Enjoying Life (read Safe Sex)

About ten days ago, a peer here wrote a long Blog entitled "Voices from the Past."

The Blog writer share an event from his past that was very personal and how he personally suffered the loss of a loved one.

The Blog shared the fact that an individual from the past had greatly "wronged" him by lying to have sexual activity with another person.

Admittedly in the moment of passion and/or lust between young people in the late teens, adequate protection was not employed.

We can all learn from this tragic story. In the end the Blog Poster did forgive the person who had harmed him, but just think of the many, many sexual encounters happen each day among a new crop of our societies youngsters. Do they always practice safe sex. I suspect not.

Just check the teen birth rates and you will know the answer for yourself.

My purpose today is to encourage everyone to educate their young family members about the consequences of unprotected sexual activity. We can do no less. We all have a morale responsibility to help our fellow people kind.

Why, it is the only correct thing to do.

I would like to think that we can all adopt this mantra in our lives.

We do the right thing.

We do these things at the right time.

We do these things for the right reasons.

In closing, Thank You to the Blogger who wrote the Blog which inspired me to post this Blog.

It could not have been easy.


Well said Hung and very true. I try to educate my kids as much and as often as possible now that two of them are hitting that age of exploration. There are so many scary things out there sexually now that we didn't have as kids.

We have to secure their safety as much as we can. Thank you for your thoughtful and thought provoking post.
I educated my kids well when it came to sex, but I also tried to teach them about what to expect from a relationship. Ideally I think sex education should come from the parents, but not all parents are able to answer all questions without embarrassment and then the schools should have sensible sex education programs to make up for the short fall - unfortunately I think most schools don't handle sex education well, teachers aren't immune from embarrassment and at the age they begin sex education they're often faced with a class room of pubescent kids. Sex education should begin when kids start school, that way they become acquainted in easy stages with it, it's a process of learning that can take place gently over a number of years so kids never have to go through that stage of feeling 'ick that's horrible, I'm never going to do that,' I think learning at a younger age teaches children more easily that sex isn't something to be ashamed of but also that it sex isn't some holy grail and your aim should be to have it as quickly as you can.

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