Being thyself

After a hard week of working my ass off and having a bit of a rough weekend I sit here behind the computer thinking what I'm going to do next week. I've got a lot of work to do, 3 deadlines to make and I need to do a stop motion / Adobe after effects project in just under a weeks time. :eek: I have no problems with working overtime, I've got 2 weeks of paid holidays to look forward to. We're off to London and a few days at a bungalow resort with the board members of a foundation I make the ad's and posters for. Is it just me or does hard labour always go down better when you know that something nice is going to happen in the nearby future?


When I was 14 I played junior league football at the soccer club in my hometown. I sucked as a football player, so thank the good lord for television and computers, but I was good for team spirit because my dad always brought soft drinks to all the matches. After each game or training session, the team would get rid of the football apparel, hit the shower, get dressed, and go home. We would all shower together and sometimes, there's one in every team, a person starts making remarks about penises. I was called horsedick and the only black guy on the team was called chocodong. Soon after even people I know outside of my soccer team where referring to me as horsedick.... It continued like this until the end of my soccer carreer (which was at 17). Years later one of the guys who had come up with the name admitted, after 5 pints of Heineken, that he was then suffering from penis-envy. It's never fun to be called anything at school, at soccer or at work. And when he drooled out his excuse it almost felt liberating... I always think of Annie Sprinkle when things from the past like this come to mind, and her philosophy is that anyone can have sex and be loved and should share sex and love no matter what deviation or dysfunctions they may have. I've grown over a lot of scrutiny and self-hate ever since.

ohh almost forget I've got a blog in dutch on
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It's never fun to be called anything at school, at soccer or at work.

I find it curious how many times later in life I've encountered former friends and schoolmates and heard them express some kind of half hearted remorse that they'd participated in the nasty things that happened during childhood. They'd either begun it or tolerated it out of fear of being outcast themselves. For expediency's sake they'd just gone along with the lockeroom namecalling, ostracization and other "Lord of the Flies" type behavior that children so often engage in.

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