"I never use a condom when im fuckin your mindframe"

haha, good ol' axe murder boyz

well things are going pretty smoothly for a sunday afternoon here.... its pretty pathetic im still with my rents, but this was the only place i could think of i'd be safe enough to unwarp my head from my crazy summer on the streets.

my family is green. philly eagles green that is.. haha.. every one 18+ is THAT green anyways.. but yeah... we are up against the giants today, right now its 20-11 && we are up...

a girl liking the NFL??? yeah, i know, i rock...

so all the kids are running around screaming && i hear my parents screaming upstairs.... the game is on at least 3 TVs in this house... yep... just a normal sunday in my house....

im loving the warm welcome im getting on this site.. && if im hollered at im way nicer in reply, i let them know i have a boyfriend, but boy, oh boy, do i like friends....

most of my friends are guys anyway.

i'll blog tonight if anything blog worthy happens....



haha. how are you enjoying this pennsylvania weather? im loving it.

and also, everyone knows those stillers are PA's best team. ;)
What the hell is a "stiller"?
Someone who concocts booze?
Did you mean "Steelers" as in Pittsburgh's team?
yes. it's a pennsylvana thing, like saying yinz. or y'all in the south. pittsburgh stillers!!!!!!!!!!

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