Giving me the big "O" first is my #1 rule.

I love the thread today on pussy depth.

I've always been able to handle the big ones as long as I'm good and aroused. It seemed to take years though for me to get the courage together to tell men they don't get the privilege to jump and pump until I've already had my first "O". ... and it's got to be fingers, tongue or toys, not penis. Is it just me or do you guys not realize how much women need that first one out of the way?

I'd love your feedback!

mmmmmmmmmm... yummy

Update: July2010: It's weird... since my new man, this has completely changed for me. I am so aroused by him that I don't care what comes first, second or third! Yeah baby... just bring it on.


thanks ozzy... i love very willing and open men. I'd let you play as long as you like.
I find it's easier to give most of my lovers orgasms with penetration after one or a few oral ones.
It seems to make the pussy swell from all the blood engorgement, which feels nice and tight!
Thanks dongalong! Good to hear you know how to please your lover and yes, that engorged pussy is just as good for you as it is for us! ;)
well it isn't that men don't realize anything dear, it's that so many women tell us that ALL women like what they want
look at threads by 'GreatDickIsMyDrug' she HATES to be if yous hare we'll do what you like (with boobs like yours especially lol)
I could ask a lot of questions but I'm sure I'd get such a variety of answers that I might as well just write about my own experiences, wants, desires, explorations and sensations. I love a man who really takes his time eatin my pussy. I mean lots of time everywhere but my clit until I just can't take it anymore. I like all the licking first ... lots of licking like a big saint bernard's tongue would accomplish -- they can rescue me anytime! ;) ... then i want you to suck on my labia and i mean SUCK, lick, one at a time and then both of them together, really getting them engorged and thick.. I'll probably orgasm before you even get to my clit if you keep doing that -- then i want more tongue licks from the bottom of my slit all the way to the top.. just barely touching my clit... driving me insane with anticipation, forcing my clit to get harder and harder cuz it wants your attention so badly ... your hands massaging my butt cheeks the whole time and even pushing my legs apart harder and flatter, pinning me down while i buck into your face or grab the back of your head and shove your tongue in deeper and deeper while i'm about to explode a volcano of sweetness into the depths of your mouth. God i love a man who loves to eat!
Agree - must women prefers to be warmed up by fingers, tongue or sex toys. And for at man it's indeed nice to feel the woman getting more and more excited!
I like to give way more than I like to receive,I also get really turned on if a woman gets off.It gets me real hard.Usually I like to start giving pleasure with my fingers, than my mouth. Once the pussy is really wet, I finish off with my hard throbbing dick in a wet inviting pussy. I wish I would meet a woman like you !
Hi Chica ive always been a man that loves to eat. I love to eat on my knees, you sitting on my face etc. I just cant resist

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