A date with a woman who reads Valerie Solanas

So, I went on a date with someone I met on an internet dating site. We met up over at the Cube in the East Village. Headed over to a few vintage shops. Made fun of laserdiscs. Had a few drinks at Cheap Shots, and then had hot chocolate at Max Brenner.

She seems really cool. She told me her favorite book is The SCUM Manifesto by Valerie Solanas. Hahaha, having read that... I think that's funny considering my favorite author is Bukowski, but she said not to worry as she wouldn't cut my balls off.

She's a writer and a singer, too.

I think she's cool. I hope she thinks I am...for reasons I'm not getting into I have to turn my phone off for the next few days so I won't be able to know if she's contacting me.


You shouldn't have to wait for her to contact you. Call her, text her, email her. Not alot...just once. Tell her you had a good time and would like to see her again.
she sounds like a keeper,
i agree with nicenycdick...make contact.
ever check out nicole blackman or anne sexton?
she may dig those writers as well.

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