My Spanish Mechanic

Many of us have cars. And for those of us that do have them, we seek to maintain them in good order. Preferably at the dealer.
However, when seeking dealer service for the vehicle it ends up being more like pull your pants down, bend over, get fucked and then pay the dealer for this.
I have taken my cadillac sts to the dealer never walking out the door less than six hundred dollars less for having the place simply open the hood and look at it.
After a couple of dealer visits i expressed my distress to my friend that owns a tree service. he told me that i had to take my car to his mechanic. ok. so i did.
i had this little, short, fellow from Spain - i thought he was mexican and made the mistake of saying so - he HATES that people think he is mexican. he is from SPAIN. he is SPANISH.
ok. so five foot two garza has worked on my car a couple of times before. the car needed something replaced called a coil pack. so i got the part and arrived at garza's place this morning at nine thirty.
he replaced it then realized that i needed another part. so we went to get the part that was needed.
before we left he asked me if i had eaten breakfast. of course i had not. i don't eat breakfast and told him so. he insisted that he make breakfast for me.
well this was unusual for a car fixing guy.
i was in no position to say 'NO' and so in we went to his house and he made an incredible omelette.
so i was served at table and began to eat and my spanish mechanic said "HEY! did you PRAY?!"
i was like 'what?'
he repeated himself. I replied that i had not.
he told me to pray before i ate.
umm. ok. so i lowered my head for a bit and said 'thank you for the food and getting my car fixed for less than dealership rates' to myself. and that seemed to make the spanish guy happy.

the food was excellent. the spanish guy explained to me how he learned to cook by taking home ec. when he was 14. all the hot girls took that class so he took it. and as a result, he learned how to cook and ended up marrying one of the hot girls 31 years ago.
good for garza.

so the car is fixed and running well and after leaving garza's i stopped by friends for cocktails.

she is an older woman that i had played with, her man of the moment is a guy i had worked with in the past. nice to see them both and their new chinese crested puppy.
incredible dog.

anyway - will see dog owners out tomorrow at super bowl party with strippers. hot women sans clothing in my face. OK.
i will permit this. lol.


I'm okay with all but one part of your story. The Chinese Crested has to be one of the most consistently uber-ugly dogs ever to walk the face of God's green earth. :yuck: It looks like a Siamese cat and a Yorkie had a baby and then that baby went through a chicken plucker. :tongue:
Yes, dealerships are a means to only rip us off and nothing else. Back in 1974 I bought a new MG convertible (beige, black rag top) and within one month the toggle switch for the headlights simply fell back inside the dashboard (all I did was try to turn on the headlights) and then one day while winding down the driver's side window the handle came off in my hand. This is back the the day with Leyland Motors Ltd. was responsible for MGs, MGBS, etc. After several attempts at trying to get these small problems fixed at the dealer (they never did, but charged me as they had), I ended up with an independent mechanic named "Snake" who I basically kept on retainer until I got rid of that ride.

The next time I bought a car, I bought it through Snake. Fuck the dealers.
Damn, I forgot this was a blog and not the "Fictitious Stories" thread. I was really hoping for some Spanish lessons in love... ;)

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