Part 1: The first night
It all started when we all decided to spend a long weekend at Jason’s lodge. I’m calling it a lodge, because Jason insists on everybody calling it a lodge. He gets severely pissed off when we call it a cabin in the woods. To be fair, the last time we visited it was ages ago, when his dad was still in charge of the whole thing. Back then, it was a cabin, something he inherited from his dad, Jason’s grandfather, and that he graciously donated to Jason a couple of years ago. I can call Jason a lot of thing, but the dude is amazing at fixing up old places. He truly did his best to transform that old cabin into a relatively luxurious lodge.
Everybody brought an impossible amount of booze along, to make sure none of us would go dry over the next three days. I brought beer, Jason had a shitload of absolutely awful gin and vodka stored at the lodge, David and Adam both brought more beer than they could carry. Bobby added some hard European liquor, it seemed more expensive than google told me it was. Bobby’s younger brother didn’t bring anything, a fact none of us would let him forget.
That first night we left the lodge behind to sit near the firepit at the end of the backyard, close to the edge of the forest. It had been a hot day, we were slightly exhausted from trying to not get lost on our way to the middle of nowhere. Add alcohol, even cheap beer, and things start getting less and less sober with each gulp.
“Shit dude, I gotta take a piss,” I admitted. The trees were closer than the lodge was and I figured the plants could use the water.
“You’re such a pussy dude,” I heard Jason laugh at me as I stepped towards the tree line.
“Fuck you too Jason,” I said, looking over my shoulder with a smile and throwing two middle fingers up in the air. “Fuck you too Jason, and your fucking cabin.”
“Careful you don’t get your tiny dick bitten off by a squirrel!”
I ignored him as I searched for an adequately strong tree. I would, of course, try to piss it over with my manly stream of piss. I heard the guys behind me laughing and talking, but couldn’t quite make out what they were saying. It had been a while since we all spent a weekend together. We all had our own things going on, college, work, shitty relationships that ended. Everything and nothing, but it had kept us slightly out of touch. We were still friends, but we weren’t as close as we had once been. We all knew this weekend was sort of the end of an era, after this, we’d either stay close friends, or we’d drift apart as life just moved us in a different direction. I shook off that thought, it felt wrong to think it, placing way too much pressure on what was supposed to be a fun trip with the guys.
I found a tree, a mighty tree, a tree worthy of my attempts to topple it. I unzipped but before I could release I heard something behind me, my heart skipped a beat, thinking that an animal was trailing me. I knew there was nothing in these woods to be afraid of, at least, not this close to the lodge, but when you’re drunk, and in a weird mood, your mind can leap to some strange conclusions.
I turned around, only to find Bobby’s younger brother approaching me. Luke smiled and waved, like there was nothing to worry about: “Dude, wait up, I need to piss too, like, I am two beers ahead of you.”
He positioned himself next to me and unzipped. Careless, carefree, something I never was. I felt my bladder close up. I fucking hated having to piss next to other guys. Shy bladder and all that stuff. Instantly everything became awkward. Standing there with my dick out, but without actually pissing. I looked down at my limp dick and pushed, but nothing happened. Meanwhile I heard Luke unleash a torrent of piss. “Aaaah fuck yeah,” he sighed with absolute relief, head thrown back.
I tried to look at the tree, tried to look up, tried to think of free flowing water, rivers, brooks, the Niagara falls, but nothing worked. It seemed like an eternity and what’s worse is that Luke seemed oblivious. He laughed: “Hey don’t peek.”
“I wasn’t,” I mumbled awkwardly, but truthfully.
“Sure slugger, hey fuck, you’re uncut too.”
“What?” I replied slightly shocked. Automatically I looked down at my dick and ten at Luke’s dick. His was a pretty good dick, surrounded by sandy blonde pubes, nothing trimmed or shaven. It was about as big as the palm of his hand and uncut. His foreskin longer than mine. “Dude, did you just look at my dick?”
“Well sorry Nancy,” Luke smirked. “Didn’t know you were such a prude.”
“Yeah, well,” I stumbled to find words, some clever comeback, but I couldn’t think of anything. Still annoyed that I couldn’t let go of my piss, a bladder ready to burst.
“You gun-shy or something?” Luke said.
“What? No, you caught me by surprise is all. Damn dude, you standing there, ambushing me, looking at my dick.”
“Sure, so let go then,” Luke laughed as he pushed out more piss as if just to prove some point.
I strained and focused and finally managed to let go. The beam was strong, a little bit too strong even.
“Whoah there, try not to get it on me,” Luke said awkwardly turning away, his dick still out.
“You jealous?” I laughed with some totally misplaced pride.
Luke laughed, “No man.”
“You sure seem interested in me pissing and my uncut dick, seems to me like you’re finally seeing a real man’s dick instead of that pea-shooter of yours.”
I meant for it to be playful, teasing, something relatively innocent. You know, guys being guys and all. But Luke seemed to take it as something else, something I didn’t expect. Shaking his dick, squeezing the last drops of piss from it. He said: “You’ve got a pretty good dick dude, not gonna lie. But I ain’t jealous. I’m a grower, not a shower.”
“That’s what they all say,” I was a bit too fast to reply.
Luke zipped up as I repeated his ritual of squeezing out the last drops, flicking my dick a couple of times. I couldn’t help but to notice that I was getting slightly hard. I tucked my dick away and zipped up. Walking back to the group was weird, but not unpleasant. I wanted to say something, but I didn’t know what I wanted to say to Luke, I didn’t know what he wanted to hear. So awkwardly I heard myself say: “Don’t worry bro, you got a good dick too.”
We arrived at the firepit and nobody reacted to us being away. I couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was happening. Something that hadn’t happened before. Luke grabbed another beer and threw it back. Jason was explaining how he rented out the lodge to some shamelessly rich couple a couple of weeks prior. They left a ton of stuff at the lodge, never contacted him about any of it. I assumed that the stuff Jason was talking about was the booze. Nobody really asked anything further about what it was exactly that was left behind. Instead we talked about how much he got for renting out the place. Jason was pretty open about it, told us that this was more than just a hobby project, this was his way of getting a couple of extra bucks. Rent out the lodge to weird rich folks, don’t ask questions, clean up when they leave. So far, only one rich couple had been stupid enough to venture this far into the middle of Bumblefuck, Nowhere. I seriously doubted this would get ever turn a profit, and I wasn’t the only one. Jason, however, seemed pretty convinced that it would. We indulged him, nodding and pretending to be convinced.
The beer flowed freely, but then Adam got a different idea, he ran into the lodge, grabbed a bunch of bottles of vodka and ran back to us. Adam was a god guy, he’s always been one of those guys who managed to get by without doing much. His relationships with girls were always doomed, he didn’t finish college, but we were all convinced that he could have made it with ease. He kind of rolled into his dad’s business and he really seemed to thrive there. His future was pretty much set in stone, pleasant without too many hardships. A string of ex-girlfriends, but eventually he’d find a wife and settle down. He’d just live life, a completely uneventful and average life. Perfectly fine. The thing that did spark Adam’s interest was the gym, it was the only thing he was super serious about. Not the body-building type, he never went that far, although we could all remember when we were around 16 and he decided to really bulk up, he was insufferable about the whole thing for almost an entire year. He did motivate us to join a gym, and we mostly kept up, but we were never into it as much as Adam. Adam did, however, have one vice, and that was alcohol. He reckoned on a low-carb diet he didn’t need to drink as much to get the desired effect of getting slightly buzzed, but what Adam reckoned and what reality dictated didn’t quite match up. Adam could drink, like really, really drink. I’ve seen him get absolutely shit-faced at a party, and that’s after drinking enough alcohol to kill a horse.
Strangely enough, he wasn’t a drunk, that was perhaps another thing worth of note about Adam.
“Guys, I fucking dare you to take this to the next level!” he yelled jovially as he shook the bottles in his hands. “If we can remember tonight, we didn’t do a good job!”
He opened the bottle, let it pass around. I took a big gulp, shuddered and suppressed the urge to spit it all out. Jason chugged a decent amount away, and so did Bobby. Luke surprised me by really going for it. David flashed a wicked little smile and decided to take two gulps. Adam finished it off with two gulps of his own.
“Fucking hell,” David coughed, “That is some nasty vile shit you brought along!”
“Is that moonshine?” Bobby asked. “Are we going to go blind?”
“Fucking pussies, all of you,” Adam laughed.
After that first round things started to escalate. The topic gravitated towards women and sex. Who did what with whom? Which of the girls we used to date was the freakiest kinkiest bitch out there. All in good fun.
“So what’s like the weirdest shit you’ve done Luke?” someone asked, but I couldn’t tell who.
“Don’t say anything little bro,” Bobby joked.
“Weirdest? Fucked someone at a gangbang.”
Laughter from the group, shouts of encouragement. Too drunk for a high five.
“How many?” Jason asked, kind of in this weirdly serious tone.
“How many people was this gangbang?”
“Seven,” Luke answered without any shame.
Bobby shot his little brother a look, and it surprised me. There was tension in that look, the kind that betrayed something indecent, something forbidden. I wanted to know what it was, wanted to discover that secret. Luke, however, wasn’t paying attention to his older brother, he enjoyed being the man with a story to tell.
“Dude, seven man gangbang! When was this?”
“Fuck, I think,” Luke started to slur his words, he enjoyed the attention. “like last year? It was fucking insane bro. Banging away all night. Nothing gay or anything, but damn, watching some chick get destroyed by dick is just fucking hot.”
“Anyone we know join in?” I heard the words roll out of my mouth without thinking.
“You guys know Kenneth? He was there”
We all knew Kenneth, he was around Luke’s age, it was more that we knew of him, but we didn’t hang out. One of those people you know, but never really think about. As far as I could recall, Kenneth was just a regular guy, one of many. I looked at Bobby, and judging by his look, he was at that gang bang with his little brother. He didn’t want any of us to know.
“So what’s the sickest shit you’ve pulled?” Bobby interrupted, a clear attempt at steering the conversation into a different direction.
“Had my girl shove a finger up my ass once,” Adam threw out without much hesitation.
“Fucking gay, dude,” someone interjected, but I wasn’t sure who it was, I was too busy keeping an eye on Bobby and Luke.
“Don’t knock unless you’ve tried it man,” Adam laughed heartily. “when they do it at the right moment, damn, I was seeing stars while blasting. Say what you will, but those gay guys are on to something. Like it’s their best kept secret or something.”
“Dude, I heard my dad talking to his buddies ages ago,” Jason added. “He got a boner when he got a prostate exam. Freaked him out. It’s like, that’s the G-spot for guys.”
For no real reason I saw David rise to his feet, trying to walk somewhere and failing miserable. He dropped to his knees and started throwing up. We cheered, called him a pussy and laughed. It was the first night out here, and while there were no rules and there wasn’t a game going on, we all agreed that David had lost. David was barely able to stand on his feet and without discussing anything we decided this night was over. I helped David get back to the lodge together with Jason. We dropped him on the couch. He was sound asleep before we managed to put him in a comfortable position. Jason left to grab a bucket and a bunch of towels while I undressed David.
David used to be a pretty hairy guy, when we were still in high school he was the first guy who had chest hair. The last time I saw him shirtless it was a dark furry coat across his chest and abdomen. He was proud when he was the first to get chest hair, but by the time we entered college it was sort of something he had grown insecure about, it didn’t help that we used to call him sasquatch. But as I removed his shirt, I noticed that he had it trimmed and judging by the looks of it, he trimmed it recently. A pleasant stubble, that revealed bronzed skin, it accentuated the muscle definition on his body and I wondered if he had all of trimmed down. I unbuttoned his jeans, revealing tight and surprisingly fashionable boxers underneath. I was tempted to take a look, but didn’t.
Jason stumbled back into the room, a bucket with a couple of towels stuffed in it in one hand and a bunch of markers in the other. He threw me one of the markers. “You know the drill,” he whispered, as if David would wake up from his alcoholic coma.
Dutifully I started drawing dicks on David’s body, wrote some shit on his torso. Jason giggled, slurred his speech and pulled David’s boxers down.
“Dude!” I said laughing.
“Man, look at that,” Jason whispered pointing at David’s limp manhood. “David’s finally found a razor!”
I laughed softly, in a way that betrayed I was trying to laugh softly because I was pretty drunk myself. David’s dick looked pretty damn big in this limp state. I was genuinely impressed. I don’t think I even saw his penis before today, but I felt a little bit jealous in my drunk state.
Jason didn’t waste time, uncapped one of the markers and started coloring David’s dick with his bright pink marker. That’s when the awkwardness really started. I don’t think we expected David to get a boner. The guy was beyond drunk, but as Jason was using his marker on David’s dick, it started to get erect. The moment Jason noticed what was happening he stopped, leaving only half of David’s rapidly swelling dick colored pink.
“Holy shit dude,” Jason whispered. “That thing is massive! Fuck me! You could ruin shit with that thing!”
“Jesus!” I whispered back, using my hands to indicate that this was indeed a monster cock. “That’s insane!”
“Guess David’s a big boy now,” Jason snickered.
We looked at David’s dick as it grew.
“Touch it,” I dared Jason.
“Do it! Check to see if it’s at full strength.”
Jason poked it with his finger, then squeezed it gently. “No dude, I think it’s not done yet.”
“Holy shit dude!”
In the distance we could hear the rest returning to the lodge. Without discussing anything Jason pulled David’s boxers up and somehow that was that. We didn’t mention it to the other guys, instead we all sort of agreed that the night was done and we all went to our rooms. I got a room to myself, clearly not a bedroom, just a small room with a matrass and some sheets thrown in. I knew Bobby and Luke were sharing an actual bedroom together, the one next to me. Jason had his master bedroom, and I figured that Adam had the second guest bedroom. I hadn’t seen that one, but I knew it was on the opposite side of the lodge from where I was staying. The lay out of this place was interesting to say the least.
I was sound asleep before my head hit the matrass.
It all started when we all decided to spend a long weekend at Jason’s lodge. I’m calling it a lodge, because Jason insists on everybody calling it a lodge. He gets severely pissed off when we call it a cabin in the woods. To be fair, the last time we visited it was ages ago, when his dad was still in charge of the whole thing. Back then, it was a cabin, something he inherited from his dad, Jason’s grandfather, and that he graciously donated to Jason a couple of years ago. I can call Jason a lot of thing, but the dude is amazing at fixing up old places. He truly did his best to transform that old cabin into a relatively luxurious lodge.
Everybody brought an impossible amount of booze along, to make sure none of us would go dry over the next three days. I brought beer, Jason had a shitload of absolutely awful gin and vodka stored at the lodge, David and Adam both brought more beer than they could carry. Bobby added some hard European liquor, it seemed more expensive than google told me it was. Bobby’s younger brother didn’t bring anything, a fact none of us would let him forget.
That first night we left the lodge behind to sit near the firepit at the end of the backyard, close to the edge of the forest. It had been a hot day, we were slightly exhausted from trying to not get lost on our way to the middle of nowhere. Add alcohol, even cheap beer, and things start getting less and less sober with each gulp.
“Shit dude, I gotta take a piss,” I admitted. The trees were closer than the lodge was and I figured the plants could use the water.
“You’re such a pussy dude,” I heard Jason laugh at me as I stepped towards the tree line.
“Fuck you too Jason,” I said, looking over my shoulder with a smile and throwing two middle fingers up in the air. “Fuck you too Jason, and your fucking cabin.”
“Careful you don’t get your tiny dick bitten off by a squirrel!”
I ignored him as I searched for an adequately strong tree. I would, of course, try to piss it over with my manly stream of piss. I heard the guys behind me laughing and talking, but couldn’t quite make out what they were saying. It had been a while since we all spent a weekend together. We all had our own things going on, college, work, shitty relationships that ended. Everything and nothing, but it had kept us slightly out of touch. We were still friends, but we weren’t as close as we had once been. We all knew this weekend was sort of the end of an era, after this, we’d either stay close friends, or we’d drift apart as life just moved us in a different direction. I shook off that thought, it felt wrong to think it, placing way too much pressure on what was supposed to be a fun trip with the guys.
I found a tree, a mighty tree, a tree worthy of my attempts to topple it. I unzipped but before I could release I heard something behind me, my heart skipped a beat, thinking that an animal was trailing me. I knew there was nothing in these woods to be afraid of, at least, not this close to the lodge, but when you’re drunk, and in a weird mood, your mind can leap to some strange conclusions.
I turned around, only to find Bobby’s younger brother approaching me. Luke smiled and waved, like there was nothing to worry about: “Dude, wait up, I need to piss too, like, I am two beers ahead of you.”
He positioned himself next to me and unzipped. Careless, carefree, something I never was. I felt my bladder close up. I fucking hated having to piss next to other guys. Shy bladder and all that stuff. Instantly everything became awkward. Standing there with my dick out, but without actually pissing. I looked down at my limp dick and pushed, but nothing happened. Meanwhile I heard Luke unleash a torrent of piss. “Aaaah fuck yeah,” he sighed with absolute relief, head thrown back.
I tried to look at the tree, tried to look up, tried to think of free flowing water, rivers, brooks, the Niagara falls, but nothing worked. It seemed like an eternity and what’s worse is that Luke seemed oblivious. He laughed: “Hey don’t peek.”
“I wasn’t,” I mumbled awkwardly, but truthfully.
“Sure slugger, hey fuck, you’re uncut too.”
“What?” I replied slightly shocked. Automatically I looked down at my dick and ten at Luke’s dick. His was a pretty good dick, surrounded by sandy blonde pubes, nothing trimmed or shaven. It was about as big as the palm of his hand and uncut. His foreskin longer than mine. “Dude, did you just look at my dick?”
“Well sorry Nancy,” Luke smirked. “Didn’t know you were such a prude.”
“Yeah, well,” I stumbled to find words, some clever comeback, but I couldn’t think of anything. Still annoyed that I couldn’t let go of my piss, a bladder ready to burst.
“You gun-shy or something?” Luke said.
“What? No, you caught me by surprise is all. Damn dude, you standing there, ambushing me, looking at my dick.”
“Sure, so let go then,” Luke laughed as he pushed out more piss as if just to prove some point.
I strained and focused and finally managed to let go. The beam was strong, a little bit too strong even.
“Whoah there, try not to get it on me,” Luke said awkwardly turning away, his dick still out.
“You jealous?” I laughed with some totally misplaced pride.
Luke laughed, “No man.”
“You sure seem interested in me pissing and my uncut dick, seems to me like you’re finally seeing a real man’s dick instead of that pea-shooter of yours.”
I meant for it to be playful, teasing, something relatively innocent. You know, guys being guys and all. But Luke seemed to take it as something else, something I didn’t expect. Shaking his dick, squeezing the last drops of piss from it. He said: “You’ve got a pretty good dick dude, not gonna lie. But I ain’t jealous. I’m a grower, not a shower.”
“That’s what they all say,” I was a bit too fast to reply.
Luke zipped up as I repeated his ritual of squeezing out the last drops, flicking my dick a couple of times. I couldn’t help but to notice that I was getting slightly hard. I tucked my dick away and zipped up. Walking back to the group was weird, but not unpleasant. I wanted to say something, but I didn’t know what I wanted to say to Luke, I didn’t know what he wanted to hear. So awkwardly I heard myself say: “Don’t worry bro, you got a good dick too.”
We arrived at the firepit and nobody reacted to us being away. I couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was happening. Something that hadn’t happened before. Luke grabbed another beer and threw it back. Jason was explaining how he rented out the lodge to some shamelessly rich couple a couple of weeks prior. They left a ton of stuff at the lodge, never contacted him about any of it. I assumed that the stuff Jason was talking about was the booze. Nobody really asked anything further about what it was exactly that was left behind. Instead we talked about how much he got for renting out the place. Jason was pretty open about it, told us that this was more than just a hobby project, this was his way of getting a couple of extra bucks. Rent out the lodge to weird rich folks, don’t ask questions, clean up when they leave. So far, only one rich couple had been stupid enough to venture this far into the middle of Bumblefuck, Nowhere. I seriously doubted this would get ever turn a profit, and I wasn’t the only one. Jason, however, seemed pretty convinced that it would. We indulged him, nodding and pretending to be convinced.
The beer flowed freely, but then Adam got a different idea, he ran into the lodge, grabbed a bunch of bottles of vodka and ran back to us. Adam was a god guy, he’s always been one of those guys who managed to get by without doing much. His relationships with girls were always doomed, he didn’t finish college, but we were all convinced that he could have made it with ease. He kind of rolled into his dad’s business and he really seemed to thrive there. His future was pretty much set in stone, pleasant without too many hardships. A string of ex-girlfriends, but eventually he’d find a wife and settle down. He’d just live life, a completely uneventful and average life. Perfectly fine. The thing that did spark Adam’s interest was the gym, it was the only thing he was super serious about. Not the body-building type, he never went that far, although we could all remember when we were around 16 and he decided to really bulk up, he was insufferable about the whole thing for almost an entire year. He did motivate us to join a gym, and we mostly kept up, but we were never into it as much as Adam. Adam did, however, have one vice, and that was alcohol. He reckoned on a low-carb diet he didn’t need to drink as much to get the desired effect of getting slightly buzzed, but what Adam reckoned and what reality dictated didn’t quite match up. Adam could drink, like really, really drink. I’ve seen him get absolutely shit-faced at a party, and that’s after drinking enough alcohol to kill a horse.
Strangely enough, he wasn’t a drunk, that was perhaps another thing worth of note about Adam.
“Guys, I fucking dare you to take this to the next level!” he yelled jovially as he shook the bottles in his hands. “If we can remember tonight, we didn’t do a good job!”
He opened the bottle, let it pass around. I took a big gulp, shuddered and suppressed the urge to spit it all out. Jason chugged a decent amount away, and so did Bobby. Luke surprised me by really going for it. David flashed a wicked little smile and decided to take two gulps. Adam finished it off with two gulps of his own.
“Fucking hell,” David coughed, “That is some nasty vile shit you brought along!”
“Is that moonshine?” Bobby asked. “Are we going to go blind?”
“Fucking pussies, all of you,” Adam laughed.
After that first round things started to escalate. The topic gravitated towards women and sex. Who did what with whom? Which of the girls we used to date was the freakiest kinkiest bitch out there. All in good fun.
“So what’s like the weirdest shit you’ve done Luke?” someone asked, but I couldn’t tell who.
“Don’t say anything little bro,” Bobby joked.
“Weirdest? Fucked someone at a gangbang.”
Laughter from the group, shouts of encouragement. Too drunk for a high five.
“How many?” Jason asked, kind of in this weirdly serious tone.
“How many people was this gangbang?”
“Seven,” Luke answered without any shame.
Bobby shot his little brother a look, and it surprised me. There was tension in that look, the kind that betrayed something indecent, something forbidden. I wanted to know what it was, wanted to discover that secret. Luke, however, wasn’t paying attention to his older brother, he enjoyed being the man with a story to tell.
“Dude, seven man gangbang! When was this?”
“Fuck, I think,” Luke started to slur his words, he enjoyed the attention. “like last year? It was fucking insane bro. Banging away all night. Nothing gay or anything, but damn, watching some chick get destroyed by dick is just fucking hot.”
“Anyone we know join in?” I heard the words roll out of my mouth without thinking.
“You guys know Kenneth? He was there”
We all knew Kenneth, he was around Luke’s age, it was more that we knew of him, but we didn’t hang out. One of those people you know, but never really think about. As far as I could recall, Kenneth was just a regular guy, one of many. I looked at Bobby, and judging by his look, he was at that gang bang with his little brother. He didn’t want any of us to know.
“So what’s the sickest shit you’ve pulled?” Bobby interrupted, a clear attempt at steering the conversation into a different direction.
“Had my girl shove a finger up my ass once,” Adam threw out without much hesitation.
“Fucking gay, dude,” someone interjected, but I wasn’t sure who it was, I was too busy keeping an eye on Bobby and Luke.
“Don’t knock unless you’ve tried it man,” Adam laughed heartily. “when they do it at the right moment, damn, I was seeing stars while blasting. Say what you will, but those gay guys are on to something. Like it’s their best kept secret or something.”
“Dude, I heard my dad talking to his buddies ages ago,” Jason added. “He got a boner when he got a prostate exam. Freaked him out. It’s like, that’s the G-spot for guys.”
For no real reason I saw David rise to his feet, trying to walk somewhere and failing miserable. He dropped to his knees and started throwing up. We cheered, called him a pussy and laughed. It was the first night out here, and while there were no rules and there wasn’t a game going on, we all agreed that David had lost. David was barely able to stand on his feet and without discussing anything we decided this night was over. I helped David get back to the lodge together with Jason. We dropped him on the couch. He was sound asleep before we managed to put him in a comfortable position. Jason left to grab a bucket and a bunch of towels while I undressed David.
David used to be a pretty hairy guy, when we were still in high school he was the first guy who had chest hair. The last time I saw him shirtless it was a dark furry coat across his chest and abdomen. He was proud when he was the first to get chest hair, but by the time we entered college it was sort of something he had grown insecure about, it didn’t help that we used to call him sasquatch. But as I removed his shirt, I noticed that he had it trimmed and judging by the looks of it, he trimmed it recently. A pleasant stubble, that revealed bronzed skin, it accentuated the muscle definition on his body and I wondered if he had all of trimmed down. I unbuttoned his jeans, revealing tight and surprisingly fashionable boxers underneath. I was tempted to take a look, but didn’t.
Jason stumbled back into the room, a bucket with a couple of towels stuffed in it in one hand and a bunch of markers in the other. He threw me one of the markers. “You know the drill,” he whispered, as if David would wake up from his alcoholic coma.
Dutifully I started drawing dicks on David’s body, wrote some shit on his torso. Jason giggled, slurred his speech and pulled David’s boxers down.
“Dude!” I said laughing.
“Man, look at that,” Jason whispered pointing at David’s limp manhood. “David’s finally found a razor!”
I laughed softly, in a way that betrayed I was trying to laugh softly because I was pretty drunk myself. David’s dick looked pretty damn big in this limp state. I was genuinely impressed. I don’t think I even saw his penis before today, but I felt a little bit jealous in my drunk state.
Jason didn’t waste time, uncapped one of the markers and started coloring David’s dick with his bright pink marker. That’s when the awkwardness really started. I don’t think we expected David to get a boner. The guy was beyond drunk, but as Jason was using his marker on David’s dick, it started to get erect. The moment Jason noticed what was happening he stopped, leaving only half of David’s rapidly swelling dick colored pink.
“Holy shit dude,” Jason whispered. “That thing is massive! Fuck me! You could ruin shit with that thing!”
“Jesus!” I whispered back, using my hands to indicate that this was indeed a monster cock. “That’s insane!”
“Guess David’s a big boy now,” Jason snickered.
We looked at David’s dick as it grew.
“Touch it,” I dared Jason.
“Do it! Check to see if it’s at full strength.”
Jason poked it with his finger, then squeezed it gently. “No dude, I think it’s not done yet.”
“Holy shit dude!”
In the distance we could hear the rest returning to the lodge. Without discussing anything Jason pulled David’s boxers up and somehow that was that. We didn’t mention it to the other guys, instead we all sort of agreed that the night was done and we all went to our rooms. I got a room to myself, clearly not a bedroom, just a small room with a matrass and some sheets thrown in. I knew Bobby and Luke were sharing an actual bedroom together, the one next to me. Jason had his master bedroom, and I figured that Adam had the second guest bedroom. I hadn’t seen that one, but I knew it was on the opposite side of the lodge from where I was staying. The lay out of this place was interesting to say the least.
I was sound asleep before my head hit the matrass.