
The first leg of the relocation went smoothly. I arrived in st. louis tuesday evening to a group of friends happy to see me and we went out and had a great time.

I returned to my friend's 2nd floor apt. where i was going to crash before leaving for dallas wednesday morning. as the last thing before bed i took my dog Boris out.
we got 6 steps from the ground level and all at the same time he wrapped his leash around my ankles AND spotted a rabbit that he lunged for.

Unprepared for this, i flew through the air and landed on the concrete below on the right side of my face.
I got out of the hospital last night.
The good news is - no bleeding on the brain or in the eye.
The bad news - my right cheek bone and bone structure around my right eye has been shattered. Officially called "right orbital blow out fracture and facial".
The pain is excruciating and the right side of my face looks like i have been beaten with a baseball bat. I am to see the plastic and reconstructive surgeon next week about putting my face back together.
The job i was to have interviewed for could not wait to be filled, so i lost that job and am waylaid in st. louis pending surgery.
So - that's what's up with goodwood.


Shit. You have to somehow keep your spirits up, Goodwood. Sometimes nothing seems to fucking work out in life...this won't last forever. Get through this and good things will await you. It's how it all works...most of the time.
Oh WOW! I am so sorry this happend to you. That is awful news! I'm so glad that your brain is okay. Hopefully after your reconstructive surgery you'll heal quickly and things will start getting better. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers!
Well firstly I am glad you're alive!
When I first started reading that thread about you I was nearly sick thinking something worse had happened! :(

Isn't it horrendous how accidents like this happen, so quickly, so stupidly and throw such a huge spanner in the works! Very scary!

That said, you sound like one helluva a guy and though the next few weeks/ months will be tougher, and very different from what you had been expecting... I know you'll rise to the occasion and get through it.

I also know you'll be just as good looking soon as you were before, so don't panic, just keep taking the pain meds and trusting it'll all work out!

God bless you Goodwood

I will be praying for your complete recovery. Your beauty however is thankfully not only external. Your beauty is also an internal thing that will not diminish with age and that is an even rarer gift. Please try to keep your spirits up and know that you are loved by many people here on the board.

Goodwood that is terrible news, not that part about no brain trauma .. that is good news. Hope you feel better soon and find a job easily and quickly
OMG mate so sorry to hear about this, hopefully everything goes well with the surgeon and the surgery there after, really sorry to hear about this. Hope you get well soon mate! x
Best of luck to you, goodwood.
You've had a bad patch, but that won't last.
I hope, after you're a bit mended, that you find another good job.
Sorry to hear about your accident. I hope you recovery is full and speedy.
Ugh man, that blows. Moving is harder than anyone thinks it's going to be -- and "accidents" happen when we are exhausted. When I got to California from Chicago I bashed my leg open on a simple bike ride and then fainted when I saw my bone sticking out. I mended, I settled in...

Keep your spirits up -- remember it's not the destination, it's the journey!

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