tell me that it looked weird. Totally left me with a case of the blue balls.”

I felt for the guy. The tent in his jeans had subsided, and this turn of events made him vulnerable. I kind of appreciated him showing me that vulnerable side. It made him more human, it made him someone I could trust as much as he could trust me. We shared something, something that set us apart from most of the guys in our town.

I saw him get a bit flushed, visibly uncomfortable. He wanted to say or ask more, but I figured he didn’t feel quite at ease yet to really let his guard down. I kind of wanted to help him, but again, my blood was rushing with hormones and I was kind of curious what he was really talking about, and what his dick looked like. I wanted to know how he measured up to mine. That strange mix between a genuine human connection and the curiosity that I thought I lost ages ago.

“Chicks are weird like that sometimes, don’t let it get to you.”

“Yeah I guess,” he replied sounding disappointed by my reply. I could still see him struggle to reach that part that he was afraid to reach.

“So, storm died down,” I said pointing at his jeans and mine. I smiled, trying to sound casual.

“Yeah, guess we’re good to go.”

I suspected something, so I walked to the nearest tree, unzipped my jeans and just waited for a bit. If my suspicions were correct, Luke would take the next step.

“So, you still got a semi, and you’re still too shy to piss in front of other dude?” I heard Luke say as he positioned himself next to me.

He was pretty damn forward all of a sudden, proving my suspicions right. He stood next to me, unzipped and instead of releasing a stream of piss, he just stood there with his cock out. Just like I was standing there with my cock out.

“Dude, you’re checking out my dick, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, sorry,” Luke said apologetically and rushed. I saw him turn and zip up in the corner of my eye.

“It’s okay, just bros here,” I quickly said, making it clear that he didn’t cross any lines with me. I turned my head to take a look at his dick. He held it in his left hand, clearly it was semi-erect like mine, but he wasn’t turning limp, in fact, he was slowly growing. I held my dick in my right hand, and felt it grow as well. We were quiet for a second or two. Luke wiggled his hips and his jeans and boxers dropped to the ground, giving me a very clear image of his dick and his sandy-blonde pubes. I obliged and allowed my jeans to fall to the ground as well. I squeezed my dick gently, staring at his, then staring at mine, but avoiding eye-contact at all cost.

“Jealous?” I said, but it came out like a rushed whisper.

“How big is it? Fully hard I mean?” Luke asked.

“Little over 7 inches I think. It’s been a while since I measured. Yours?”

“On a good day, I might reach 7 inches, but it looks like you’ve got me beat by more than a little. When did you last measure it?”

“Fuck if I know,” I said, milking my cock gently, studying it, comparing it to Luke’s. “Been a while I guess, I think I was, like, 14 or something.”

“It’s definitely bigger than mine is. I’m not the biggest, definitely not the smallest, but yours is a pretty good specimen. Fucking nice cock dude.”

“Thanks, I guess,” I said with a smile. Luke was milking his dick. Squeezing the base, pushing the blood to the tip to get it bigger. We were both pretending we were still just guys taking a piss, waiting to unleash, but by that moment we both knew we weren’t waiting for anything other than someone to move from just squeezing and shaking, to jacking it.

“So, when you get fully hard, does your foreskin cover your dickhead, or does it, I dunno, curl back by itself?” Luke asked earnestly.

“Take a look,” I said, letting my dick stand out without any support from my hand.

“Yeah, mine does the same thing, like, partially covered and stuff. I mean I never really saw another uncut dick. I always wondered if mine was, you know, normal.”

“Seems pretty damn normal to me.”

I couldn’t tell if look was smiling, but I could tell he was fully erect. He dropped his hand and let his dick bounce up and down. It looked like a good dick, his foreskin had retracted a little, but the glans was still covered, just like mine. He had a think vein running the length of it. It was shorter than mine was, maybe a little les thick than mine, but it was a good dick nonetheless.

It hit me that I was comparing dicks with Bobby’s younger brother. Sure, the guy was probably as tall as I was, and younger meant only two or three years in this case, but still. I was comparing dicks with Bobby’s younger brother, and I was clearly the winner of that contest.

“So?” Luke asked with a certain amount of expectation locked into that one single word.

“Yeah,” I said, not really waiting for any kind of sign. I just started slowly jacking my dick.

Luke didn’t join me, he just looked at my dick. Looked at how I was jacking off. I took my time to give him a little show. Pulled my foreskin back and forth. Slowly and methodically. I felt hot and ready to pop, but I didn’t want to yet. My balls ached for release, but I didn’t want to cum too soon. I wanted to impress Luke, and that thought struck me as remarkable. I wondered why I wanted to impress him.

Luke joined in, but his technique was different. He pulled his foreskin back, spat in his hand and used his spit to start work on his dickhead.

“Isn’t that way too sensitive?”

“What? This? Yeah, sometimes, drives me up the fucking wall,” he paused to spit again. “But in a good way. You never tried it?”

I didn’t answer, instead I repeated his technique, pulled my foreskin back, exposing my dickhead to the warm air. I spat in my hand, twice, and started to do what Luke was doing. I shuddered, this sharp unpleasantly pleasant sensation surging through my dick and my entire body.

“Keep going dude,” Luke said.

“I really gotta nut,” I said.

“Me too, wanna make it a contest?”

“What are we betting?”

“The guy who cums farthest wins, winner gets to decide what the loser has to do.”

“You’re on,” I said.

With our hard ons we walked back to the car, to the road. With my foot I drew a line. The starting line. And with that the contest had begun. I could have nutted right then and there, but I wanted to win, so I postponed that moment of no return as best I could. Building up tension, building up pressure.

Luke was jacking it hard, and he seemed to switch techniques midway. I could see him work that dick like a goddamn pro. He too was postponing, and I figured for the exact same reason.

I couldn’t hold it much longer and I figured to just let it fly. I jerked it good, jacked it hard, stimulated and squeezed everything I could stimulate and squeeze, just to make sure that when I blasted, my foreskin was fully retracted, noting to stand in the way of my jet of cum.

“I’m going to come,” I whispered.

“Yeah bro, do it,” Luke said, not stopping, but watching me jack it.

It came hard and fast. It was one of the most intense orgasms I had ever had. I didn’t want to moan, but fucking hell, I moaned low and hard as I worked my dick up and down and the cum shot out. Holy shit, that release felt so fucking amazing, like I hadn’t orgasmed in over a week. Like I’ve been edging for five hours. Cum shot out, I buckled and fucked the air in front of me as I unloaded my balls.

I heard Luke say something, but I couldn’t tell what. When I looked in his direction I saw him furiously jacking his dick, slightly hunched over and growling. “Yea, here it cums!”

He let go, arching his back, head in the air, moaning loudly. I saw a spray of cum exit his dick. Spraying the ground before. I was impressed by the amount of cum the guy produced. I wasn’t sure where mine had landed, but I was pretty sure it wasn’t as much as Luke’s load. He dripped onto the ground in front of his feet. His dick going limp.

I noticed something unusual, while my dick had gone limp, there was no sense of shame or guilt washing over me. Post-nut clarity wasn’t really a thing at that moment. I kind of liked it. If I wanted, I could probably go again, I figured, just after a short break.

“Fucking hell Luke, part man, part fire-hydrant?”

“Fucking hell man, I swear to go, that was in my top three best orgasms. That shit was wild and weird.”

“Same here, that was… intense. Who’s the winner tho?” I asked.

We looked down, traced the cum on the ground. Luke’s canvas was a mess, drops of cum everywhere. Mine was a bit more subdued, three definite hits.

“Definitely you, you got me beat on distance.”

“Fuck yeah,” I said with some slight exhaustion noticeable in my voice, as if I had just run a marathon.

“Hey, uuuhm,” Luke said as I saw him pull up his jeans. “So, yeah, this was weird and all.”

“Yeah, but I don’t know, I’m not gonna lie. I kind of enjoyed this. Besides I won.”

“No I mean…”

“Yeah dude, don’t worry, this is between you, me, and those millions of potential babies on the ground there.”

“Yeah cool,” Luke said with a smile. “But you won… so I guess you’re going to collect one of these day.”

“I guess I will, but best to let you enjoy the anticipation a while longer,” I laughed as I made my way to step back behind the wheel.

“Deal’s a deal,” Luke said with a slight grin on his lips. Nervous, obviously, but there was something else there. Something I was now pretty sure about. Bobby’s little brother… was kind of a freak, but in a good way. I figured this was going to be a very interesting weekend.

Part 3: An interrupted supply trip.

Driving with a boner isn’t the most pleasant of driving experiences, and having Luke sit next to me, aware of my erection made it awkward, but not in an uncomfortable way. I couldn’t explain it, but there seemed to be some tension in the air. I felt a teenager again, something within me stirred up that teenaged curiosity, to see, to compare and to discover.

Knowing that Luke had a boner going for him, that just sealed the deal. I didn’t know what to say, though I had a million things that I wanted to say. Luke was pitching a tent, I was pitching a tent, we were both very aware of the situation.

“Shit, dude, pull over,” Luke said as we drove past nothing worth of note. It was just trees and a road that seemed to disappear somewhere beyond more trees. We left the town behind us quite some time ago. I reckon we had about thirty more minutes till we reached the lodge and the rest of the guys. I wondered what they had been doing these last couple of hours. “Just pull over.”


“I need…” Luke said pausing to search for words. “I need to take a piss.”

“Oh,” I noted dryly. “Yeah, sure. Good idea.”

Without saying anything else I parked the car on the side of the road. Luke opened the door and got out, stretching. I got out, stretched out just like Luke and adjusted my dick as it hadn’t quite settled down and was now positioned awkwardly. Just touching it through the fabric made the blood flow back.

I looked at Luke, who looked at my crotch: “Yeah, I doubt you can piss with a hard-on.”

“Fuck, yeah, you’re right I guess,” I took a quick peek at Luke’s crotch, he was still pitching a tent. I pointed and smirked: “And again, I’m not the only one sporting wood.”

“Yeah, well, I didn’t jack off yesterday, and obviously didn’t have the opportunity to do it today. So, you know, that thing’s got a will of its own,” he said with a cheeky grin.

“So now what,” I asked. “Do our math-homework?”

“Hey dude,” Luke said, ignoring my comment. “Mind if I ask you something?”

“Go ahead,” I said. My heart skipped a beat, this was dangerous territory. What the fuck was Luke going to ask me? All this talk about gangbangs, sex, all that shit, both of us sporting wood, what’s there to ask?

“You’re uncut, right?”

“What? Yeah, I am. Wait aren’t you uncut too, I mean the other day…”

“Yeah, no, I am that’s right. It’s just, so I was wondering, it’s stupid, but I was wondering do chicks like it?”

“Some do, I guess, I had plenty of girls who seemed fascinated by it. Kind of a unique selling point around here.”

“Cool,” Luke said sounding a bit distracted. “So, like, has a girl ever turned you down because of it?”

“Not that I’m aware of,” I answered truthfully.

“I had this one chick tell me that it looked weird. Totally left me with a case of the blue balls.”

I felt for the guy. The tent in his jeans had subsided, and this turn of events made him vulnerable. I kind of appreciated him showing me that vulnerable side. It made him more human, it made him someone I could trust as much as he could trust me. We shared something, something that set us apart from most of the guys in our town.

I saw him get a bit flushed, visibly uncomfortable. He wanted to say or ask more, but I figured he didn’t feel quite at ease yet to really let his guard down. I kind of wanted to help him, but again, my blood was rushing with hormones and I was kind of curious what he was really talking about, and what his dick looked like. I wanted to know how he measured up to mine. That strange mix between a genuine human connection and the curiosity that I thought I lost ages ago.

“Chicks are weird like that sometimes, don’t let it get to you.”

“Yeah I guess,” he replied sounding disappointed by my reply. I could still see him struggle to reach that part that he was afraid to reach.

“So, storm died down,” I said pointing at his jeans and mine. I smiled, trying to sound casual.

“Yeah, guess we’re good to go.”

I suspected something, so I walked to the nearest tree, unzipped my jeans and just waited for a bit. If my suspicions were correct, Luke would take the next step.

“So, you still got a semi, and you’re still too shy to piss in front of other dude?” I heard Luke say as he positioned himself next to me.

He was pretty damn forward all of a sudden, proving my suspicions right. He stood next to me, unzipped and instead of releasing a stream of piss, he just stood there with his cock out. Just like I was standing there with my cock out.

“Dude, you’re checking out my dick, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, sorry,” Luke said apologetically and rushed. I saw him turn and zip up in the corner of my eye.

“It’s okay, just bros here,” I quickly said, making it clear that he didn’t cross any lines with me. I turned my head to take a look at his dick. He held it in his left hand, clearly it was semi-erect like mine, but he wasn’t turning limp, in fact, he was slowly growing. I held my dick in my right hand, and felt it grow as well. We were quiet for a second or two. Luke wiggled his hips and his jeans and boxers dropped to the ground, giving me a very clear image of his dick and his sandy-blonde pubes. I obliged and allowed my jeans to fall to the ground as well. I squeezed my dick gently, staring at his, then staring at mine, but avoiding eye-contact at all cost.

“Jealous?” I said, but it came out like a rushed whisper.

“How big is it? Fully hard I mean?” Luke asked.

“Little over 7 inches I think. It’s been a while since I measured. Yours?”

“On a good day, I might reach 7 inches, but it looks like you’ve got me beat by more than a little. When did you last measure it?”

“Fuck if I know,” I said, milking my cock gently, studying it, comparing it to Luke’s. “Been a while I guess, I think I was, like, 14 or something.”

“It’s definitely bigger than mine is. I’m not the biggest, definitely not the smallest, but yours is a pretty good specimen. Fucking nice cock dude.”

“Thanks, I guess,” I said with a smile. Luke was milking his dick. Squeezing the base, pushing the blood to the tip to get it bigger. We were both pretending we were still just guys taking a piss, waiting to unleash, but by that moment we both knew we weren’t waiting for anything other than someone to move from just squeezing and shaking, to jacking it.

“So, when you get fully hard, does your foreskin cover your dickhead, or does it, I dunno, curl back by itself?” Luke asked earnestly.

“Take a look,” I said, letting my dick stand out without any support from my hand.

“Yeah, mine does the same thing, like, partially covered and stuff. I mean I never really saw another uncut dick. I always wondered if mine was, you know, normal.”

“Seems pretty damn normal to me.”

I couldn’t tell if look was smiling, but I could tell he was fully erect. He dropped his hand and let his dick bounce up and down. It looked like a good dick, his foreskin had retracted a little, but the glans was still covered, just like mine. He had a think vein running the length of it. It was shorter than mine was, maybe a little les thick than mine, but it was a good dick nonetheless.

It hit me that I was comparing dicks with Bobby’s younger brother. Sure, the guy was probably as tall as I was, and younger meant only two or three years in this case, but still. I was comparing dicks with Bobby’s younger brother, and I was clearly the winner of that contest.

“So?” Luke asked with a certain amount of expectation locked into that one single word.

“Yeah,” I said, not really waiting for any kind of sign. I just started slowly jacking my dick.

Luke didn’t join me, he just looked at my dick. Looked at how I was jacking off. I took my time to give him a little show. Pulled my foreskin back and forth. Slowly and methodically. I felt hot and ready to pop, but I didn’t want to yet. My balls ached for release, but I didn’t want to cum too soon. I wanted to impress Luke, and that thought struck me as remarkable. I wondered why I wanted to impress him.

Luke joined in, but his technique was different. He pulled his foreskin back, spat in his hand and used his spit to start work on his dickhead.

“Isn’t that way too sensitive?”

“What? This? Yeah, sometimes, drives me up the fucking wall,” he paused to spit again. “But in a good way. You never tried it?”

I didn’t answer, instead I repeated his technique, pulled my foreskin back, exposing my dickhead to the warm air. I spat in my hand, twice, and started to do what Luke was doing. I shuddered, this sharp unpleasantly pleasant sensation surging through my dick and my entire body.

“Keep going dude,” Luke said.

“I really gotta nut,” I said.

“Me too, wanna make it a contest?”

“What are we betting?”

“The guy who cums farthest wins, winner gets to decide what the loser has to do.”

“You’re on,” I said.

With our hard ons we walked back to the car, to the road. With my foot I drew a line. The starting line. And with that the contest had begun. I could have nutted right then and there, but I wanted to win, so I postponed that moment of no return as best I could. Building up tension, building up pressure.

Luke was jacking it hard, and he seemed to switch techniques midway. I could see him work that dick like a goddamn pro. He too was postponing, and I figured for the exact same reason.

I couldn’t hold it much longer and I figured to just let it fly. I jerked it good, jacked it hard, stimulated and squeezed everything I could stimulate and squeeze, just to make sure that when I blasted, my foreskin was fully retracted, noting to stand in the way of my jet of cum.

“I’m going to come,” I whispered.

“Yeah bro, do it,” Luke said, not stopping, but watching me jack it.

It came hard and fast. It was one of the most intense orgasms I had ever had. I didn’t want to moan, but fucking hell, I moaned low and hard as I worked my dick up and down and the cum shot out. Holy shit, that release felt so fucking amazing, like I hadn’t orgasmed in over a week. Like I’ve been edging for five hours. Cum shot out, I buckled and fucked the air in front of me as I unloaded my balls.

I heard Luke say something, but I couldn’t tell what. When I looked in his direction I saw him furiously jacking his dick, slightly hunched over and growling. “Yea, here it cums!”

He let go, arching his back, head in the air, moaning loudly. I saw a spray of cum exit his dick. Spraying the ground before. I was impressed by the amount of cum the guy produced. I wasn’t sure where mine had landed, but I was pretty sure it wasn’t as much as Luke’s load. He dripped onto the ground in front of his feet. His dick going limp.

I noticed something unusual, while my dick had gone limp, there was no sense of shame or guilt washing over me. Post-nut clarity wasn’t really a thing at that moment. I kind of liked it. If I wanted, I could probably go again, I figured, just after a short break.

“Fucking hell Luke, part man, part fire-hydrant?”

“Fucking hell man, I swear to go, that was in my top three best orgasms. That shit was wild and weird.”

“Same here, that was… intense. Who’s the winner tho?” I asked.

We looked down, traced the cum on the ground. Luke’s canvas was a mess, drops of cum everywhere. Mine was a bit more subdued, three definite hits.

“Definitely you, you got me beat on distance.”

“Fuck yeah,” I said with some slight exhaustion noticeable in my voice, as if I had just run a marathon.

“Hey, uuuhm,” Luke said as I saw him pull up his jeans. “So, yeah, this was weird and all.”

“Yeah, but I don’t know, I’m not gonna lie. I kind of enjoyed this. Besides I won.”

“No I mean…”

“Yeah dude, don’t worry, this is between you, me, and those millions of potential babies on the ground there.”

“Yeah cool,” Luke said with a smile. “But you won… so I guess you’re going to collect one of these day.”

“I guess I will, but best to let you enjoy the anticipation a while longer,” I laughed as I made my way to step back behind the wheel.

“Deal’s a deal,” Luke said with a slight grin on his lips. Nervous, obviously, but there was something else there. Something I was now pretty sure about. Bobby’s little brother… was kind of a freak, but in a good way. I figured this was going to be a very interesting weekend.

Thank you, @Devken! I'm loving the way this story is going--hard and horny from reading it. Looking forward to the next few chapters! Keep up the good work.
Part 3: An interrupted supply trip.

Driving with a boner isn’t the most pleasant of driving experiences, and having Luke sit next to me, aware of my erection made it awkward, but not in an uncomfortable way. I couldn’t explain it, but there seemed to be some tension in the air. I felt a teenager again, something within me stirred up that teenaged curiosity, to see, to compare and to discover.

Knowing that Luke had a boner going for him, that just sealed the deal. I didn’t know what to say, though I had a million things that I wanted to say. Luke was pitching a tent, I was pitching a tent, we were both very aware of the situation.

“Shit, dude, pull over,” Luke said as we drove past nothing worth of note. It was just trees and a road that seemed to disappear somewhere beyond more trees. We left the town behind us quite some time ago. I reckon we had about thirty more minutes till we reached the lodge and the rest of the guys. I wondered what they had been doing these last couple of hours. “Just pull over.”


“I need…” Luke said pausing to search for words. “I need to take a piss.”

“Oh,” I noted dryly. “Yeah, sure. Good idea.”

Without saying anything else I parked the car on the side of the road. Luke opened the door and got out, stretching. I got out, stretched out just like Luke and adjusted my dick as it hadn’t quite settled down and was now positioned awkwardly. Just touching it through the fabric made the blood flow back.

I looked at Luke, who looked at my crotch: “Yeah, I doubt you can piss with a hard-on.”

“Fuck, yeah, you’re right I guess,” I took a quick peek at Luke’s crotch, he was still pitching a tent. I pointed and smirked: “And again, I’m not the only one sporting wood.”

“Yeah, well, I didn’t jack off yesterday, and obviously didn’t have the opportunity to do it today. So, you know, that thing’s got a will of its own,” he said with a cheeky grin.

“So now what,” I asked. “Do our math-homework?”

“Hey dude,” Luke said, ignoring my comment. “Mind if I ask you something?”

“Go ahead,” I said. My heart skipped a beat, this was dangerous territory. What the fuck was Luke going to ask me? All this talk about gangbangs, sex, all that shit, both of us sporting wood, what’s there to ask?

“You’re uncut, right?”

“What? Yeah, I am. Wait aren’t you uncut too, I mean the other day…”

“Yeah, no, I am that’s right. It’s just, so I was wondering, it’s stupid, but I was wondering do chicks like it?”

“Some do, I guess, I had plenty of girls who seemed fascinated by it. Kind of a unique selling point around here.”

“Cool,” Luke said sounding a bit distracted. “So, like, has a girl ever turned you down because of it?”

“Not that I’m aware of,” I answered truthfully.

“I had this one chick tell me that it looked weird. Totally left me with a case of the blue balls.”

I felt for the guy. The tent in his jeans had subsided, and this turn of events made him vulnerable. I kind of appreciated him showing me that vulnerable side. It made him more human, it made him someone I could trust as much as he could trust me. We shared something, something that set us apart from most of the guys in our town.

I saw him get a bit flushed, visibly uncomfortable. He wanted to say or ask more, but I figured he didn’t feel quite at ease yet to really let his guard down. I kind of wanted to help him, but again, my blood was rushing with hormones and I was kind of curious what he was really talking about, and what his dick looked like. I wanted to know how he measured up to mine. That strange mix between a genuine human connection and the curiosity that I thought I lost ages ago.

“Chicks are weird like that sometimes, don’t let it get to you.”

“Yeah I guess,” he replied sounding disappointed by my reply. I could still see him struggle to reach that part that he was afraid to reach.

“So, storm died down,” I said pointing at his jeans and mine. I smiled, trying to sound casual.

“Yeah, guess we’re good to go.”

I suspected something, so I walked to the nearest tree, unzipped my jeans and just waited for a bit. If my suspicions were correct, Luke would take the next step.

“So, you still got a semi, and you’re still too shy to piss in front of other dude?” I heard Luke say as he positioned himself next to me.

He was pretty damn forward all of a sudden, proving my suspicions right. He stood next to me, unzipped and instead of releasing a stream of piss, he just stood there with his cock out. Just like I was standing there with my cock out.

“Dude, you’re checking out my dick, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, sorry,” Luke said apologetically and rushed. I saw him turn and zip up in the corner of my eye.

“It’s okay, just bros here,” I quickly said, making it clear that he didn’t cross any lines with me. I turned my head to take a look at his dick. He held it in his left hand, clearly it was semi-erect like mine, but he wasn’t turning limp, in fact, he was slowly growing. I held my dick in my right hand, and felt it grow as well. We were quiet for a second or two. Luke wiggled his hips and his jeans and boxers dropped to the ground, giving me a very clear image of his dick and his sandy-blonde pubes. I obliged and allowed my jeans to fall to the ground as well. I squeezed my dick gently, staring at his, then staring at mine, but avoiding eye-contact at all cost.

“Jealous?” I said, but it came out like a rushed whisper.

“How big is it? Fully hard I mean?” Luke asked.

“Little over 7 inches I think. It’s been a while since I measured. Yours?”

“On a good day, I might reach 7 inches, but it looks like you’ve got me beat by more than a little. When did you last measure it?”

“Fuck if I know,” I said, milking my cock gently, studying it, comparing it to Luke’s. “Been a while I guess, I think I was, like, 14 or something.”

“It’s definitely bigger than mine is. I’m not the biggest, definitely not the smallest, but yours is a pretty good specimen. Fucking nice cock dude.”

“Thanks, I guess,” I said with a smile. Luke was milking his dick. Squeezing the base, pushing the blood to the tip to get it bigger. We were both pretending we were still just guys taking a piss, waiting to unleash, but by that moment we both knew we weren’t waiting for anything other than someone to move from just squeezing and shaking, to jacking it.

“So, when you get fully hard, does your foreskin cover your dickhead, or does it, I dunno, curl back by itself?” Luke asked earnestly.

“Take a look,” I said, letting my dick stand out without any support from my hand.

“Yeah, mine does the same thing, like, partially covered and stuff. I mean I never really saw another uncut dick. I always wondered if mine was, you know, normal.”

“Seems pretty damn normal to me.”

I couldn’t tell if look was smiling, but I could tell he was fully erect. He dropped his hand and let his dick bounce up and down. It looked like a good dick, his foreskin had retracted a little, but the glans was still covered, just like mine. He had a think vein running the length of it. It was shorter than mine was, maybe a little les thick than mine, but it was a good dick nonetheless.

It hit me that I was comparing dicks with Bobby’s younger brother. Sure, the guy was probably as tall as I was, and younger meant only two or three years in this case, but still. I was comparing dicks with Bobby’s younger brother, and I was clearly the winner of that contest.

“So?” Luke asked with a certain amount of expectation locked into that one single word.

“Yeah,” I said, not really waiting for any kind of sign. I just started slowly jacking my dick.

Luke didn’t join me, he just looked at my dick. Looked at how I was jacking off. I took my time to give him a little show. Pulled my foreskin back and forth. Slowly and methodically. I felt hot and ready to pop, but I didn’t want to yet. My balls ached for release, but I didn’t want to cum too soon. I wanted to impress Luke, and that thought struck me as remarkable. I wondered why I wanted to impress him.

Luke joined in, but his technique was different. He pulled his foreskin back, spat in his hand and used his spit to start work on his dickhead.

“Isn’t that way too sensitive?”

“What? This? Yeah, sometimes, drives me up the fucking wall,” he paused to spit again. “But in a good way. You never tried it?”

I didn’t answer, instead I repeated his technique, pulled my foreskin back, exposing my dickhead to the warm air. I spat in my hand, twice, and started to do what Luke was doing. I shuddered, this sharp unpleasantly pleasant sensation surging through my dick and my entire body.

“Keep going dude,” Luke said.

“I really gotta nut,” I said.

“Me too, wanna make it a contest?”

“What are we betting?”

“The guy who cums farthest wins, winner gets to decide what the loser has to do.”

“You’re on,” I said.

With our hard ons we walked back to the car, to the road. With my foot I drew a line. The starting line. And with that the contest had begun. I could have nutted right then and there, but I wanted to win, so I postponed that moment of no return as best I could. Building up tension, building up pressure.

Luke was jacking it hard, and he seemed to switch techniques midway. I could see him work that dick like a goddamn pro. He too was postponing, and I figured for the exact same reason.

I couldn’t hold it much longer and I figured to just let it fly. I jerked it good, jacked it hard, stimulated and squeezed everything I could stimulate and squeeze, just to make sure that when I blasted, my foreskin was fully retracted, noting to stand in the way of my jet of cum.

“I’m going to come,” I whispered.

“Yeah bro, do it,” Luke said, not stopping, but watching me jack it.

It came hard and fast. It was one of the most intense orgasms I had ever had. I didn’t want to moan, but fucking hell, I moaned low and hard as I worked my dick up and down and the cum shot out. Holy shit, that release felt so fucking amazing, like I hadn’t orgasmed in over a week. Like I’ve been edging for five hours. Cum shot out, I buckled and fucked the air in front of me as I unloaded my balls.

I heard Luke say something, but I couldn’t tell what. When I looked in his direction I saw him furiously jacking his dick, slightly hunched over and growling. “Yea, here it cums!”

He let go, arching his back, head in the air, moaning loudly. I saw a spray of cum exit his dick. Spraying the ground before. I was impressed by the amount of cum the guy produced. I wasn’t sure where mine had landed, but I was pretty sure it wasn’t as much as Luke’s load. He dripped onto the ground in front of his feet. His dick going limp.

I noticed something unusual, while my dick had gone limp, there was no sense of shame or guilt washing over me. Post-nut clarity wasn’t really a thing at that moment. I kind of liked it. If I wanted, I could probably go again, I figured, just after a short break.

“Fucking hell Luke, part man, part fire-hydrant?”

“Fucking hell man, I swear to go, that was in my top three best orgasms. That shit was wild and weird.”

“Same here, that was… intense. Who’s the winner tho?” I asked.

We looked down, traced the cum on the ground. Luke’s canvas was a mess, drops of cum everywhere. Mine was a bit more subdued, three definite hits.

“Definitely you, you got me beat on distance.”

“Fuck yeah,” I said with some slight exhaustion noticeable in my voice, as if I had just run a marathon.

“Hey, uuuhm,” Luke said as I saw him pull up his jeans. “So, yeah, this was weird and all.”

“Yeah, but I don’t know, I’m not gonna lie. I kind of enjoyed this. Besides I won.”

“No I mean…”

“Yeah dude, don’t worry, this is between you, me, and those millions of potential babies on the ground there.”

“Yeah cool,” Luke said with a smile. “But you won… so I guess you’re going to collect one of these day.”

“I guess I will, but best to let you enjoy the anticipation a while longer,” I laughed as I made my way to step back behind the wheel.

“Deal’s a deal,” Luke said with a slight grin on his lips. Nervous, obviously, but there was something else there. Something I was now pretty sure about. Bobby’s little brother… was kind of a freak, but in a good way. I figured this was going to be a very interesting weekend.

Luke’s technique is amazing… tried it the first time … wow
part 4: the tape they left behind

The minute I turned the car engine off, the other guys came running out of the lodge. They seemed overly active at our arrival. They weren’t happy to see us, they were happy to see the food we brought along. A couple of bags barely made it inside as Adam and Bobby grabbed half the stuff inside and just started munching down on whatever they had in their hands.

“Did you bring some apples? Fuck, I’m dying for a piece of fruit,” David yelled. I noticed that most of the stuff we had drawn on his face had been removed, most of it. Some faint traces were still visible and I wondered if his dick was still pink. “Fuck, I’d give anything for something even remotely nutritious dudes! I’m fucking starving for something healthy.”

“Gentlemen, gentlemen,” Jason stated theatrically. “Your generous host provides, the lodge provides. Let’s not waste everything in the first goddamn hour, ya goddamn pigs.”

“I’d like to see them try,” I said. “We’ve bought damn near half the store.”

“Careful now,” Jason said. “That might be seen as a challenge.”

I shot a quick look at Luke at the sound of the word ‘challenge’. It was something I didn’t actively seek out, it was some sort of primal reaction, some part of me that felt a tiny shred of shame about what we had done on the side of the road half an hour earlier. My mind made a small leap, wondering if Jason knew, and if so, how did he know? Logic took over, dispelled the thought almost immediately, but it left a rush of energy behind in my bloodstream. Nobody knew, I was just worried about nothing.

After all the bags were brought inside the lodge, and the guys had unpacked and dumped the products in their designated spots, we moved towards the living area. The couch that David had slept on last night still had a blanket draped over it. Clearly nobody had taken the time to do anything around the house. I shrugged and realized that it didn’t matter whether they had or hadn’t cleaned this place. Tonight would surely result in yet another mess.

The living area was actually pretty nicely done. Jason had managed to lower the area creating a sunken living room. Two couches, one facing a large flatscreen-tv, the other facing the kitchen. A couple of surprisingly comfortable beanbags were lined up across from the couch that faced the kitchen. There was enough room to move, but it still managed to create a cozy tight atmosphere. In the center of the seating area was a low wooden table, finished with metal, or iron, I couldn’t tell which.

I sat down on David’s couch, the one in front of the television screen. I stretched out, made it clear I wasn’t going to anything today, except eat, drink and drink some more, despite knowing that another night of heavy drinking was probably not the brightest idea. I really didn’t care, I needed alcohol, I wanted to let loose, besides this was our weekend, who the fuck cares about having great and sensible ideas?

“Someone get me a goddamn drink,” I yelled out.

“Coming up,” I hear someone say. “Water, beer, something stronger?”

“Beer’s fine,” I answered.

David showed up, two glasses of beer in his hand. I eyed him up and down, squeezed my eyes tight and told him without even reaching for one of the two glasses: “You drink first.”

“Come on!” He laughed. “You think I…”

“Yeah, I definitely think you,” I interrupted him giving him a look that made it no secret that I didn’t trust anything he’d hand me right now. “So… drink.”

David laughed, put one of the glasses to his mouth and took a reasonable sip from the glass. He looked at me as if that was proof that he was to be totally trusted. I tried to hold on to my expression of absolute distrust, but a faint smile crossed my lips. I leaned into that smile, turning it into a grin and said: “Now drink from the other one.”

“Dude!” David said defensively. “Would your bestest buddy ever do something so shitty? Do you think so little of me?”

“I’m not seeing you take a sip, oh bestest buddy of mine.”

David smiled, took the second glass and drank.

“What kind of ancient Roman shittery is this?” Jason said as he walked towards David. “Does your majesty, her royal highness, the duchess of manners and etiquette, need someone to taste her drinks and food?”

“Fuck off, that one of there,” I said gesturing to David. “He’s out to get us for that little stunt we pulled last night. You’re an idiot to trust him with anything.”

Jason laughed, grabbed one of the glasses from David’s hand and drank the whole thing empty, in one lengthy gulp. No hesitation, no burp, down the hatch it went.

That one act of bravery set the mood for the remainder of the day, as we moved towards the evening. We cooked, we ate, we drank, and drank some more, and then continued drinking because why the fuck wouldn’t we? By the time the sun went down we were halfway to getting drunk.

“So what exactly did you have planned for us?” Bobby asked Jason. Bobby was wearing an oversized t-shirt and rather loose shorts. He looked relaxed. I tried imagining him at that gangbang Luke told me about, imagined what his dick looked like, imagined how much he differed from his baby brother.

“Oh fuck, yeah,” Jason yelped, pretending to have forgotten about the stuff he had planned. “Before I show you guys, you need to swear, none of this ever gets out.”

“Dude, come on,” Luke laughed, obviously hitting the point where being tipsy could be considered mildly drunk. Things hadn’t been weird with Luke since we returned. We never really talked about it, or acknowledged it, but I had caught him looking at me a couple of times, but in all fairness, he had caught me looking in his direction too. “We’re not fucking fifteen years old.”

“Yeah, well, I need you to swear to that shit. Like, I’m not joking here. This doesn’t leave the lodge… ever. The only rule I have, and it’s that you will never ever tell anyone.”

“Fuck it,” I said throwing my hands in the air, feeling pleasantly buzzed. “I solemnly swear to never tell anyone.”

“Well, you know, solemnly might be taking it a bit to far, but yeah, good, that’s the spirit!” Jason said.

“Yeah sure, I swear, he swears, we all swear never to tell anyone,” Bobby said.

The other guys looked at Jason, as he pointed at each and every one of them and made them swear never to tell anyone. Everybody complied with the demand. It managed to change the vibe of the room. Jason being secretive added some excitement to what was about to happen. I could feel it between all of us. We had laughed a second before, but with Jason being so strict about it, being so serious, we all realized that this was something real. Something sufficiently big enough to

“So, I told you guys about me renting this place out to some rich couple, right?”

We nodded in agreement, even if we didn’t remember the previous night.

“So, here’s the thing, they left more than just a couple of bottles of booze behind.”

“Fucking drugs! I knew it!” Luke yelled overly excited and quite far gone on the cheap booze.

“No, dipshit, not drugs… well… no, not what they left behind. So here’s the thing, they left more behind, like, USB-drives, shit like that. Now in my defense, I totally called them, or tried to call them. Like, I’m not a total idiot. I tried calling them, but nobody answered, and I tried, like really tried. I sent them like a ton of messages telling them, they left some shit behind and if they wanted it back, I could totally send it to them. So week or so ago, I got a message from them telling me to keep all of it. So, I figure, it’s all fair game and shit, right?” Jason explained.

“Yeah, guess so,” David said as he poured some absolutely dire whiskey in a glass that had previously held lukewarm beer. “So… go on.”

“Gentlemen, I present to you, the fuckery of the rich and very much not-so-famous…”

Jason dimmed the lights, pointed something at the screen and we all fell silent. We watched as he moved through endless menus on the USB-drive, one folder after the other, folders in folders in folders, only to reach one buried deep. A bunch of files were on there. None of them were named as anything other than a date and a time. By the look of it, those files were shot at the time that couple was staying here at the lodge.

The screen in front of us lit up. We saw the room we were sitting in, someone had placed a camera roughly in front of the television so it recorded the entire living area.

I drank my cheap booze and from the corner of my eye I could tell that the other guys were doing the same. We were all dead quiet as the scene unfolded in front of us.

A man and a woman were sitting on the couch, a bunch of blankets and towels placed strategically. He looked like he was in his forties, maybe late thirties. Full head of hair, not an unattractive man. He worked out, a lean build, you could see muscle, his body was smooth and hairless. Everything shaved. The most noticeable thing about him was that he had ball-stretchers on. Big clunky metal rings that forced his balls down. His cut cock was still quite limp.

The woman was a different story, she was younger, perky tits and a good solid figure. The embodiment of a trophy wife it seemed. Her lips full, her make-up impeccable. She hadn’t shaved everything, but her pubic hair was trimmed very short. Her hair was a fiery gold, wavy and lush. She smiled at the camera, completely naked.

The man looked at the woman and whispered something in her ear. She smiled at the camera, pretending to be coy and shy as she spread her legs, revealing a very nice and tight cunt. She seemed completely comfortable in her role as shy-girl-turned-slut. The man stood up, turned his dick towards her and told her to suck.

She took his limp dick in one hand, and with her other she straddled his balls. He moaned, encouraging her to continue. We could see his dick rise as she touched it. Gently she placed her lips on his glans, kissing it softly. She giggled, he encouraged her to suck on it. She did what she was told. Slowly she sucked and licked. Looking up into his eyes and then back at his dick again, which had swelled to full strength.

The camera zoomed in, giving us a better view of the details. His balls hung low, the metal rings swaying gently against her chin as she sucked and licked. Taking just his head and then his entire dick in her mouth. She was playful about it. Thick red lips swallowing his dick. She started to pleasure herself, letting her hand wander downwards, first her breasts, squeezing her nipples, then lower. She played with her pussy as she sucked on his dick.

We looked at the scene, nobody spoke. We were watching two people, who obviously didn’t care if this shit got leaked, get their rocks off. Were we supposed to comment on this, were we supposed to just watch? I wondered what Jason was thinking right now. I turned to look at him, he just nodded and said “Keep watching, I should have charged them extra.”

The blowjob lasted about five minutes, but sitting there, it seemed to take forever. The woman, whomever she was, was good. Like, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a girl handle cocksucking quite like that. She did her best, it seemed fucking intense. As she blew the guy, playing with her pussy, teasing her clit, we could all see she was enjoying it. That pussy was wet as hell.

“Watch this,” Jason whispered.

The dude pulled away from the woman, who didn’t seem to mind. She spread open her legs further, showing us all her wet pussy. She spread open her lips, fondled it up and down, teased her clit and plunged a couple of fingers in. That shit was glistening wet. I could feel my dick harden.

“Honey, I got you a surprise…” The man in the video said.

We were all dead silent, watching the scene unfold. Half aroused, half dreading what we might get to see. I looked over at Luke, who caught my eye and quickly turned away, pretending to watch the video. The other guys were sitting a little less relaxed than a couple of minutes before. The kind of position you take on when you’re hiding a boner. Nobody said anything. I wasn’t going to interrupt this, it would have shattered the tension, besides, I was drunk enough to be into this whole thing. I wanted to see this forbidden thing.

“Here he is,” the man said as he guided someone into view. A tall, muscular man with dark skin stood on the other side of the woman, he was wearing underwear and nothing else. The two men were facing each other. The dark-skinned man looked down at the woman, at her body, at her wet cunt. “Go ahead, she’s yours.”

The woman smiled, and I wonder if I understood him correctly, did he say that she was his, or that he was hers? Either way, the dark man smiled as she turned towards him and slowly pulled his boxershorts down.

His dick was insane. It bounced up as she unleashed the beast. That thing was fucking huge. A dick made for porn, made for absolute fucking. I felt awe and jealousy surge through every inch of my own dick, which was very much at the peak of its power. To have a dick like that, I wondered.

“So far so good, right,” Jason said softly, which was a mistake, because none of us had so much as uttered a single word. Most of us drunk, but I figured that more of us were sporting boners and ready for the action. Jason interrupting, didn’t really change those two facts, but it did change the way we reacted.

“This is where the real kinky shit happens my dudes,” Jason added.

The dark skinned man, an impossibly hung god, made the other man look insignificant in comparison. I figured the man was average at least, but standing so close to that donkey dick, made him look tiny. The woman however seemed to be intrigued by the massive cock in front of her.

“No way, she can take that, no way!” I heard someone say, possibly Adam.

She looked at the massive dick in front of her, she spat on it, massaged it with her hand, then took two hands. She worked up more spit, just to slowly jack him off. He moaned, she leaned in. Gently, like she had done with her husband, she placed her lips on his dickhead. The glans of his dick glistening with her spit. We could see her tongue flicking from her mouth over his cock. She was teasing him, just working the head, never quite taking all of it in her mouth. She flicked her tongue around, almost allowed herself to suck it, but then pulled back.

The man moaned, groaned, and in his sounds you could hear impatience building. I could see him hold back something all men have in them when they are teased like that. The need to dominate to conquer, to let her know who is in charge. But he didn’t give in, instead she decided what was happening and when it happened. Perhaps it was her husband, perhaps this was the deal struck between the three. I didn’t know, but I was fucking horny watching her handle that dick.

“There’s no way,” I heard Bobby whisper. “Dude, there’s no way she...”

She did the thing that Bobby figured was impossible, what we all thought was impossible. She lurched forward, swallowing that fat gigantic dick. She couldn’t quite reach the base, but she tried her best. We heard her gag, we heard him moan. He flexed his muscles as she gave it another go. Coming back, gasping for air, then again attempting to swallow that meat of his. She came back, strands of saliva, spit, possible precum connecting her mouth with his manhood.

“I can’t he’s too big,” she said, pretending shyness.

“Aaahw fuck, you’re doing great,” the man said with a low growl.

She tried again, but still couldn’t get all of it in. Further, but not all of it. We heard her gag loudly, saw her neck convulse. She took him out of her mouth and coughed. His dick was wet with everything she had given him.

“Can he fuck me?” She asked her husband.

There was nothing spoken, no discussion. She turned on her back like a professional and beckoned him to mount her. She whispered “Fuck me, fuck me hard.”

We watched as he placed his dickhead at her pussy. He teased her, rubbing that massive dick up and down. He tapped her gently with it, only to get slightly rougher with each little teasing tap. I heard someone spit, saw it drop on his dick, I realized that it was her husband who was providing extra spitfor the stud to breed his mare.

“Come on, fuck me,” she said. He pushed at her command, we could all see his dick slips slowly into her sopping wet cunt. She let out a moan, something instinctive, something pleasurable. She bucked under his dick, she tried to get more of him in her. He pulled out instead.

“You heard her,” the man said. “Fuck her”

That was the sign, we watched as he roughly plunged his dick inside her. She moaned, groaned, almost screamed. I felt my dick brush against every fiber of the clothing I was wearing. My dick ached at the sight of her cunt getting stretched out by that impossbly big cock.
(post size limit)

He pulled out, completely, her cunt wet as hell, only to push it back in. His hard dick seemed merciless as he fucked her. What started out as soft, quickly because rough. She cried out in joy, telling him that this felt amazing, that this was what a real fuck was. She told him to hold for a second, he didn’t listen, instead he pumped away at her. We could all see her, we all knew what was happening. She was cumming while getting fucked by an impossible bull. His balls slapped against her. She moaned, she cried softly, she told him to go on, to fuck her to keep it in her, to give er more.

Her left hand played with her tits, her right hand was near his dick, checking it, checking her own cunt, rubbing eagerly at her clit. He managed to get balls deep inside of her. All of his manhood buried in her plump cunt, which seemed swollen by the pounding he was giving her. Pink and wet, stretched out over that enormous black dick he brought. His big juicy balls pumping away, filled to the brim, swollen and ripe, ready to unleash. This lasted for what seemed like an eternity, but in all reality, only lasted about seven minutes or so. She trashed around as he pushed into her. He seemed too eager to get even more of himself into her. Her cunt touched his pubic boned, her clit rubbing against him. He was fully inside of her now. He bucked wildly, made her squirm, made her delirious with his every swing.

He growled: "Fuck you bitch, ain't never had a whore who could take me like this. Imma fucking give it to you!"

She threw her head back, laughed and moaned with extasy. "You think you got me, you fucking bull? I've got you!"

With that she locked herself in, clamping muscles, moving, squirming, gyrating. She pushed her sloppy wet cunt harder onto his dick, pressing herself against him. Her hand, craddling and playing with his balls. She was in total control of the situation. I could see sweat and juices glistening on their bodies, his short curly pubes were wet, so was her pubic area. She twisted her hips from one side to the other, he pulled back a little, she allowed only so much to leave her, before pressing herself against him again. Her cunt swallowed him whole.

“I’m cumming,” the man moaned, his voice low and dark. He tried to pull out of her, but she wouldn’t let him.

“Pump me full of your cum, you fucking piece of fuckmeat,” she hissed at him with a dangerous insanity. She was beyond herself at this point, she yearned for it. She wanted that dick deep inside her, she wanted every drop of that cum only he could provide. He was her stud, her bull, while her husband stood by pulling at his dick. He wasn't jacking it, he was pulling it, massaging it, waiting for his time. "Fuck! Fill me up! You goddamn bull! Fuck yeah!"

He thrust into her, and again, and again, making it clear he was filling her up. She locked him in, making him unable to pull out of her. She laughed devilishly as we could see him struggle. We felt with him that blissful pain of continuing after your shot. He was being drained and it was absolute torture for him, the best kind of torture. I could feel it in my dick, too sensitive right after that sweet release, but with someone unwilling to give up. Agony and bliss combined.

His dick still in her, but losing its mass, we could see her cum just by having him in her. She moaned and moved and finally released him. We saw his almost limp dick leave her pussy. Dripping with her juices, dripping with his juices. It was an impressive sight to behold.

“Lick it up! Taste that bull seed, make me cum on your tongue!” she commanded.

The dark-skinned man left the scene as her husband placed himself in front of her pussy and started licking her. He did what he was told to do, he licked her pussy good enough for her to moan and tell him that she was cumming. She was writhing on the couch, the blankets and towels, wet with fluid. She was a woman well-fucked and completely filled. When her man left her, allowed her to enjoy the post-climax moment, we could see she was still leaking.

“Now, guys,” Jason whispered, pointing at the screen. “Look at this, here it comes…”

The man turned towards the camera, with his wife next to him, he smiled and so did she.

“To the fine young man who rented us this place… hope you enjoyed the show…”

Nobody said anything, but my dick was ready to fucking burst.

Part 5: calm before the storm / the dick pump story

It was dead-quiet for a couple of seconds after Jason stopped the video. My massive erection wasn’t going down, I had questions that my dick wanted answers to. I glanced around, saw the other guys sitting in that same familiar, boner-concealing fashion. I caught Bobby and Luke exchanging looks, I saw David adjust his package awkwardly, pretending we didn’t know what was up.

“So, is there more?” Adam asked, breaking the silence.

“What? No,” Jason replied in a way that betrayed the obvious lie.

“There are more files on that drive dude,” I said, pointing at the screen that showed the open folder. “They’re right there.”

“I need more booze, who’s with me?” Jason answered, ignoring me.

“Yeah, if you don’t mind… I’ll sit this one out,” Bobby said with a grin. Somebody had to say something, and I was kind of glad it was Bobby. If he hadn’t commented on the obvious fact that we were all stricken by a severe case of the hormones, I would have probably made a similar comment. “Come on, oh gracious host, do what you do best, provide what you offer.”

Jason rose to his feet slowly, grabbing a pillow to hide his cock. This was not the best day to wear anything loose, yet here Jason was, wearing something way too loose to hide anything. Looking around, I realized most of us were wearing something loose. Perfect for hot weather, not so great at hiding anything.

“Why the pillow? There’s not much to hide there, shrimpy,” I heard David joke.

“Fuck off pink-dick,” Jason laughed with a faint hint of genuine hurt in his voice. Suppressed, but there. The rule of any gathering of guys: thou will joke about the size of thy buddy’s manhood, be this truth or nay! Usually any such a comment would be countered with some similar comment, making fun of dicksize, mothers, sisters, or throwing in the good old ‘I didn’t hear you complain last night’. But Jason kind of lost this battle with a weak comeback. I couldn’t tell what was going through his mind. Was Jason truly insecure about his manhood? Did he measure up to the rest of us, or did he come up a little short in comparison? The thought stuck longer in my head than I wanted it to.

“Dude, how did it feel to hold a real dick for once?” David shot back unexpectedly, still not over the fact that Jason pulled that prank on him the other night. What surprised me was that he grabbed his crotch and shook it violently. I could see he had more than a handful. I figured David’s erection had died down somewhat, making him comfortable grabbing his enlarged dick without making it obvious he was nurturing a hard-on second before.

“You dick,” Jason laughed as he moved into the kitchen area. He threw the pillow at David, who tried to catch it. I could see Jason’s tent for a second or so, unfortunately too short to really get a good view of what he was packing beneath those shorts.

“Man, that was some freaky shit,” I heard Adam pick up a conversation.

“Fucking impossible,” Bobby said. “That must have been a prosthetic.”

“Looked real to me,” I said.

“Goddamn, think of the damage you could do with a dick like that.” Luke added.

“Maybe he used one of those pumps?” Bobby speculated.

“I don’t think there’s a pump big enough for something like that.” Adam said.

I turned to Adam, looked at him quizzically, “How would you know that? Proud owner of one?”

“Dude, don’t tell me you never tried any of those enlargement products,” Adam answered casually. He sounded reasonable about the situation. Breaking through that barrier where guys could never admit to their friends to using anything on their dicks. “Yeah, I tried a pump once, years ago, kind of freaky, not completely unpleasant.”

“Did it work?” I asked genuinely interested. I could see the other guys paying attention to Adam.

“So first time I tried it, it didn’t do much. Like, I got it, used it for five minutes, saw my dick swell and took it out. Shit went back to its regular size. I figured, it’s a scam, doesn’t work, right. Didn’t use it for a month or so, but then I saw this porn. Two chicks using a pump on some random skinny guy with a small dick. So I decide to give it a second chance, right,” Adam explained, sounding completely reasonable and serious about the whole thing.

“So I slip it onto my cock, start pumping. As I’m using that thing, I figure, maybe, just maybe, do some actual research on how to use it. Turns out, that shit ain’t easy. It’s not supposed to be one quick pump and voila: a 10 inch monsterdick. It’s this huge time investment, you need to pump it, milk it, pump it again, milk it, pump it, cool down. It’s all about blood flow.”

“Dude,” I heard Bobby say, while sitting on the edge of the sofa, leaning forward. I suspected he was getting hard again. I was getting my boner back too, I didn’t quite know why this turned me on, but it did. It was that strange curiosity about the secret lives of my friends, how other guys dealt with this sort of stuff, if I shared some of their experiences.

“Yeah, so, what I thought was going to be this quick and easy thing, turned into a fucking long session. Swear to god, I don’t usually do that kind of thing, but I’m talking hours here. I was pretty much busy with my meat the entire night. Fuck, barely ate, but drank tons of water.”

“What was the result, did it work?”

“It worked, my dick was swollen, it looked huge, felt huge, but kind of weird too. I fucking hated it, but at the same time it’s this fucking amazing thing that’s right in front of your eyes. Took some pictures, sent them to one of the girls I was seeing. She came over like that,” Adam said, snapping his fingers for effect. “I rode her, but like, my dick was sore and swollen, so I couldn’t cum. We fucked for way too long. She was goddamn raw and I still hadn’t blasted. My nuts ached, my dick ached, everything ached. So here I am, fucking a girl with this engorged swollen meat, not being able to cum. So after a while she tells me to stop, almost begs me to stop. Turns out, she literally couldn’t take more of it, like, she had creamed twice, complimented me for my service and then she got up and left.”

“Shit, dude,” Luke said.

“Next day she texts me asking for a second round. I declined.”

“What? Why?” I asked.

Turns out, pumping your dick real long and real good means that it’s going to be real sore the day after,” Adam laughed awkwardly.

“But did you manage to permanently increase your dick size?” David asked.

“I hoped it would, pumping it added like an inch, and made it real fat, but it ended up returning to normal. So yeah, pumping is fun, but it’s not something I’d do often. It’s like, one of those ‘in a freaky mood’-things.”

Jason walked over to the seating area and placed a couple of bottles on the table with six shot glasses. I picked up one of the bottles, studied it carefully, checked the alcohol content. I concluded that this was basically poison, so I told Jason to pour me a glass.

“Hey, could you grab me that bottle I brought,” David asked Jason. “I think you put it somewhere in the back of the pantry.”

“Sure,” Jason said as he moved, without complaining, back to the kitchen area, only to disappear behind the door to the pantry where we had stuffed everything.

“So, let’s see what our host has been hiding,” David whispered with a grin, grabbing the remote. He acted swiftly, scrolling through the USB-drive. He found the folder with the film left by the couple, there was one more folder in that one, David opened it, we could see multiple files, video-files mostly, a couple of pictures.

“Shit dude, hurry, click one,” I whispered.

David opened the first file in the new folder. Again we recognized the lodge, but there was no couple to be seen this time. No horse hung man to fucked some slut senseless. Instead we saw the lodge and we saw Jason, wearing nothing but tight boxers as he moved into view.

“Holy shit, this is gold!”

“If he comes in, he’s going to kill us!”

David had put the video on mute, but we saw Jason say something to the camera. We were all quiet, looking at something we all knew we shouldn’t be watching. Eyes on the screen, ears primed to pick up any sound from the pantry.

Jason walked back, flexed his muscles and proceeded to drop his boxershorts, revealing his dick to the world. I heard Adam hold back a laugh, David let out a sigh, as if he had been holding his breath for too long. Bobby and Luke were both quiet as the grave. I studied the sight intently.

Jason looked good on video, his features were masculine, he was sporting a fashionable five o’clock shadow. His chest hair trimmed, not that he had a lot, and there was a treasure trail running down from his belly button into his pubes. Dark pubes, not bushy, not trimmed, but kept to a certain length. His dick was hard, I figured it was around 5 or 6 inches. It looked average. His cut cock angled a little bit up, his balls dangled low underneath.

There was a sound from the pantry, footsteps. David turned the television off and all of us pretended to be busy doing something different.

“Why are you guys so quiet?” Jason asked as he opened the door and exited the pantry.

“Did you find the bottle?”

“Yeah,” Jason said showing us the bottle as he turned around the kitchen and walked towards us.

“Should we play some shitty drinking game, like we used to do?” Adam asked.

“Like what?” Luke asked.

“Truth or dare, or something. Remember back in high school?” David added.

“Truth or dare? Seriously? We’ve got secrets from each other? Are you all hiding some dirty secrets?” Bobby asked.

Nobody reacted, because the answer to Bobby’s question should have been a clear “no”. I mean, we were all friends here, we all shared moments together. We wanted to believe that our friendship was solid enough, despite distance and time and events. However, the answer that is should have been was clearly not the answer we would give if we had to honestly answer. We all knew that “yes” we had some skeletons in our closets. We had done some things and never told others about it. I mean, Bobby never told me had was in a gangbang, he never told me that he was in a gangbang with his younger brother. Jason was hiding his homemade jack-off videos. I wasn’t telling anyone about jerking it with Luke at the side of the road earlier today.

There was plenty of stuff we kept to ourselves. The more I thought about it, the more the idea appealed to me. Truth or dare, we were to old to play that, besides, six guys, who would ever pick dare, and what would we even pick as dares for each other? I had some ideas, but I wasn’t drunk enough to say those out loud, even if I really wanted to.

“I’ve got a game, all we need is a deck of card,” I said “It’s easy, you need some skill, sorry David we all know you suck,” I joked. “So if you win a round you get to ask a question. The loser has to take a shot, the rest of us have to either answer the question by saying ‘yes’ or take a shot. Sort of like truth or dare, but mixed with never have I ever.”

“Sure, sounds good,” Jason said. The rest of the guys shrugging and agreeing to playing the game.

I set up the game, explained the rules. Nothing too complicated, it’s fast and easy, and the competitive element always draws out the best in people.

Round one came and went, the first question asked was something about making money, which everybody answered. Jason however had to take a shot. The second round took a little longer, again a rather soft question was asked, this time David had to take a shot. The third round is where Luke won, but I lost, he grinned devilishly as he looked around and pretended to think of a question.

“Well, well, well, let’s honor those who came before us,” he said. “Who has made a home-video like the one we saw?”

I took my shot with a smile. I had to applaud Luke, that was a clever little question. We knew Jason jacked it in front of the camera, but Jason didn’t know that we knew that. He’d figure Luke was talking about the couple and their bull, not about his little foray into the world of homemade porn.

Drunk enough to not lie, but sober enough to not throw it out without waiting for the others.

Luke looked around at the other guys. As he looked at me, I threw my hands in the air as a sign of defeat. I had to drink, not answer a question.

David took a shot, but I suspected he was lying. Adam took a shot, I didn’t know if he was lying, or if he genuinely had never made a home video. I heard one of his ex-girlfriends wasn’t all that prudish, heard some very interesting stories about her.

To my surprise Bobby didn’t take a shot, instead he admitted to having filmed himself and a couple of his exes while fucking. He defended himself by explaining that he thought it was hot, watching yourself fuck on video. He also explained that he used it to improve his game. The girls, he said, were also into it, but he didn’t quite get why or how, and I didn’t get the impression that he really cared.

Jason’s turn to answer or drink. I suspected he’d lie and take a drink, but he didn’t take the shot. He smiled and admitted to videotaping himself. He repeated in his own words what Bobby had said, giving us the same story about ow it improved his next game, shit like that.

All of us knew that while technically he wasn’t lying, he also wasn’t telling us the whole truth.

The next round went to Jason, this time Luke was the loser. Jason seemed a bit cocky about it, turned to the group and asked: “Who had a boner watching that chick get destroyed?”

Clearly nobody was going to drink. Bobby was first to react. “Damn dude, hard as a fucking diamond.”

“My shorts are stained,” David laughed.

“Poked a hole through five layers of fabric,” Adam concluded. “Holy shit, that chick could take a beating. She must have been sore the day after.”

“I nearly stabbed my eye out,” I said.

Luke excused himself for a second, while the rest of us waited for him to return. Jason brought up the video again. Complimented the bull on his work, he really seemed to admire the whole thing. Bringing it up as often as he did, I suspected there was something more about the whole thing that he wasn’t telling us. There were way more files there, and we only briefly glimpsed the one.

I felt my mobile phone vibrate. A message. As Luke returned I glanced at my phone quickly. Surprised to see that Luke was the one who sent it. He must have sent it while he was gone. I excused myself for a second, planning to carefully read the message Luke had sent me.

The guys laughed, did a round of shots together while I vanished.

Luke messaging me was unexpected, we had hardly interacted since we returned to the lodge, but what he had sent me was a little bit more shocking. I felt a wave of warmth course through my body, I was horny as fuck. Luke told me to steer the conversation towards a certain topic, I had to follow his lead. According to him, this was going to get really interesting, really fast, and he hinted at a second shot at winning.

I knew he was referencing that little cumshot contest of ours earlier. The boy had guts I had to give him that. Apparently I wasn’t the only one so fucking horned out of his mind as 10 self-imposed limits had fallen away in pursuit of getting more and more horny. To discover, to tease, to prove yourself, to be men.

I fucking loved the idea, I embraced it, leaned into it. I was willing to see where this would end.

Part 6: Measure (of) a man

The game progressed another round, I was pretty drunk at that point and I was enjoying the time with the guys. The set up started to feel a little bit like a limiting factor. I felt the need to know more, to dig for something hidden. My dick swelled up, only to release that tension after another round or when a question felt like a dud. Throughout the game we had been teasing each other, hinting at things we knew, or wanted to know. Despite our openness with each other, nobody seemed willing to really expose anything truly personal. If the others felt remotely the same way I did, they were just as eager and willing to get into the nasty little details and awkwardness. I looked at Luke and Bobby, knew for a fact that Luke wanted things to get dirtier. Bobby had surprised me, he was eager to answer questions, especially the ones about sex.

When Luke won he had the opportunity to ask his question. I looked at him expectantly while his big brother had to take a shot because he had lost. Bobby was pleasantly plastered, drunk, but not too drunk.

“So, of us guys here, who has the biggest dick?” he asked the group. It wasn’t exactly what the rules allowed, it had to be a yes or no question, but nobody objected to this sudden and quite obvious breaking of the rules.

“Not me,” Jason said with confidence. “I mean, definitely not the biggest, but probably not the smallest either.”

“I think I have a couple of you guys beat in the dick department,” I boasted. I knew I was better endowed than Luke and Jason. I was unsure about Adam and David. David’s dick was pretty damn impressive, but it had been dark, I had been drunk, and it wasn’t as if I had been in a position to compare mine with his. Adam was the great unknown in this scenario. I had never seen him hard. After hearing Luke’s story about how he banged some chick at a sex party, I didn’t get the impression that Bobby was all that hung. He commented on a couple of the other dudes’ sizes, he mentioned Bobby’s stage fright, but he hadn’t mentioned anything about Bobby’s dick.

David smiled as he looked at me, “I don’t know dude, you might be surprised.”

I didn’t quite know what to make of David’s comment, he knew Jason and I had seen his dick, but he probably didn’t know that when Jason worked the pink marker on his manhood he had gotten erect. Pretty damn cocky about what he was packing, but I wondered if he was truly that confident, or just pretending.

Adam leaned back, spreading his legs, an obvious bulge in his shorts. It wasn’t an answer to the question, but he was making a point that he thought he had us beat.

“So, I guess Adam’s out of that race,” Luke quipped at the sight of Adam’s display of masculinity.

“Fuck, no, I’m swinging!” Adam said, sitting upright. “Like, I’m not even joking. I’m pretty big.”

“How many inches are we talking about here?” I said. “5 or 5.5, maybe just short of 6 on a warm day?”

“Fuck you, dude,” Adam said with smile. He gestured with his hands: “Try 8 or 9.”

“Holy shit my man, you measured your dick?” Bobby chimed in unexpectedly.

“Dude, seriously? Like I’m the only one here who has measured his dick? Get out of here. Fucking liars.”

“Yeah, but I measured it when I was, like, 15 or something,” Bobby shot back.

“Yeah, sorry big bro, but I’m calling bullshit on that,” Luke said in defense of Adam. “That’s like saying you don’t jack off, when the pile of Kleenex is a mile high and you buy Vaseline by the goddamn gallon...”

“Seriously, so when was the last time you actually measured yours, baby brother?”

“Can’t be more than a couple of months ago. A man of science needs all the data he can get his hands on. Also, switching to metric makes everything sound bigger, just a hint.”

“Bob, are you seriously telling us that the last time you measured your dick you were 15?” I added.

“Not going to lie, I measured mine like three weeks ago,” David said. “I gotta agree with Luke on this one: science! Besides when a chick asks you how big it is, you need to give her the most recent and up-to-date information. Otherwise it’s just false advertising.”

Jason jumped up from the couch, quickly moved to the kitchen, opened some cabinets and drawers and then hopped back to the rest of us, without saying a word.

“When you’re 15, that shit is still not done growing,” I said to Bobby. “My man, you’ve been telling everybody you’ve got a 4 inch pecker.”

“It’s not 4 inches, you dick,” Bobby said.

Jason threw him something. Bobby caught it with surprising ease. I figured he would be a little too tipsy to have his fine motor-skills intact, but I figured wrong apparently. Jason smiled and I saw Bobby study the thing he had caught. Took a second or two before he realized what he was holding.

“Measure it,” Jason said with that logical tone of voice that made it sound like a really solid and reasonable idea. I felt my dick move at the thought.

“Dude, I’m not measure my dick,” Bobby said as he absentmindedly started playing with the measuring tape.

“Why not? Scared?” I teased, hoping to push him into doing it.

“Come on bro,” Luke chimed in. “We’re all men of science here.”

“I’m not whipping it out in front of you guys,” Bobby said. His voice seemed a little bit stressed. He felt some measure of fear. He was being called out by us and he was trying to get out of it. I knew that every argument he would throw at us, we would counter in some way.

“You can use the bathroom,” David said.

“I’m not even hard,” Bobby replied.

“You managed a boner when watching that giant dick pump that pussy,” Jason said. He threw his hands in the air, adding: “We all did. I mean, just think of that… or I dunno, watch porn on your phone or something.”

Bobby considered his options while searching for some last perfect argument. His mind scrambled to find anything, but didn’t. He knew he had been beaten by our logic. I felt my dick swell, this was exactly what I wanted, boundaries being pushed, nothing too heavy, just guys being guys, reliving our teenage years when everything turned us on.

“Fine!” Bobby said, caving in to the idea. “But I’m not doing this alone.”

“What? You need someone to hold your hand?”

“No, dipshit,” Bobby shot back. “I’m not the only one who’s going to measure his dick. I’ll do it if everybody else does it too.”

I felt a rush go through my entire body. This was the tension I yearned for. I looked around, noticed how everybody was quiet, thinking, considering. I wonder what went through their minds. Were they just as eager to play this stupid pubescent game as I was?

“Yeah sure,” I said, figuring that someone had to react in a positive manner to the idea. I hoped it would set off a chain reaction. It did, as Adam and David agreed to do it, as Jason said he was up for it. Luke was the last to say yes, but it was obvious that he was always going to say yes.

“So who’s going to go first,” was the next question somebody asked. I couldn’t tell who asked it, too preoccupied with the ideas and images floating in my head at the realization of what we were about to do.

“I’m not afraid,” Luke said. He stood up, grabbed the measuring tape from his big brother’s hand and looked around. “Don’t worry guys, this won’t take long.”

“that’s what she said,” Jason added. It was the most obvious thing to say, so of course Jason was the one to say it. To my surprise nobody really took that as a sign to start ribbing on Luke, or to take the joke further. I could feel the other guys taking this far more seriously than they were supposed to. Nerves mixed with hormones, tension building, an element of competition and at the same time an element of vulnerability to the whole thing. We were about to share something about ourselves with the group.

Luke walked into the kitchen, turned a corner into the hallway and I heard a door open and close, the one to the bathroom.

“He’s really doing it!” Bobby said with some surprise in his voice.

“Yeah Bob,” Adam said. “Your little brother is doing it… are you nervous?”


“Dude, he’s your little brother, what if he’s hung like a donkey?” Adam said with a seriousness I didn’t expect. “He’s the youngest one here, what if he has us all beat?”

“Luke?” Bobby said with a soft little scoff. ”Don’t worry. He isn’t.”

“How’d you know?”

“Yeah, like I’ve never caught him when he was younger, beating his meat,” Bobby said rolling his eyes. “He fapped five times a day when he was a teenager. Holy shit, I think my dad actually had to have a second talk with him, about how he should, perhaps, not masturbate so often. Like, our folks are pretty liberal, but they’re not THAT liberal. When you catch your son jacking it once: that’s awkward, twice, that’s just weird, but three times in one day, that’s a special sign of dedication to the art of jacking it.”

My ears pricked up at this little bit of news.

“Jesus, five times,” Jason said. “I think my record is like 4 times in one day. My dick was pretty damn raw by the end of that marathon.”

We heard the door open, close and second later Luke turned round the corner. He looked relaxed, confident. He tossed the measure tape at nobody in particular, expecting that whomever caught it would be next. Jason plucked it out of the air in a way that suggested he did it without really thinking.

“I guess you’re next man,” Luke said.

“Really? I’m not the one boasting here,” Jason said.

“All or nothing, don’t be a pussy,” Adam said.

“Fine,” Jason sighed as he got up and made his way to the bathroom, measuring tape in hand.

“So what did I miss?” Luke asked as he sat down.

“Nothing much,” I said. “Turns out we have a serial jacker in our midst.”

“Fuck you Bobby,” Luke said, but there was no bite to his voice. He didn’t really care. “Are we pretending that you are some goddamn saint now? I bet you didn’t tell them it runs it the family? I might have gotten a bit carried away when I was young, but holy shit dude… you were trying to keep up with me. Dad told me that he caught you loads of times. Not only that, but Bobby here, he fucked everything in the house. Stuffed toys, pillows, the couch, I remember that one time you suddenly brought home melons and those oversized oranges… but nobody ever saw you eat one of them, and for some strange reason they ended up in the trash. I might have been an overly horny jacker, but you were just plain sloppy. Seriously guys, you wouldn’t want to bring a UV-light to our house. It’s a fucking crime scene.”

Bobby turned red, the embarrassment clearly visible on his face. I enjoyed this. Two brothers exposing each other as little sex-pests.

“Holy shit, thirteen-year-old me was a goddamn idiot,” Adam said. “I did the exact same thing, I fucked everything with a hole, and if something didn’t have a hole, I made one. I was super-convinced nobody knew anything, like my parents didn’t know I was rubbing against every surface.”

“You never got caught?” Bobby asked.

“Not that I know of, was proud, but looking back, they didn’t need to catch me in the act. They knew what I was doing.”

“I caught my dad once,” David said with a horrified grin.

“Dude!” I said with a tone of abject horror. I wasn’t horrified, not really, maybe some second-hand embarrassment, but I was secretly curious.

“Yeah, coming home, watching him just beat his meat while watching his old porn tapes. That was something nobody asked to see.”

“So was there a family resemblance?” Adam asked with a laugh.

“Seriously, none of this leaves this fucking cabin, ever,” David repeated, we all nodded. The thought that anyone of us would ever mention anything about this weekend was insane. This whole thing would forever be secret. “So as it turns out, I take after my mom’s side of the family.”

“Huh?” I exclaimed.

“Ok, so,” David explained. “I caught my dad right. I wasn’t, like, watching him or anything, but I did get to see enough of him doing it. You know, just curious about that kind of stuff. I mean, I must have been 18 or something. Old enough to know better, but still kind of curious and shit. Still horny 24/7. So my dad is jacking it to some old porn and I’m like surprised to find that he’s not really packing heat down there. I don’t think it’s tiny or small or anything, but I figure I’m bigger than he is. Significantly bigger. I don’t think he knows that I caught him, but I did manage to find out where he was hiding his porn-stash. Had fun with that.

Anyway, like a year or so later, we had this family thing, my mom’s side of the family, and me and my cousins are horsing around. So my cousin gets an awkward boner and we all laugh at him. Because you know, that’s what you do. My other cousin pulls down his pants right there, just to make things super awkward. Turns out the dude is freaking huge! This lanky 18-year-old guy, with a fucking giant dick. Left an impression. So yeah, I take after my mom’s side of the family.”

“I caught my parents having sex once,” Adam confessed. “I never heard two people screaming so loudly at me. They were pissed and embarrassed, I think nobody said anything to anyone for over a week.”

At that revelation Jason turned up, throwing the measuring tape as David, who caught it with his right hand. “Guess I’m up next,” he said as he rose to his feet.

“We can see that you’re up,” Adam said, pointing at his loose shorts. It was perfectly clear that David was sporting at least half an erection judging by the tent he was pitching.

“Yeah, well, whatever, like none of you get hard-ons,” he said with a smile. He raised his shoulders and made a face that told all of us that we were far beyond the point of judging each other about anything and disbelief that someone would still pretend to be somehow above it all.

“Miss out?” Jason asked as he sat back down.

“Getting caught, catching others, fucking every inanimate object around the house, family resemblance, just the usual,” I informed him.

“Oh man,” Jason said. “Getting caught is something special. Me and my brother shared a room together, my parents really should have gotten a bigger house, or at least separated the two teenaged boys.”

“You make it sound like you jacked it with your big bro,” I laughed.

Jason didn’t react immediately. That pause told everything. It was awkward and weird instantly. Jason just shrugged in response. Nobody cracked a joke, nobody made any comment about that little revelation. Just silence.

“Yeah, well, we shared a room. What’d you expect. It’s not like we did it a lot, but yeah, we jacked off together a couple of times. We’re brothers. Like you and Luke never jacked off together.”

“Separate rooms in our house,” Luke explained.

I saw Bobby shoot a look at Luke, it was hard to tell what that look meant. Was Bobby worried about what Luke might reveal, or was it something else.

“That’s not an answer,” I remarked. “did you two jack it together? Is that a thing brothers do?”

“No, we never jacked off together,” Bobby answered. “We’ve compared dicks, sure, but we didn’t jack off together.”

“Hey, I don’t have any brothers, so all of this is unexplored territory for me,” I said throwing my hands in the air.

David returned and handed me the measuring tape. I looked at it, it felt warm in my hand. I sighed and rose to my feet, adjusting my semi-erect dick. I wanted to play it cool, maybe even a little cocky, so I left saying: “Time to unleash the beast.”

As I made my way to the kitchen and then the hallway, I could hear the guys continue their talk. Someone, I couldn’t tell who, commented on being too damn horny, having gone too long without any sort of release. I heard the conversation shift to dry-spells, how long was the longest period of not cumming. The sound died away to muffled voices as I closed the bathroom door behind me.

Part 6: curiosity gets results

There I stood, measuring tape in one hand, mobile phone in the other. I hadn’t looked at my phone in ages, but wasn’t surprised to see that Luke had messaged me. Judging by the time stamp he had sent me the message when he was right here, measuring his dick. He had sent me instructions, which seemed strangely elaborate.

I wondered why Luke would do this, what was in it for him. Was he getting turned on by this? Was this some sort of secret fetish of his? I couldn’t tell, but I also didn’t really care. I was enjoying this, and while part of me wasn’t quite sure why I was enjoying this, I accepted it and went with it.

Luke told me that he was going to make an obvious lie about his dick size when we’d reveal our sizes, I should call him out on it if nobody else did. There was a bunch of stuff about how he was having fun, a lot about how his balls were full of cum, and he told me what questions to ask in order to get Bobby to admit to stuff. Some of it had already been brought up, but there were still a couple of options open.

Reading Luke’s message made me hard. This surprised me somewhat, I mean, usually I would require some more stimulation to get really hard, but tonight, the booze, the guy talk, the whole weekend, it all just worked to give me an epic boner.

I allowed my dick to taste the air, it almost ached. I had allowed it to get hard and soft almost throughout the entire evening. Painfully hard, never fully flaccid, it made me hornier than usual, but it also made my dick leak precum. I squeeze my dick, pulled at it. Surprised to see a rather large amount of precum exit my dickhead. It dripped down, one large glob of clear liquid. I heard it hit the floor. The acoustics of the bathroom making sure that it was a very audible sound.

I took the measuring tape, held it to my dick and measured. Top of my dick, pressing hard against the bone to get the most of the length.

Read the measurements to myself, felt somewhat proud, but also surprised. The last time I had measured my dick had been when I was a teenager. I was petty convinced that I was around average back then. Little over 7 inches, 7.1 to be exact. Let’s be honest here, I had that number memorized, proud and slightly insecure at the same time. An oblivious teen. But standing there with my dick in hand, I measured 7.6 inches. I wasn’t adding anything, there was no cheating, unless you’d call pressing it against my pubic bone, ‘cheating’. I released a little, even without pressing it against my pubic bone, I still clocked in at 7.5.

I felt pride, genuine pride, and curiosity as far as the other guys were concerned.

I sighed, waited a second or so for my dick to go down. It didn’t. I squeezed it gently, which felt like the right thing to do, but in hindsight wasn’t going to help my dick calm down. Again a big glob of precum leaked out and onto the floor.

I looked down, saw the precum. It was noticeable. I instinctively grabbed a piece of toilet paper to wipe it up, only to realize that while my two drops were obvious, the three other drops were equally obvious. Those three spots weren’t mine. At least one of the guys had leaked and not cleaned up. I decided to do the same.

I tried to think about something else. It felt like an eternity for my dick to go down. I realized that the others had also taken their time measuring, figured they had the exact same issue. Measuring was quick and easy, but getting your boner to go down was the tricky part.

I could hear the muffled voices of the others in the background. I wondered what they were talking about.

My dick cooled down, I positioned it to the right and left the bathroom. My dick felt warm against my skin.

Walking into the kitchen I threw the measuring tape to Bobby.

I sat down with the rest, threw back a shot of vodka and listened to what the others were talking about. Bobby left and returned, handing the measuring tape to the next victim. He didn’t mention the drops of precum and I wondered why, perhaps he hadn’t noticed.

We all took another shot of vodka when the last one of us made it back to the living area.

Jason did a drum roll, tapping on the wooden table.

“Wait, how are we going to do the big reveal?” Adam asked, paused a second then added quickly: “Pun intended.”

“Write it down on a piece of paper?” I suggested.

Jason provided a bunch of post it notes from the kitchen and a bunch of pens. We wrote our name and our size, folded the pieces of paper and threw them onto a little pile.

Jason took the opportunity to be the announcer as he fished for his own piece of paper.

“Your generous host, gifted in many ways, but probably not this one, it is I, Jason: clocking in at 5.8 inches,” he said, taking a bow. I admired Jason for being pretty damn open and confident about it.

Jason grabbed the next piece of paper and announced: “Adam, 6.7 inches. Take a drink my man!”

Adam slammed back a shot of vodka. He shuddered at the taste.

“David, big boy, 7.2 inches. Do we have a winner?”

David looked confident, a bit too confident.

Jason plucked my piece of paper from the pile and read it out load. I was proud of all 7.6 inches I was packing. I caught David’s eyes, there was some hurt there. I believe he honestly thought he had all of us beat.

“Bobby, 6.4 inches.”

Bobby didn’t seem bothered by it.

“Luke,” Jason said as he read the final piece of paper. “Holy shit dude, for real? You’re packing 8.3 inches?”

I allowed the moment to hang in the air. This was Luke’s plan, though I wasn’t sure what he hoped to gain from this. David looked at Luke, adding a disbelieving: “Dude, you for real?”

I was about to openly call Luke out, when Bobby stole the moment away from me.

“Fuck off Luke, fucking liar. That’s a fucking lie.”

“Not a lie, I measured it, just like everybody else here. Can’t help it.”

“How the fuck did you even measure it then?” Bobby asked.

“Fucking whip it out then, mister monster dick,” I heard someone behind me say, turning around I realized that it was David who had said it. I figured it made sense, the three highest numbers, the three biggest dicks, if one of us three had lied, he would take home silver. David had a weirdly competitive streak as it turned out.

What happened next surprised me, genuine surprised me. Luke didn’t waste time dropping his shorts to the floor. His dick wasn’t hard, but it was at a good 40%. He shook his dick around. Nobody said anything.

“Dude!” Jason said.

“Yeah, cuz we’re all such prudes here,” Luke said rolling his eyes. “But come on then, big man, put your money where your mouth is. Whip it out, let’s see who’s bigger.”

David looked slightly shocked, but to my surprise he complied with the taunt that like had issued.

“Look at it and weep!”

David shook his dick, which hung low, but much like Luke’s dick, was definitely halfway to getting hard. They looked about evenly matched. I saw that David’s dick curved slightly to the right. His cut cock looked impressive, his dark pubes short really enhanced the size. I knew Luke’s wasn’t small, but if push came to shove, and they had to go head-to-head, I knew David would win.

“Holy shit, so that’s what an uncut dick looks like,” Jason said.

“What? You never saw an uncut dick?” I asked.

“Well, saw one in a porno once, but never in real life.”

“Me neither,” Adam admitted.

“You’re kidding me right?” I said.

“No dude, it looks weird if you ask me,” Adam said.

“Thanx bro,” I laughed. “Luke is my foreskin bro here.”


I decided right there to take a risk. While David and Luke both had their dicks out, I figured we had already gone past that point.

I pulled down my pants a bit, took out my semi erect dick. The foreskin still covering my cockhead. I showed it to Adam and Jason, “Yeah, last time I checked, this is still an uncut dick.”

“Holy shit dude, that’s a fucking piece right there,” Jason said at the sight of my swollen meat.

“So… how does it work, does the foreskin retract, or does it cover the glans when you’re fully hard?”

The question honestly surprised me. It was genuine curiosity about my dick, about being uncut. I didn’t know how to react exactly, I was fucking horny as hell, but I wasn’t going to tell anyone to go blow me. I looked at Adam, looked at Luke. “Yeah, like fully hard, it rolls back a little, but when I’m jacking it, I can move it, like roll it back completely and then forward to cover everything up.”

As I explained it, my dick hanging out with two of my friends looking, I automatically demonstrated the technique. Rolling my foreskin back, exposing my dickhead. It was wet. As I pulled back I saw that I leaked precum. A big shiny translucent drop forming at the tip of my dick. I felt aware of what was happening, but nobody commented on it. I felt self-conscious as the two didn’t say anything. I moved my foreskin back to cover the glans.

“Does it hurt? If you’re like rough with it?” Jason asked.

“Not really, well, had a chick give me a handjob once, let’s just say, you can’t roll it down the length of your dick. That bitch damn near drew blood that night. I ran for my life. Holy shit.”

“Can you cum by playing with just the foreskin? Does that work like that? I heard there are a million nerve endings there or something.”

“What? I don’t think so,” I admitted. Any kind of stimulation could get me hard, but getting to climax just by playing with my foreskin seemed alien to me. I noticed that I was studying my own dick with the same attention as Adam and Jason were. Somehow in that brief moment, I had lost any sense of what was happening around me. My two buddies were looking at my dick and I couldn’t help play with it. Milking it, playing with my foreskin by way of demonstration. It was weird, because I wasn’t doing it on purpose, it was just something I was doing because I was doing it. I wanted to blame the alcohol, but I just couldn’t.

“Jason, dude, put some porn on!” Luke yelled, breaking the moment between the three of us.


“Porn, we need porn, we need to get hard if we’re going to see who is the real winner here.”

“You too mister Big Shot,” David called out to me. “I’m willing to bet you’re full of shit too.”

Jason grabbed the remote, flicked through some files, landed on a video of a foursome. Pretty girl with nice plump tits. Blonde, the unnatural kind of blond. She was on a simple bed as one guy stepped into the frame, muscular, tattoos, everything hairless. His dick swinging between his legs. The girl perked up, mumbled something in a high-pitched voice and started sucking on the dick that was placed in front of her.

The guy said something, and two other men stepped into view. Basically the same deal as the first guy. Bronze skin, ripped, couple of tattoos, decently sized dick. One of the three guys was a little less well-endowed than the others. The girl moaned her way through all three of the dick, but there was no doubt that she had a preference. For the bigger boys.

Truth be told, this was hot, but while the picture perfect models looked like gods on the screen, that video of the couple we had watched together was far more exciting than this one. Something about the secrecy, the nastiness of it all. That video was raw, while this was overly produced.

Still, it did the job it was supposed to do. David was the first one to get a full hard on. He was absentmindedly playing with it, stroking it gently with his index and middle finger and his thumb. It made his dick look impressive. Luke was using his fist, using a different technique from when we jacked it together outside. He moved slowly up and down the shaft, but he kept his dickhead covered.

As the girl slid over one of the cocks, reverse cowgirl, a classic, we watched how the other well endowed guy positioned himself closer and shoved his not-fully-hard cock inside of her. Double penetration. Two cocks in one hole. The girl moaned loudly, more than slightly exaggerated. The guy with the smallest dick fed his manhood to the girl, who gobbled it up as she moaned in extasy as the two guys rammed their dicks inside of her and awkwardly fucked her.

I was trying my best not to get too hard too soon. I wanted to play it cool, but it wasn’t working. I felt my dick ready to burst. The thick veins visible o the shaft of my dick, it bounced as if it pulsated with each heartbeat. I wasn’t hiding it, that wasn’t the even the point. But a sudden sense of self awareness washed over me. Here I was, fully erect, next to a friend and another friend’s younger brother. We were pretending not to masturbate as there were three guys positioned behind us, out of sight. As far as I knew, they were still wearing their clothes.

I glanced back, just a second or so over my shoulder. Adam, Jason and Bobby were naked, tugging gently away at their dicks. Not quite jerking off, but something close to it.

Luke was last to get fully hard. His sandy pubes scratched a little visible length off his dick, but just like the first time I saw his cock, it was impressive. I was bigger than he was, still, but it seemed like Luke’s dick had perhaps grown a couple of points. He was horny as fuck. I could see precum on the tip of his dick, just like it was clearly visible on my dick.

David positioned himself next to Luke, to mu surprise he turned a couple of degrees, positioning his dick close to Luke’s dick, from my angle it looked as if David was pressing his dick next to Luke’s to get a good side-by-side comparison. He boasted with confidence: “Dude, I got you beat, called it!”.

David’s dick was hard, really hard. I could see his circumcision scar as his dickhead was exposed. That was a very tight cut it seemed. I wondered if that felt uncomfortable. Luke grinned, grabbed his dick and slapped it against David’s dick. I saw David wince, but his hard on didn’t lose any of its strength. David felt invincible, having discovered his cock was bigger at least than Luke’s uncut member.

David turned to me, slid past Luke who turned to face the other guys. David stood opposite of me, his dick poking in my direction, my dick pointing in his. I could see him assess the situation between us. He milked his dick, unsuccessfully due to the fact that he was rock hard.
(post size limit)

“Fucking hell dude,” I heard David say.

He moved closer before I could say or do anything. His dickhead brushed mine, I could see how my wet dickhead touched his, leaving some of my precum on his dickhead. His dick looked surprisingly dry. He moved closer and I could feel the warmth of his body, the warmth of his dick as he grabbed my dick with his right hand, his own with his left and pressed them together.

“Fuck,” he exclaimed. “Fucking hell dude, massive dick. Hard as a fucking diamond. Nice!”

I looked down, noticed that David hadn’t let go of my dick. He was admiring it, next to his. I could smell the alcohol on his breath, he could smell the alcohol on mine. Defeated, but strangely happy. He was as curious as I was. While he held on to my dick, I didn’t move away, I allowed it. It was noticeable, we were both aware.

On the screen the three guys and the girl had changed positions, the smaller guy was now fucking her in the ass, while one of the other guys was plowing her pussy. Again she was sucking on dick. I heard one of them grunt, announced a cumshot. The girl, mouth wide open caught most of it, but some trickled down her chin.

I reached down, grabbed David’s hand as it was wrapped around my dick and slowly started to jerk it. Guiding his hand along the length of my dick. He didn’t say anything, he let me take the moment. I felt him squeeze a little. He looked down at my dick. I moved slowly, letting him pull my foreskin back as far as was comfortable, then slide it back over the glans. He squeezed and I could see precum oozing. David’s other hand was slowly mimicking the motion. I could see some precum form at the tip of his dick, but it wasn’t nearly as much as I was producing. I felt a little bit self-conscious about it for some reason, but at the same time it turned me on.

“What’s it like?”

I didn’t know who asked it, I assumed it had been David, but I was wrong. Jason stood next to David, his hand on his own dick. He was significantly smaller than I was, but in Jason’s defense, his dick looked great. It was straight, it had the perfect angle, his dickhead seemed plumb, full. His balls hung low, they were relatively big, I figured that might even be bigger than mine. I looked at Jason, but he was looking down at my dick, at the way my foreskin moved.

I was about to answer when David told Jason: “It’s weird man, it feels kind of soft.”

The question Jason had asked was just vague enough for David to have picked up on the notion that Jason was curious about an uncut dick and how foreskin felt. I suspected however that it wasn’t about the foreskin, but that it was about my size. Jason had never held a dick this big in his hand I figured. Only in his fantasies did his own dick ever grow to a size this big. Jason always acted like he was secure about his manhood, but I knew better, David probably did too. No matter how secure and confident you seem, when it comes to dick, there’s always that desire to have a bigger cock to work with.

“You want to touch it?” I asked, knowing that was something risky. My heart skipped a beat, if I had misread the situation this could turn real awkward, really fast. It didn’t.

“Just curious, nothing gay or anything,” Jason said. I nodded and shrugged.

“Don’t worry.”

David let go of my dick, walked back, out of sight to where the other guys were.

Jason now stood in front of me, his dick fully erect, poking out. I looked down, thrust my hips a bit forward as a sign for Jason to touch it.

I heard Jason breathe heavily, saw him glance sideways and over my shoulder. I tried to make it clear that I was totally fine with this, like a bro. I nodded without saying anything.

Jason reached down, touched the tip of my dick. His fingers instantly coated with my precum. He played with my foreskin, very gently. I felt him squeeze the skin a little, then a little harder, almost pinching. It wasn’t unpleasant, I had done it often enough myself, but I had never had one of my best friends do it to me.

I tried to steady my breathing, but I was struggling not to breathe too heavily. I was too damn excited. I imagined shooting my load right then and there, my dicked jumped at the thought. Jason laughed a little, let his dick do the exact same thing. He grabbed my dick with his entire hand. His hand was warm around my dick.

“So what does this feel like? Does it hurt when I move like this?”

Slowly he pulled my foreskin back. He was careful, so careful that he stopped halfway. My dickhead only half-exposed.

“Feels good I guess, but you can pull it back a little further. You can expose my dickhead. No problem.”

Instead of pulling it further down, Jason pulled it up, again I could feel a stranger’s hand squeeze my dick slightly in ways I never did. He then pulled back, slowly, steadily, all the way till my head was exposed. Glistening, wet with precum. Jason exhaled, nervously, I felt the cold air hit my wet cockhead. Again my dick jumped.

I grabbed onto Jason’s dick. Grabbed it with three fingers and my thumb and moved the shaft around. “So how do you guys do it?”

“Lube, spit, Vaseline,” Jason said as he started guiding my hand. He wiped at my dickhead, collecting the precum. I winced a bit, too damn sensitive for me. Jason didn’t react visibly. He had collected enough precum from my dick. “Precum.”

He coated his dickhead with my precum and started stimulated his dickhead. I let go and watched him.

“I usually do it like this,” Jason said. Five fingers enveloping his wet dickhead, which slid against the palm of his hand. I considered doing the same, but that sort of stimulation would have driven me up the wall. I reckoned that this would have been something Luke should try.

I turned around to see Luke and the other guys in sort of a similar situation. Adam and David seemed fascinated by Luke’s foreskin. I couldn’t see Bobby however. So I asked, “Where’s Bobby?”.

Adam answered with a smile: “he’s getting lube.”

“Hey Luke,” I said. “You ever use this technique?”

Jason was performing while Luke looked. Jason licked his fingertips, I figured he was a little too aware that going for another scoop of my precum, while we had an audience, might have been a bit too much. Only to realize that Jason basically just licked my precum off his fingers. I looked at him, he gave me a look back, he had a little smile. Jason positioned his fingers in front of his dickhead again, creating a ribbed tube with them, at the end of that tube the palm of his hand.

I saw Luke roll his foreskin back, lick his fingers, play with his own precum and mimic Jason’s technique. Adam and David looked on.

Luke shuddered, where I would have winced, but he continued the technique. First he moved his fingers. His dick bigger than Jason’s, so he couldn’t quite reach the end of his dick with his fingertips. He managed to never roll his foreskin back up, leaving his glans exposed throughout the entire thing. Luke took a shivering breath: “holy shit dude, how can you manage something this intense?” But as he stimulated his dickhead he started shifting the flow of movement, from his hand to his hips. He started thrusting and bucking, riding his hand. He moaned softly and suddenly stopped.

“Sorry, need a short break,” he laughed. We all knew what it meant.

Bobby came back into the room, his dick all slippery with lube as he handed the container over to Adam, who took wat he needed and handed it to David and finally to Adam.

Bobby’s dick was almost comically wet with lube, just like his right hand. As Luke took a seat, Bobby joined the four of us. We stood in a little circle. My dick proud and large. I noticed Bobby’s curve looked interesting. “So what are your techniques?” I asked the others.

Bobby grabbed his dick with his right hand, pulled his balls down with his left. His dick was tense. He worked his way from the base of his shaft to the tip of his dick. He squeezed and twisted. He held the tip, closed his fist tightly and shoved his erect dick through his lubed up hand. He moved to the base. It looked strangely painful, but also interesting. I wonder if the other guys recognized the technique.

The second move was kind of like the first, but this time he went from the base to the tip, relatively fast, held his dickhead and again closed his fist tight and pulled down. This time he stopped halfway down the shaft, pulled swiftly up, and again through a tightly squeezed fist pulled towards his pubic bone again. This second time he let it run down the entire length of the shaft again.

He repeated this, mixing it up every couple of strokes. I could hear his breathing intensify.

“Fuck,” I heard Bobby say. “I’m going to cum.”

With a swift turn he aimed his dick at the table. He increased his speed, stroked furiously. I heard the sound of lube and his dick being worked hard. We all looked at him. He bucked and fucked the air as he let go of his balls. They dangled freely now. He shot an impressive load all of the table. It reminded me of Luke’s load. It was messy, went everywhere.

“Shit sorry,” Bobby said.

“Don’t worry,” Jason said.

“Damn big bro,” Luke said. “Epic load.”