I need pussy-soon!

I really need for this work day to be over -and soon. I'm working a half day this week and next since I'm taking a couple of days off at the end of this month to compete in a Triathlon. I already regret having to work today though. Not 15 minutes ago I'm in the bathroom here -since I had way too much coffee this morning. I haven't been sleeping so great since my cock really has hit pre-fuck mode I think and I'm getting semi or even flatout full erections in the middle of the night. But I'm standing there taking a leak (with my eyes closed- I always pee with my eyes closed for some strange reason) when I hear someone beside me. Not 2 seconds later I get a "Damn Sean, that things fuckin huge". Ok -so I have to open my eyes and turn and see who this fucker is, although I'd pretty much recognized the voice anyway. We have this other intern (second year) who's a real asshole. Fat assed, big mouthed "know it all" who's pretty much an obnoxious sore on everyone's day. And why the fuck aren't there side guards in the bathrooms of this multimillion dollar Brickel sky scraper anyway? I kind of glare at him and he gives me a "can't wait to tell the ladies they're right about you after all". Since he's to the right of me I reach up with my right hand and am about to take his head and slam it into the wall--well not really but I want him to think that I am. He sort of blocks it with his left forearm--and goes "hey man -chill--I'm just giving you a complement" Fortunately I'm done, zip it, head over to wash and continue to glare at him silently in the mirror so he can see me when he turns around, I head out with saying a word. Fucker. Of course I know and fully understand why I'm so edgy. 4 weeks with no relief actually normally feels pretty damn blissful (at least for me). I love the feeling I get from it. The super sensitivity and the wonderful fullness in my balls. Ten days to 2 weeks is actually the hardest point -then it gets easier -although I have no idea why that is. But the most important aspect is the impact it has on the upcoming fuck. It's the thing that controls me and not vice-versa. Its why I sometimes "Zone out" and have to go on like auto pilot to distance myself a little from the girl (or in this case the lady) to not be too overwhelmed by the pussy that I end up coming too fast. Not that that's ever been a problem. I can always go for at least 30 to 40 minutes with no danger of cumming -but I like to go nearly an hour and a half -before I cumm if I can . I'm also edgy because its now Thursday--Mrs I is supposed to arrive back home tonight. She texted me a really cryptique message yesterday that I'm not even sure I understand. But it certainly appears like were on and for late Friday night. I've just been on a real emotional roller coaster of a ride heading into this. All my teenage memories of her -I keep remembering -and the more I do -it seems like we both had an attraction to each other. But I can't forget how that really hit Defcon high alert last summer after she got a glimpse of "all of me" -and I knew that she had. But now whats really fucking with my head is something my little brother said when I had him over to the condo on Monday night (and made him Lasanga-which he loves -and is fortunate since its about the only thing I know how to cook). I mentioned something about Mrs I -and it being a shame that Dad and her don't get along. But my little brother (who's now 17) and not so damn little said - "dude-that's just a cover up".To make a long story short -he's under the impression that she and my dad may have had a fling shortly after we moved here. FUCK ME. I actually really don't believe it at all -but it's now done a major mind fuck on me nonetheless. As if I didn't have enough issues with my father as it is. Now as I keep thinking -almost non-stop about her incredible body -and that fucking -absolutely fantastic looking PUSSY GALORE of hers (you don't have to believe me -just check my pics folder if you don't)---now when i think of what it's going to feel like when I enter that paradise -now I have to wonder if the BULL has been there before? Ok -fuck - I have a meeting at 11:00-and shouldn't even be doing this now anyway


Put the dad thing out of your mind.... Show her that younger is better and fuck her lights out. I'm pretty sure she will go ape shit when us start to unload.... ;)
Sean, I'd say give up rite now.
A guy liek U not overwellmed by pussy?
But do yah bezt, Sean.
And report back by 0230 ours.

Man VERY hot...I totally know how u feel with not getting any in so many days...going on month 2 here and im above and beyond the need!! Plus me being a scorpio on top of it is not helping.
hey sean, just don't think about the dad part. Plus your bro dosn't know for sure. Everything will work out as it should. I wonder if your bro has already done her? HUMMM.
As good looking as you are why do you go so long without sex?

You could walk anywhere and have hot young or older women any night of the week?

Is she coming to you new place? Make her dinner there it might "mind fuck" her that you can cook. Not being just a pretty face might shock her?

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