
so i think every pe'er has two goals one the dick i'd feel comfortable having, the penis of my dreams and the all out i am one with the phallus of creation mega dick.lol. for me ive already reached and gone over my comfy 8 and heading toward my dream of my 9 3/4in by 6in dick, but nothing short of carpel tunnel will stop me from attempting to get a 11 inch fat headed monster dick with 7 inch girth you just got to love the feeling of no blood in your brain lol but to complete my dream i really want huge heavy low hanging balls each about the size of a large tangerine or hmmm id wish the size of a billiard ball, you know just enough to feel comfortable around a stud bull and make everyone else at the gym feel like they havent hit puberty yet lol.


That be hot man I have a 9.5x6. I would love for my dick to be 10.5x8 and my balls the size of a cue ball..i would go free balling or wear my jock to the gym always...wait I do now..lol

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