LPSG members thoughts would be appreciated

Me being a new member I'm not familier with all the in's and out's of this site. When I joined it was to see what other people were up to and have fun. In my advantures on here I have met many interesting people and had great conversation. One thing I don't get is members that have an attitude. I don't see that having a place here. Trust me the first time I had a dude want to blow me it caught me off guard and I was a little pissed, but there was a LPSG member that made me see it's fantasy, thanks. Now to my point. Human nature is curiousity and advanture and this site provides that. What I don't get is people treat this site as reality. I'm going to venture to guess that out of all the "let's hook requests" less than 1% actually occur. There are times when people just want to talk and this is a place to do it but don't put to much weight into it. Peoples intentions are not to hurt others on this site but remember it's not real. Well let me clarify the pic's are. :") Hey I'm not bitching, love all of you, just some thoughts. Please feel free to give your thoughts.


LPSG has some parts that are rougher than others, but the tone here has always been much sharper and more pointed than in other spots on the web. There are also groups of like-minded friends who are more likely to support each other than attack or belittle, but that's just human nature.

Personally, I find that the tone here has, if anything, lost a bit of its snap lately. But that's because there are a lot of regular, long-term, high-quality posters here who for one reason or another have stepped back. When and if they return remains to be seen.
Anytime someone with a lower character threshold is able to post anonymously, there will be chances to act an ass. Just the way it works. It's just a simple matter of filtering out the weeds from the blooms.......

As for hooking up, Nothing ventured, nothing gained......
Could you please clarify "members that have attitude", what is attitude to you? Also, what you have written here are things we've discussed. So I have to ask, what happened?

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