Get a life

So a certain self-righteous fratboy jock decided to post this comment on one of my pictures:

Okay, look -- You've got unique look -- very angular, good body, nice face, obviously a good size penis and plenty-o-pubes, but you need to bulk up your obvious potentially beautiful body, which will just further your appeal. The whole grave yard, classic darkside image just is not going to cut it -- it's a vague attempt at shock value! Come on, apply yourself and you'll be better for it in the end -- I sincerely mean it! Rating: 3.00

Thankfully I'm proud to be me -- even if I don't meet up to the impeccably high standards of this Simon Cowell wannabe.

Clearly this site is called LPSG for a reason. I don't remember where it says you have to have the perfect body builder physique to enjoy big juicy cock.

There's no point in critiquing my apparent "flaws" in some roundabout condescending fashion, if you don't even know me as an individual.
Why should I "bulk up" to be more stereotypically beautiful in your eyes? I've got am extremely high metabolism. So sue me. At least I'm healthy and fit. I'm not a model nor am I even claiming to be perfect. This isn't an audition site for the next top model.

And shock value? Please. I don't go to graveyards to scare people. I like peace and solitude. If you can't handle who I am, then maybe that says something more about your limitations than my own. I've already got my own life, and wouldn't change that on a whim because of one random person's opinions of me on the Internet.


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