Why do so many young men obsessed with fitness use roids and tanning booths even though we’ve known for decades that they’re dangerous?


Worshipped Member
Dec 1, 2015
Fucking (Upper Austria, Austria)
99% Gay, 1% Straight
I know you could also ask why anyone smokes cigarettes these days, but at least with nicotine there’s a chemical dependency that forms the addiction. Why would anyone start using roids when we know roid use can lead to heart issues, and even heart attacks, and why would anyone use tanning booths when we know they can cause cancer? And even if someone does start using these things out of stupidity or ignorance, why do they continue? Do they develop a psychological dependence?
I know you could also ask why anyone smokes cigarettes these days, but at least with nicotine there’s a chemical dependency that forms the addiction. Why would anyone start using roids when we know roid use can lead to heart issues, and even heart attacks, and why would anyone use tanning booths when we know they can cause cancer? And even if someone does start using these things out of stupidity or ignorance, why do they continue? Do they develop a psychological dependence?
Why do people smoke cigarettes?
Why do people smoke cigarettes?
Do you not read or have you been on roids yourself? I literally answered that in what you quoted. At least with cigarettes, nicotine makes the person chemically dependent once they start. What’s the excuse for people who continue to use roids or tanning beds?
Blame toe so-called "role models" and the influencers plus so many are bubble heads who have to fit the mental picture
I agree, 100%.
Today's generation lacks positive role models and natural beauty.
I'm 25 and I feel that way.
I feel so bad for teenagers today who feel like they have to use roids or fall into addiction, just because they want to be physically fit.
Do you not read or have you been on roids yourself? I literally answered that in what you quoted. At least with cigarettes, nicotine makes the person chemically dependent once they start. What’s the excuse for people who continue to use roids or tanning beds?
I don't mean to come off as an arrogant twat. LOL
I do come from a family of addiction, though. Some drugs are psychologically addictive, such as THC (the active ingredient in pot). With bodybuilding, there is a high that you get from having your muscles pumped up to where you think that they will explode. Gear will allow you to continue doing reps, allowing you to feel the pump even more, but without the fatigue that a natty would experience. Gear will also make you feel horny as fuck at the drop of a dime. Then, there's also the pressure from online media to look like a superhero and fuck like a porn star.
With regards to tanning beds, I suppose that some people think that having darker skin is more beautiful. Having a "tan" implies that you have "fun outdoors" and that you have an "active lifestyle". But tanning beds are no where near as prevalent as they used to be.
Now I hope that I didn't come across as "man-splaining" lol.
Interesting topic.. moderation in anything is key. Roid use can be done safely, the problem is guys take it too far and especially at a young age. Same with tanning beds. I dont think tanning 15 mins 2x/week is a biggie....now when u take it to Jersey Shore levels, lol diff story.

Testosterone is amazing. In the end it really comes down to guys wanting to be superior to others and as in life, everything is geared towards sex... Bigger muscles, tan, higher libido = more women.
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15 minutes in a tanning bed twice a week? That’s not “moderate usage”.

UV light is as carcinogenic as cigarette smoke *and* it irreversibly ages skin. When you’re 23 and dumb, you don’t care what you’ll look like at 53.
15 minutes in a tanning bed twice a week? That’s not “moderate usage”.

UV light is as carcinogenic as cigarette smoke *and* it irreversibly ages skin. When you’re 23 and dumb, you don’t care what you’ll look like at 53.
I'm not saying its good for long term, hell I dont even use em anymore. only time I've used them really in the past is to get a quick tan in the winter and then let the sun do the rest during summer time. But when you're young you do all sorts of crazy shit, thats part of the life cycle
I'm not saying its good for long term, hell I dont even use em anymore. only time I've used them really in the past is to get a quick tan in the winter and then let the sun do the rest during summer time. But when you're young you do all sorts of crazy shit, thats part of the life cycle
The same goes with gear. Most people cycle responsibly and monitor their organs, and then go off of the stuff when things start to go wrong. It's those who ignore the side effects who drop dead in the prime of their lives.
The internet, as a great a place it is for information and entertainment (ala LPSG), comes with it marketing and imagery greater than anything found in magazines and television commercials I ever grew up with. Social media "influencers" have really brainwashed a lot of people into what it takes to be healthy and what being healthy looks like. Even me, an adult male, can admit that I have body issues and envy those who have great physiques, etc. It'll take a strain on anybody's psyche to see ripped studs advertising supplements, workout plans, and all sorts of things on all the different social media platforms we have now.

I'm finally coming to terms that I'm not going to hit the genetic lottery and become an adonis, but what I CAN do is try to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I'm no power lifter, but I try my best to be in shape after being obese for much of my life. Sometimes you gotta live for your yourself and not to the expectations or the to the bar that today's advertising has convinced the current generation they need to meet.
The same goes with gear. Most people cycle responsibly and monitor their organs, and then go off of the stuff when things start to go wrong. It's those who ignore the side effects who drop dead in the prime of their lives.
yeah. A lot of the general public doesnt grasp that idea. I've been in gyms for 20+ yrs and have known plenty of guys who cycle on and off thru the yr and are fine. I use test, (TRT so its a little diff) I'm 43. But I will boost it up once twice/yr to bulk. Moderation is key
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The internet, as a great a place it is for information and entertainment (ala LPSG), comes with it marketing and imagery greater than anything found in magazines and television commercials I ever grew up with. Social media "influencers" have really brainwashed a lot of people into what it takes to be healthy and what being healthy looks like. Even me, an adult male, can admit that I have body issues and envy those who have great physiques, etc. It'll take a strain on anybody's psyche to see ripped studs advertising supplements, workout plans, and all sorts of things on all the different social media platforms we have now.

I'm finally coming to terms that I'm not going to hit the genetic lottery and become an adonis, but what I CAN do is try to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I'm no power lifter, but I try my best to be in shape after being obese for much of my life. Sometimes you gotta live for your yourself and not to the expectations or the to the bar that today's advertising has convinced the current generation they need to meet.
Yeah you cant compare yourself to guys with insanely good genetics and doing tons of gear on top of that. I've come to that realization a few yrs ago. I like to lift weights ,have 20 lbs more muscle than the average guy but I dont care about 6 pack abs cuz I wasnt meant to have em lol. I wanna have my pizza and hamburgers beers etc while still working out and being a big dude . My theory is the muscle hides the belly lol
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One thing I've learned: Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from poor judgement.

By the time I crossed the big 60 I'd had multiple skin cancers removed. I surfed for a good part of my youth. The older guys always told me to wear sunscreen. But did I? Not very often. But I do balance the damage with my total love for surfing at the time. But a tanning booth? No way.

Now roids..? No fucking clue.
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