its been a good one LPSG.. idk if i came on too strong.. or if i was asking too much..but to those who resented or appreciated.. its been fun!! later ..
off at ten, but ill have an open pad tonight.. im looking for a nice big cummer to stop by and cum down my throat and leave.. especially those BIG uncut kinda guys.. anyone in San Diego,CA tonight.. please message and let me know!! see ya when im back.. hopefully theirs a stud out there looking...
just wondering whats up... i DONT do anal, but ive been craving an interaction with a huge (obviously) 8-9inch cock or more with huge cumshots like... a preston parker or rico strong cock motha'll be my first bj otherwise and im looking forward to it..but i want a HUGE load in my...
So, last night I was watching an episode of weeds with my girlfriend of four years and it happened to have a short skit with lexington steele.. i laughed and admitted that he was one of the porno stars in a DVD i had. She was interested and it all went from there. We had sex last night and...
so, i unfortunately locked my keys in my car.. and as i waited... out of no where my old roommate/best friend from like 06' just so happened to pull up and we had a convo in that parking lot. The thing is, we were really wild back then and i remember having a threesome with this man and an old...
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