What actor made you realise you were gay?

i realize this is a weird show to get it from but David Gallagher from 7th heaven (and before anyone says anything he's actually a little older than me so it was normal at the time)View attachment 102595711 (picture is not from show so i could be sure he was over 18)
God he's so sexy
If my dad didn't want me to eat man ass when I grew up he shouldn't have taken me to see this when I was in 3rd grade
My dad: That Jessica Alba...pretty hot, huh?

Me, thinking of shirtless Chris Evans in that towel: Yeah...:oops:
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I don't know if I realized that at the time (because I felt attractred to females), but Christopher Atkins in Blue Lagoon and Don Diamont on The young and the restless were the first males to turn me on, watching them on screen.
