Older Women

Just curious...How many guys here get into older women???


I love women whether they are older or younger/bigger or smaller. Being at the gym,I've met many women in their early 50's that were extremely sexy and have had sexual relations with them. My fiance is 26 and she might be more appealing to many men than an older woman would be,but at the end of the day,the older you are,the wiser you are in or out of the bedroom
You should clarify by "older women" do you mean older than the man, or do you mean women of a certain age (over 40, over 50, etc). I've definitely gotten into (literally) women older than me, but the oldest was maybe 8 years older.
Hahahaha A friend of a friend called me a cougar today just because I checked out a couple guys at college.
I'm all about older women. I tend to be attracted the "cougars" even if others disagree. Their age automatically adds sexy points 4 me : D
Over 50? Dang, I'm not there yet. As for that guy at college....hmm I might have some fun with him...hehe

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