My Day of Pleasure

I spent today at home, alone, discovering myself.
I woke up this morning (naked) and have stayed that way since. I thought I would take advantage of the fact that I had the day to myself. I stroked a bit in bed, stopped, ate brekky and started pumping again. I planned on "edging", repeatedly taking myself to the brink of orgasm and then stopping. I just couldn't resist, though. I pumped harder and faster until I took myself over the edge, having one of the best wanks of my life. A huge load of sweet boy-juice spurted all over my stomach out of the tip of my cock, which felt like the devil was stroking it was so good. I licked some of it up and smeared the rest all over my torso. I felt sticky and messy in all the best possible ways.

I eventually had a shower and got myself cleaned up. Of course I still hadn't put on any clothes. After a few hours of hanging out naked the temptation of my gorgeous pole got to me. I plonked myself on the couch and proceeded to drive my hand up and down my hardening shaft. Once again I tried to draw it out but it felt too good to stop. Up, down, up, down, tug, tug, tug, I could feel it building up. I felt that overwhelming sensation of pleasure in my cock and again I burst forth my boy-seed. It came out lovely, white and sticky. I cleaned myself up once more and found some other ways to keep me entertained.

A few hours later as I was bored I started playing with it again. At first it was just silly stuff like flopping it back and forth, swinging it around etc. but then it started to swell and I knew what I needed to do. Now, usually I don't use any lube but I thought that junior might appreciate it for the third time today. I used my spit and precum, and spread it all over my cock. I started to massage it up and down, going nice and slowly. I kept it up, slightly increasing my speed as time went by. I could feel it coming, and was determined to make a great one. I squeezed my cock nice and tight and tugged as hard and fast as I could. Let me say now, it was orgasmic!

There is nothing like spending a day at home, alone, pleasuring yourself all day long. The best thing, though?
The day's not nearly over yet...:wink:


There's nothing like self pleasuring all day long. I like to include anal masturbation with a vibrating butt plug. Nothing hotter than feeling your prostate swelling with pleasure . I could do this for hours at a time. Rocking on the plug along with slamming pumping the thing in and out building a good fast pace can really get your ass gaping and feeling awesome. The cum is so rewarding.

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