I hate not sleeping

I feel I'm going out of my mind. I am under a ton of stress from my job. I'm a teacher. I don't think I'm particularly great in my craft, yet. However, I think the kids really enjoy being in my class. It's the administrators that just detest me. I think it's because of a variety of reasons: excessive absences (i get sick easily), inexperience, and unconventional views that clash with the school's culture.

all the stress from the admin's giving me shit is making it hard for me to sleep. plus, the fact that i am taking graduate classes as well is really wearing me down. i'll come home at 8:00 after waking up at 6:00 and be just burnt out and fall asleep.

Like tonight. I had a 3 hour class after a day at work. I fell asleep at 9, and woke up at 11:30. I don't think I'll be able to get back to bed. So, today. I'm going to have to drink a bunch of those energy shots just to keep from passing out. This is not healthy.

In short, I just wish I could get 7 hours a night. Is that too much to ask?


my job gives me a lot of stress. very physical too. if your body is tired do what it tells you to do. i call it following its natural body rhythm. take the nap. sometimes for me i'll go to bed after supper for a few hours and fall into a deep sleep. sleeping is also a stress reliever. so take naps when you can.

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