Live, Enjoy & Fuck what others think..

I recently came to the point in my life where I can really give a fuck-less what some people may think or say regarding what I do. I recently turned 27 and I must say that at this age I'm NOW at a point where I'm experiencing and exploring different things. As a teen I didn't partake in the typical horny boys 'bonding' sessions with friends while watching porn, or circle jerks, etc. All this didn't take place until my junior/senior year in college which wasn't much due to me being in a committed/serious relationship with my now ex-girl. From the circumstances there was not much room to 'explore'.

I find myself now exploring, doing things I never thought I would do and it's cool with me. I never even heard about LPSG until recently and I must say, I am appreciative for this open outlet. To see that there are many young/middle-age/older guys out there who share the same thoughts, fantasies, experiences, wishes, issues, ideas etc like myself is great. At the end the day we are all on LPSG for one thing or another, we all do what we do for one thing or another and it's all good.

I say live life, enjoy, get off however you wish with whomever you wish and fuck what others think. You're the captain of your own damn ship, such is life and such is a nut, so bust one freely!


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