Chat Avatar get your own!

how to get YOUR avatar to show up in chat..
1, the stock avatars from the site are not showing up in chat
2, NO, well get one
3, Yes, well right click your avatar that u have on any post or your homepage etc... SAVE to your computer (say the desktop)
4, start up in browser, go to CP, (that means Controlpanel)
under personal options- Edit Avatar click that
5, click the radio button use custom option
6, then u have to upload the avatar from your hard drive :smile: and remember NO NUDE AVATARS (well unless you want an immediate banning :eek:)
7 TADAAA you should have an avatar like all the other cool ppl in chat


x704 i am glad your here to keep us all in the know about important things like that .... it helps !!!!!
a bit of a random comment, but I found it surprising that we aren't allowed to have nude avatars, don't get me wrong I do appreciate the decency
Well those are the rules and it is a bit quirky, about nude avatars. I'm sure there is some type of reasoning behind it that makes sense.

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