CNN = Boring

You like the joke in the title? Little joke with the whole CNN = [blank] thing they got going on. No one's laughing? Okay, moving on.

I liked watching CNN, especially when I write. Keeps some background noise on without being something that is interesting, and on the off chance something interesting happened, there it was. But after the election, there was nothing. Nada. They blew their load, busted their nut, third ejaculation metaphor. They had nothing to talk about. We had a president-elect, end of story.

I swear the week after the only commentators were homeless people pulled of the street. They were making hypotheticals that Michael Bay wouldn't make a movie about. Instead of talking about Obama's plans with rising debt and failing infrastructure, they were posing things like, "What if rabbits became mutated and developed a taste for human blood? How would Obama handle it?"

What? Really? Nothing about the war? Going straight to vampire or zombie (depending on your taste) bunnies?

Now at least they can talk about the vetting process. But that still is boring as driving though Kansas (sorry to the Kansasites, but you state is flat and boring). If I ran CNN I would get some comic book and movie nerds to talk about insane fictional character choices for cabinate members. At least it would then be interesting. "Well, a great Secretary of the Treasury would be Bruce Wayne." "No it wouldn't nerf herder, Tony Stark would be better. And Secretary of Defense should totally by Frank Castle." At least there would be a chance of a nerd fight, and that is a beautiful thing. Plus, the nerds drooling over the female hosts would be classic. You haven't laughed until you heard nerd pick-up lines.


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