Being Professional

I don't even know where to begin with this situation. Several people in my group have left or are leaving the firm. The group is made up of 6 support staff and our manager. One person was encouraged to leave, another turned in notice and that leaves 4. When I realized what was happening with the other employees, I debated on telling my boss that I had also accepted a position elsewhere. Though I am leaving, I don’t want her to be left out in the cold without the support staff she needs. After, discussing this with a friend and fellow co-worker I learned that this person was leaving also and in a similar situation to where she would be giving her resignation later in the year.

We decided to speak with our boss together and give her a heads up that we would be leaving closer to the end of the year. Immediately after we finished with my boss, she went around to a couple of other managers and talked with them about the situation. After, speaking with the other managers she decided to pull me into the conference room alone and tell me what I did was unprofessional and that she did not understand why I decided to leave. I don't completely agree that it was unprofessional, but the resulting gossip is definitely unprofessional. I did my best to explain myself to her though I really did not have to. The only thing I owe her is two weeks, however, because I am offering her over a month. I also apologized for presenting the issue to her with another co-worker. When I was asked to meet in the conference room, I assumed our meeting was going to be her trying to counter or change my mind about leaving the firm. Who knows, maybe that is what she was trying to do, but now I feel like there is some anger and animosity between us and would not consider staying because of that.
In my explanation, I tried to make her understand that my decision to leave was not malicious in any way. The job I have accepted will position me so that I may accomplish several of my personal goals, such as, furthering my education, retirement and who can pass up the benefits the government offers. In addition, this position is one that I turned down to take this job. Opportunities like this do not come back twice. Whether I like or not, I am going to try it.

Since that day, a lot of gossip has been floating around the office and people that I used to go to lunch with have been told not to go with me. It is unfortunate that our group decided that it needed to dismantle but we did not make the decision as a group, it was individual. She really believes that we decided to do it together to make her look bad. She also said I should have spoke to her earlier and maybe she could have done something. The funny thing is that I did speak to her; there was a situation with another co-worker earlier in the year that had me considering leaving. I went to my boss about it and told her if something were not done, I would consider other opportunities. I reactivated my resume online and was contacted regarding a government position I had interviewed for previously. At that time, I decided that my next move would be one that I would not regret.
I must also note that she has not spoke to the other person at all about the situation and during our meeting, she asked me what she should do about the 2 remaining. I told that she needed to talk to them and that they were expecting her to speak with them. I thought maybe she would have talked with us when the first 2 loses were announced.

Do you all think what we did was unprofessional? I would like really like to hear from managers so that I can better understand her position. We either would have spoken to her one after the other or did it together. Either way, it was going to be a slap in the face.


It's obvious she fealt threatened by all the people leaving. She would have preferred if those who left would have told it earlier so she could find new people. Now she has to do it more in a hurry to stay productive.

You don't have to blaim yourself anything. It's normal and completely fair to take every chance you get.

The only unprofessional thing in this blog is that your colleagues were told not to lunch with you again.

Don't think about it anymore and enjoy your new job.
You weren't unprofessional at all. It's just chance that so many people have decided to leave at once. (Or is it? Is there something lacking in the work environment? This is a lot of departures at once.)
In any case, giving her a heads up of a month is more considerate than giving her the required two weeks.
She should be able to see that you were trying to do well by her.
If she doesn't, it is not your fault.
If you can simply not worry about it, though that's difficult, you will be doing the best thing.
Thanks, guys. I really appreciate the comments. Our work is dependent on a strong economy and when the housing market and retail sales slowed so did our work. A lot of the people were concerned that there jobs were in j[FONT=&quot]eopardy[/FONT].

I will enjoy my new job. I have only had one job I didn't like.
If anything, your boss was very unprofessional, particularly given that you gave her far more notice of your departure than you were legally obligated to give her. While I realise your news was probably a shock to her, she could have handled it better. Instead she treated you like you had done something wrong and encouraged your peers to ostracise you. This is tantamount to workplace bullying.

I do think there must be something wrong at work for all those people to be going at once. How it makes her look is not your concern. I also would not worry about how your boss is going to cope when you go. Again, it's not your problem. I wish you all the best with your new job.

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