Prison Bitch

I went to a costume party last weekend as a prison bitch. It was basically the best costume at the party. It was also a social experiment for myself.

I'm not a traditionally "sexy" guy and I've always had conflicting issues about my body and what society says is attractive. So this year I decided to fuck the system and wear sexy-ish costumes for Halloween.

As I mentioned before, I went to a costume party as a prison bitch. I wore a cutoff prison jumpsuit and a tiny t-shirt. It was clearly the most revealing outfit any of my friends had ever seen me in and I got some...interesting comments.

"Oh. My. God. I LOOOVE your costume," was the most common comment.

"Wow, you have a nice body for a big guy" was another one I got a couple times.

"Didn't I fuck you in the pen before?" That was from some drunk paisano that I probably would have let fuck me if he wasn't drunk.

Mixed in there were the bitchy stares and some eye-rolls...but I was expecting those. You know how haters are (lol!) It was pretty much a positive move for my self-esteem.

I only have one more event left and I'm wearing a similarly revealing costume on All Hallow's. Short shorts and an afro. I hope it goes over as well as the other one did.


glad u had the balls to just do what you wanted to do...have fun at your next party!

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