Pet Rescue, Day 2

This afternoon, i heard "Kilo" dog next door that i took in last night, barking away and so looked at what he was arking at and 3 of the five children next door had gone outside to actually play with the dog.
This was a wonderful thing to see. The dog was SO happy to be played with. the boys played fetch with him and he promptly fetched the sticks and the balls. the dog was smiling away and wagging his tail jumping around, and it was nice to see the kids doing what boys do - run around outside and play with their dog. this lasted all of five minutes.
so tonight promptly at nine o'clock i went next door and brought Kilo to my house.
as i approached he wiggled around and picked up a 3 goot long stick as a greeting - if you have ever had labs. you know this is what they do. lol.
i didn't want to take his stick away so let him carry it in the house. he ate and drank and began to chew his stick up in the study and living room - huge giant mess.
i played fetch with him and his stick but my black lab thought it would be fun to beat the new dog in retreiving the stick first.
so i closed them off in the kitchen and porch/mudroom and there they both are - sharing the stick as they each chew on opposite ends. lol.
i will call the animal control guy tomorrow and have him pay a visit to the house to let them know that if they insist in keeping him as an outside dog, that they must have a dog house and bedding and food and water available.
so that's the update with pet rescue, day 2.


Good work goodwood! Just be careful. Vindictive neighbors can be the worst thing. Be on your best behavior with them.
Good luck with your situation.
It's a sad situation when ppl do this with animals. Kinda makes you wonder why they purchase them in the first place if they don't want the responsibility that goes with it.
thanks Jason - i would not have thought of that.
i will be calling the animal control guy tomorrow.
thanks master blaster. it will be ok. that dog will be fine and well cared for one way or another.
Thanks for having the balls to help this dog. Thank goodness many folks like yourself are not worried about vindictive neighbors. The helpless without a voice (children, the elderly, mentally impaired, animals) depend on us to advocate for them. I admit I'm a bit biased. I
see horrors daily and I am always, always, always so GRATEFUL for those that took a risk to make the first call. Without them, saving those that need to be saved would not happen. THANK YOU.

Keep me posted via PM if needed.
I may have missed this, but I don't recall that you have spoken to the neighbors about their dog. If not, I would suggest that you first let them know that they have an obligation to properly house and feed their animal. If they decide to ignore you, THEN a call to animal protective services would be in order, I think. Diplomacy always works best as a first step, especially with neighbors.
Listen if they have kids they should know that they must provide for the animal nnyd but I do agree that it wouldn't hurt for GW to ask them if they'd like him to place the dog or take him on as his own.
A dog shouldn't be chained up to a damn tree and left outside even if they have a doghouse.
What is the purpose of just abandoning him to a yard in winter or any time of year?
I haven't seen any dogs do well that have been left out this way with minimal interaction from the owners. It makes me wonder how the kids they have are treated if they abuse the dog this way. Don't let them bully you into not intervening GW what you are doing is most assuredly saving this poor dogs life and he seems happy to be with you and your dog.
Bravo and thank you for doing the right thing!

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