when was the first time when you understood your cock is big?


Cherished Member
Aug 25, 2021
Mine was when my ex girlfriend told me she talked with her female friends and they were talking about their boyfriends dick sizes, they shared boyfriend's cock size. She told me mine was the biggest among others and she was very happy knowing that. Much later she reminded me she is with me only because of big dick, lol.
When four of my friends (2M and 2F) asked to see it and measure it. They were wide-eyed and spread the word all over town. It had a lot of fun. I’d pull it out for anyone that wanted to see it or play with it!
My second long-term girlfriend, although I had suspected it before that. However, she was very promiscuous and I thought she had a good sample size. My first long-term girlfriend was a virgin before me. Later we reconnected and she told me I had the biggest cock of any guy she had been with.
I was with a former girlfriend of the guy I grew up with next door.
She had experience and she announced that 8.5"x6" was big.
I had no idea although but that explains a lot from my younger years how I was passed around from girl to girl and all of them friends.
I thought it was, date a girl, then date another girl, then another, they just said "Next".
First time I understood how big I was? My first girlfriend in college, when we met she was dating another guy but her and I just had great chemistry, we couldn’t stop hanging out with one another. We would hang out and flirt a bit, but I knew her boyfriend from class and he was a nice enough guy so I didn’t want to cause any issues there so I was sure to keep our relationship within the label of friends.

When they broke up, her and I immediately started seeing each other, we had months of built up sexual tension so the first weekend we were together she stayed at my place.

We were in bed, and she reached down to grab my cock and she screamed “holy shit!” And she couldn’t stop laughing. I had no clue what an average penis size was and it actually made me quite insecure at first, causing my erection to go down rather quickly.

I asked her what the problem was and she came back with “that is huge. Even now when it’s soft it’s the biggest I’ve ever seen”

After a few more minutes of making out I was hard again and she kept grabbing it, and asked me to “go slow with that thing” when I put it in her the first time. She came within minutes, that was a surprise to me because she always said she’d never had a vagjnal orgasm before.
The first time I ever got a blowjob, the guy was mesmerized, I was still so young and he was in schock my dick would probably still grow, he kept getting objects and comparing to it, saying "wow" all the time. I already knew I was big cause I saw my friends naked, I just didn't know my size was so rare...
When my one of my first boyfriend's friends saw me naked and commented that I have a (relatively) big cock. My boyfriend's cock was longer and thicker than mine, so I wasn't aware that my cock was also big.
I didn't start dating until college and my first sexual girlfriend was going down on me for the first time, stopped, looked up at me and said "Wow!". I said "What?" and she replied "You're huge!"
I said "Really?" and she said "Yeah, one of the biggest I've ever had" and returned to giving me head. At some other point, probably in post-sex chatter, I asked about her previous relationships, and it turned out she was quite experienced for someone in their early 20s. When she wasn't in a serious relationship, she tended to fuck any and every guy she liked, just for fun. So I was in her top 3 size-wise of about 30 guys before me.

When I was with the second woman I got the same type of reaction, and with the 3rd, 4th, and so on and so on. Every woman who has experienced my erect penis in any way has commented on how big it is. A few women in my past were sexually liberated and had experienced being with many men over the years. They all put me near the top as well.

When penis size survey results were first published online, that's when I saw that I was in the 93-98th percentile in length (7 inches) and the 98-99th percentile in girth (6 inches). Then came sites like LPSG and calcSD - Penis Size Percentile Calculator and other that all confirmed the same thing ... I've got a big dick. Not the biggest, but often the biggest most women have seen or experienced.
One of my close friends bragged about hooking up with a guy and how he had an absolutely massive cock. I ended up hooking up with the same guy later and I was bigger.
Did you know how big your friend was?
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I never thought I had a big cock until I got with a girl that I knew had A LOT of experience with many other cocks and when she asked me to take it out, and I did, her immediate response was, “Oh my God. Look at the head on that thing!”

I have since heard from many women that it is sizeable.

Regardless, I like it and the ladies do, too.
I never thought I had a big cock until I got with a girl that I knew had A LOT of experience with many other cocks and when she asked me to take it out, and I did, her immediate response was, “Oh my God. Look at the head on that thing!”

I have since heard from many women that it is sizeable.

Regardless, I like it and the ladies do, too.
I’ve had the same experience!