Caffeine and me

I think I have a caffeine addiction. If I don't get any when I wake up, I have a hard time getting thru the day.

I didn't get out of bed until noon today. Then I went back to bed for a hour and a half at 3:30. I'm ready to hit the hay right now, but don't want to.

I should go out tonight.


Do you have a regular sleep pattern? And do you regularly get enough sleep on any given night? There might be more to your inability to cruise through the day without the aid of caffeine.

Whatever it is I hope it's not affecting your health to dramatically. :)
I have a semi regular sleep pattern. I get about 6-7 hours of sleep a night. I'm going to my doctors tomorrow and am going to talk to him about a bunch of stuff.

Thanks for the input. :)
Don't listen to these fools! Coffee is your friend.

I'm the same way. Can't get going without coffee, although it might be the taste that I'm addicted to. It's just a part of my "wake-up" routine.

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