Infid3l and Kristina


We're a married couple- Infid3l turned 40 this year and I'm right behind him at 39.

We enjoy learning from others and sharing our experiences.

We post vids and pics in various places, but we put all of the more recent stuff we've released here: (Infid3l's working on remastering our old videos; funny, we still come across them now and then out on the 'net).

We have been having a hard time keeping up with things recently (between our day-to-day lives and keeping up with being members of various forums / sites), so if you are wanting to get a reply from one of us on a forum post here on LPSG, give us a PM to let us know; be sure to say if you're looking for Infid3l or Kristina to reply... We enjoy reading through the forums, but we miss some really interesting stuff (and we try to not necropost but just can't help it sometimes :tongue: ).

If you have any questions, please PM us to let us know.

- Kristina


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