Another One?

So today - wednesday - i had a post-op follow up with the surgeon.
He was amazed at how well i was healing and how quickly. I asked him why and he told me that one week after such a surgery to have so little exterior bruising is remarkable.
That's great. But since this morning i had been so nauseous from the pain. Even after the apt. i was feeling very unwell.

I had made plans to meet up for a drink with the best frined of my ex. We had always gotten on very well. She had dated a good friend of mine and we co-miserated our break-ups with people that we were good friends with.

We met up for a drink this afternoon. This woman who is 36 when she was dating my friend had a few extra pounds but when she walked into the bar, OMG! WOW! She had lost a ton of weight and looked so hot i honestly wanted to just walk out and go somewhere and have sex with her.

So one mohito led to a second, a third, a fourth, a beer, then off to the next place to sit outside on the patio for a couple more beers.

People walked in with a 4 year old blonde headed little boy with a buzz cut and the kid was so cute and so spirited and funny and i admired him. So of course talk turned to kids and how much i wanted them.

As it turns out, she was very open to having a chold - with me. Another one. Her soe is 18, her daughter is 14. She very much wants to have another child yet she enjoys her career and knows that i am grea twith children and plan to be a hands on father and that it could be a good situation all around.

As well as things were going and as hot as i found her, she found me also hot...and invited me back to her place, but i became very ill from the pain in my face and was in no shape to provide what i am so good at.
While she was disappointed, she invited me out this weekend and again extended the invitation to spend the night.

SO - a friend from high school thought we could have a child together, but she is in DC and moving to London. Another one that would also like to have a child with me is up in Canada but this one is right here and willing and able. Of course we talked about financials etc. So it's not going to be some spur of the moment thing, but its nice to know that i am still desirable both for sex and for fatherhood/partnerhood.


I'm glad to hear you are healing so well; but I worry about you drinking while on prescription pain killers. :redface: I know, I know you already have a mother. :rolleyes::tongue: Just my way of saying I care. :hug:

I agree, few things feel as good as knowing you are desired, :wink: especially for people like us.
C...buddy glad to see the goodwood has take it easy babys now..get life together..first....

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