
Gods I hate this laptop sometimes. I lost my job due to labor 'm trying to re-seed my applications around the town where I live. Lord Lovely is also suggesting applying for jobs in Springfield, though I mislike that idea because it costs us all money in gas and gives Lady Lovely one more excuse not to look for a job for herself to pay off her student loans and take some of the financial burden of her spending habits.

I've thought of going to school to study those things that I'd like to pursue as careers (yeah, that is an intentional plural, I can't get it through my head how some people can sheer off or turn their backs on parts of themselves in order to pursue one particular path) but I always fear that I'll spend money that isn't mine (really) to fund studies that trap me in a career that I learn to loathe. Or else I'll struggle to work and study only to find that the degree I've managed is obsolete or useless.

It's times like this that leave me equally determined, directionless, and hopless. As contradictory as that sounds.


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