Ice Queen

I'm going to be a bitch
If you approach me like some common bitch
Don't throw a fit
Don't lash out with your wounded pride
This pussy, you'll never get inside
I don't want to see you jerk pull cum or stroke
An offer like that is really just a sick immature joke
Ice is in my veins and a blizzard is behind my eyes
I really am getting sick of all the dirty guys


Why you really sick of all the dirty chics and why you visit the LPSG forum you have your own choise what I respect.
I can appreciate a large penis without being bombarded by solicitations to "view my cam" or "take off more baby" blah blah blah
I understand!!! Right! Most of the guys I even talk to are the ones that show me there face not there crotch...
that's exactly how I am I want to see a face not a crotch. Seriously I wish the people on here would understand that in the real world they're more than just a dick, of course unless they prove me wrong with their personality

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