Goodwood's Very Bad News

So on june first i arrive at my cottage in michigan. i had given the renter 3 months notice that i would be back on june 1st. plenty of time to find another place.
when i arrived i could not believe the horrific state of my house. i left it fully furnished with antiques. nearly everything was smashed and broken and much of it was not even there.
it seems the renter decided to THROW AWAY my feather stuffed sofas from 1961 because they were old and he didn't like them! OMG!!!
one of my vladimir kagan tables was smashed. a 170 year old oak chair with carved lion's heads for handles was smashed.
there were piles of trash and garbage piled waist high. windows were smashed out and broken, the stove door was nearly ripped off. he had poured motor oil on the wood floors, he smashed my flat screen tv. the destruction and filth was unbelievable and THEN this ass hole tells me he isn't going to leave!
so i informed him that i was going to the police station and return with an officer.
he thought i was bluffing. i wasn't. i went to the police station and explained the situation and an officer offered to return to the house with me. i declined and said that should i require assistance, i would let him know.
so - my 1934 antique filled bungalow was destroyed beyond recognition. i had to live in a hotel for 3 days while i emptied the house and sorted through everything i had carefully collected which was now 90% gone and what was left was destroyed. i left my house and drove around and sobbed.
when i called the woman who recommended this ass hole to tell her what her brother had done to my house, she said "you rented the place to him, not me. i'm not his mother. i'm not responsible for what he did. fuck you" and she hung up the phone on me!
i have since learned that the renter is actually schizophrenic, an alcoholic and a drug addict. of course his sister knew all of this when she suggested him to rent my house because he was living at HER house and she wanted him out. wow.
so yeah - tens of thousands of dollars of damage and loss. i am very sad about that.
i have since sanded the floors and refinished them, am having windows repaired, have spent days restoring the english perennial flower beds that were overgrown with weeds five feet tall, repaired holes in the walls and repainted everything.
so this was what i found when i returned to michigan.


That is truly horrific. I can't even think of what to say in consolation... there are real monsters out there with absolutely no concept of their own behavior. I hope you'll itemize the damage and press charges.

We had a schizo resident here at our condo complex whose mom in NY bought the unit just to get him 1,000 miles away from her. He ended up terrorizing the residents and it took about 4 years and 50 visits from the police to finally get him off the property.

You say you're sad, but you ought to be furious. When "renter" finally leaves your property I hope it's in handcuffs. My rule for being an absentee landlord is to always use a local property manager; every realtor in town offers the service, and it invariably pays for itself.

I am so sorry to hear about this outrageous event. It almost renders one speechless. THis is exactly why my family no longer rents out our properties. We have had to basically remodel them everytime we have had a tenant. To the tune of tens of thousands of dollars worth of damage. It really makes you wonder. I know it is absolutely incredible but I hope there is one way this can be resolved.
Man, I feel for you, bud. :frown1: *sigh*

It seems that there are way too many fuckups in the world.

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