Middle of the night with you

Middle of the night. I reluctantly move away from your warmth - but I have to pee. Coming back from the bathroom, I see you've rolled onto your back. One arm is thrown over your head and your other hand is resting on your chest. I've told you how much I love your chest. The light covering of fur and the heat of your skin - it's my favourite place to lay my head. You've kicked off the covers and one leg is bent to the side and your sweet cock lies curled against your thigh.

You look so vulnerable and so incredibly sexy. You snore lightly and it makes me warm inside. I know how tired you were last night. So dragged out and completely exhausted. So much work - so much pressure. I don't want to wake you, but you look so good.

I walk back to the bed and kneel beside you. I look down at you - your face peaceful. I really shouldn't interrupt your sleep. I really shouldn't. I fight with myself. Will you be upset if I wake you? Will you push me away? But I can't help it. Maybe you won't wake. Maybe I can just touch you and you will think it's a dream.

Leaning over I kiss your cock. No movement and I become braver. I stick out my tongue and lap at your balls. So heavy and full. Warm and your skin smells so good to me. I dig my tongue between your balls... separating them and pulling one into my mouth. Sucking and lapping.... and then to the other. Still no movement from you so I become even more brazen. I run my tongue up your soft cock ending with kisses at the tip. Ahhh... movement. Your cock twitches under my lips and tongue. I look up at you.... you're eyes are still closed but your snoring has stopped. I kiss your cock again and cup your nuts with my hand. God you are so warm and open to me right now. I kiss and nibble up your shaft and I feel you harden as I reach the tip. Your slit is just peaking from your skin and I lap it... holding your cock and pressing my tongue into the hole. No drops yet...... I just want to feel you in my mouth and under my hands. I begin to stroke up your shaft - pulling the skin up and then back down again. Licking and sucking and pulling the skin up over my tongue. Your cock is hard now and I think I catch a drop on my tongue. Oh baby... you taste so good to me.

One hand is stroking your nuts, pulling, twisting the way you like it when you're awake. The other hand makes long hard strokes up to my mouth... I am sucking just the tip... using my teeth and my tongue to play with the rim under your head. Your weight shifts and I glance up at you... your eyes are still closed but you seem to be breathing heavier....

I suck you and lick you and taste you. Your cock is now oozing into my mouth and I moan softly because I love your taste so much. Baby... I whisper... I love your taste. I love your cock. Now I take you deep into my mouth... starting to fuck you with my throat. It's easy right now... no thrusting.... me in total control... swallowing your thick dick inside me...my hand helping me to fuck you with my mouth and my throat... the other hand pulling and twisting your sac. I hear you moan... and you shift under me... I feel your hand resting on my head, gently... and I keep fucking you with my mouth. I suck and swallow and lick and kiss and stroke and am fucking you hard now. I feel your balls tighten and I know you're going to cum.. oh baby... I love when you cum... makes me feel powerful and sexy to know I can make you cum... and when you cum... with soft groans... the milky streams filling my mouth and throat.. and I swallow you... when you cum... it's heaven to me...

You empty yourself into me... and I keep my mouth on you til there is nothing left.... your hand stroking my hair... I nuzzle you... hold your balls in my hand... my lips sticky with your cum....

'Come here baby' your voice raspy and thick with sleep. I move to lie beside you and you tilt my chin up to your lips and kiss me. I know you can taste yourself in my mouth and you lick my lips cleaning me. I lay my head on your chest... thigh drawn up against you with your wet cock pressing against me... my hand strokes your chest... and we drop back to sleep.


You already know that I am one of your most devoted readers. This story evoked memories for me. I have always found sleepy/dreamy sex to be incredibly romantic and feel it epitomises deep, true intimacy with one's partner. Admittedly, he dozed while you did all the work. As a lazy, self-indulgent male, this is fine by me! But I have been known to repeat the compliment, finding it very erotic to be kissing and licking and gently penetrating while my partner half-dreams it all!

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