Bruce is Touring Again!!

Springsteen announces world tour

NEW YORK — Bruce Springsteen's Super Bowl performance will be a teaser for his upcoming world tour.

It officially kicks off in San Jose, Calif., on April 1. He's also headed to Europe, hitting countries like Spain and Sweden.

The news comes on the day he releases his latest CD, "Working on a Dream."

On the Net:


Woo hoo! I'm going to see Bruce again!
:dance: :arms: :dance: :arms: :dance:


That's good news. I saw in the paper he's going to play in Austin this tour, so maybe I will try to see him too. Never have before.
Penis Aficionado, dude you have got to go! I have seen him in concert 6 times and my best friend has seen him 22 times. He has a way of making a stadium feel like a cabaret. I just love him to pieces. :heart:

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