I wrote this in March 2006

Women and Self Esteem

There are many aspects to self esteem .

When I see a beautiful woman it is natural to feel a little intimidated at first , but because I see the Goddess / Spirit in all people I have an appreciation for their loveliness and personalty .

I see that women tend to compare ourselves to each other . Our differences in shape and each curve may be unreasonably scrutinized deciding that every difference in the size of each feature is superior to our own .
Are all flowers exactly the same ? We are like flowers , each one a beautiful creation intended to be diverse . We are not like some species all looking alike(like baboons -I hope not HAHAHA) . One shape is not necessarily superior to another . (btw-what color is a baboon's ass?fuscha?) LOL

We can appreciate the beauty of each other and know that as we change with age we have different qualities that we can appreciate in each other .

Please remember that misogyny is our enemy not the curves of womanliness . Do not wish to be a tiny teen forever .

Embrace the blessing of fertility and motherhood .
Any barren woman who longs for a child or endures infertility treatments would gladly wear your broad hips if it could make her a mother .

The reason Victoria Secret models look good is because they are made up in glamorous clothing , shoes , and makeup in a studio or an exciting stage show . Don't buy in to hype and propaganda . Lingerie-get in where ya fit in !

Manikins are made to be easy to dress and undress and to fit in shop windows not as an example of an ideal body .
Remember that we are beautiful ,each and everyone of us .

Now what about the boys ? Boys are made of , how does it go , something , snails and puppy dog tails ..oooo

I would rather bleed than be one of them . I like men too , but I don't know how to be with one . I find them fascinating and puzzling .
Women are strong . No one stays beautiful forever . It is our heart and soul that must shine through . If we are fortunate we will become very old one day .

Appreciate everything that we have . Sight , hearing , good joints , memory , fertility or the relief from it , and most of all your capacity for love .
Be Blessed ,(real name)


Can someone comment so I can understand why the changes are relevant and what all of the differences are,please.
Thank You for all your help.
This was re-wrtten by my helper.

Here is the rewrite blog.

Woman and Self Esteem

Is very natural to me to feel intimidated when I see beautiful woman at first because I see the Goddess spirit in them.

I see that woman tend to compare themselves very often to check the differences in curve and shape in their bodies to decide who has the "superior" features.

Woman are diverse like flowers. Like happen in flowers diversity make us beautiful. Human aren't like other species, that all members of the species look exactly the same. ( Like Babbons- I hope not hahahaha)

We can appreciate the beauty of each other and be aware that our quality change as we age.

Girls grow up ! Don't be a teen forever. Remember our real enemy aren't the curves of woman , it is that misogyny.

Embrace the fertility and motherhood because woman that can't have kids would give anything to have that privilege.

Don't buy the hype and propaganda . Many models look that good because they are artificial. This illusion is created by the clothes and the make up that they wear.

I would rather bleed than being a man . I like men too but I don't understand them. Men are fascinating and puzzling to me.

Beauty will fade away to all people and specially to those that are fortunate to reach the very old age.
We must appreciate everything that we have like : sight , hearing, good joints, memory and fertility or the lack of it.

Blessings to all ( real name)
What I think is that I jump around too much so that the points don't seem to have anything to do with each other.
I'll get someone to help me in person so I can put down what I'm really trying to say.
Thank you this helps a great deal since i can see what my writing says to the other person reading it.
The content of your blogs are good but the sentences need to be written in a more organized way. I suggest that find a tutor when you can . You need a tutor in person that guide you better in this. An internet tutor could work but isn't the same . Some doubts that you may have can be explained better by a tutor in person . Good Luck . :smile::smile:
Oh my God! You know damn well that you didn't write this.You don't have the wherewithall,smarts,or the coherent thinking, to be able to string together a sentence, never mind a whole paragraph.
Who did you steal this from,faker?

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